"This..." Ji Huan looks hesitant.

At this time, see Xue an with a wave, a sword suddenly flashed, directly into the heart of Ji Huan's eyebrows.

Ji Huan felt a cool forehead, but in addition to this, there was nothing unusual, so he was stunned.

Xue an said faintly: "now you have a sword in the sea of knowledge. As long as I order or you have other evil thoughts, your head and your spirit will explode together in the next second, and then even the sage can't save you! So I hope you think it over before you speak! "

Hearing this, Ji Huan's face was full of fear, and then she understood it and nodded to Xue an.

"Yes! Understand? It's a little difficult, but I think it can be done! "


After that, Xue an's eyes flashed.

Ji Huan felt that the bondage on his body disappeared instantly, and the whole person collapsed on the mattress, panting for breath.

Xue an still look back a few steps, quietly watching.

Until enough time passed by a cup of tea, this Ji illusion just calculate to breathe even breath.

Then he turned over and sat up, and saluted Xue an with his face full of panic: "I've seen your grown-ups!"

Xue an waved his hand. "No! When do you think you'll be able to leave for the prison? "

Ji Huan frowned and calculated for a moment, and finally said with a face of awe: "my Lord, this matter can't be carried out in a hurry. I have to inquire about the news first. I think it will take at least three days."

"Good! I'll give you three days! But you have to remember that if you have any bad thoughts Xue an exposed white Sen Sen's tooth, is full of the cold kill idea's smile.

Ji Huan shivered all over and said in panic: "I dare not dare. Please rest assured. I know which is more important."

Xue an nodded, "that's good! Let's go

With that, Xue an turned to leave.

Ji Huan is in a hurry to follow.

But when he got to the door, Xue an suddenly stopped, and then turned aside to get out of the way. He said faintly, "you are in front of you! Remember to be the same as usual, don't show any horse feet! "

"Yes Ji Huan naturally understood that Xue an did this to prevent others from suspecting.

After all, with Ji Huan's character, how can you tolerate others walking in front of yourself.

This makes Ji Huan secretly admire Xue an's thoughtfulness. Then she puts her hand on the door handle, takes a deep breath, sorts out her mood, and puts on that arrogant look on her face. Then she pushes the door out.

On the corridor outside the door are the maids standing in front of them waiting to be summoned.

After seeing Ji Huan come out, these maids bend down in a hurry and give a gift together.

"Yes, ma'am!"

Ji Huan didn't even look at these people. She walked forward with arrogance.

And then Xue an came out.

When hearing his footsteps, many maids could not help but glance at Xue an secretly.

When they saw Xue an in white, the maids could not help but be shocked. But soon, their eyes became a little strange.

Especially when you see Xue an walking far behind Ji Huan, she is full of ambiguous color.

Just at this time, Ji Huan, who was walking in front of her, stopped suddenly, and said without looking back: "remember to tidy up the room, and That bed has to be thrown out for me, too

After saying that, he strode away.

The maids stood in front of each other.

What do you mean?

Why throw the bed out?

Don't she like this bed best?

The maids thought about it, and then they went into the room.

The room is very tidy and there is not much room to clean up.

But these maids were all stupid.

Because the big bed, which occupied half of the room area before, actually disappeared.

To be exact, it should be turned into powder all over the floor, leaving only a intact mattress on the ground.

The maids were staring at it, and after a long time, they heard someone say it with a voice that was almost groaning.

"My God, how hard it must be! Even the bed has been shaken to powder? "

And another maid said with a look of admiration: "just that young man in white looks very thin. I didn't expect to be so powerful!"

The tone seemed to be full of envy.

And the rest of the maids are also deeply convinced.

Soon, this matter will be with the mouth of these maids quickly spread all over the Dingtian Xuan.

A lot of people are happy to talk about it, embellished with embellishment, to this matter covered with more ambiguous color.

Xue an didn't know about these things.In fact, even if he knew it, he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

His mind at the moment was all focused on how to enter the prison.

They didn't even pay attention to the ambiguous or strange eyes when they came back to the banquet room.

In fact, before he came back, in the dining room, mother Chu had been chatting with drunken dream and others.

But soon, each other fell into silence.

Drunken dream and others are worried about Xue an's safety.

Mother Chu did not take this seriously.

But she didn't expect Ji Huan to come back so soon.

According to the past experience, we can get dark at least.

What's going on today?

Are you not satisfied? But it doesn't seem to be dissatisfied!

Mother Chu's face was full of surprise.

And drunken dream and Yu blade and others can't help but breathe after seeing Xue an.

Anyway, Xue an is safe and sound!

Wait until Xue an returns to his seat.

See Ji mirage toward drunken dream a smile, "drunken dream sister, I am a little tired today, let's all go down to have a rest, what's the matter, let's talk together tomorrow, OK?"

Drunken dream has no opinion naturally, nodded to answer a way: "everything depends on elder sister to order!"

Ji Huan laughed and then took a deep look at Xue an. Then she turned her head and said, "mother Chu, drunken dream sister and all the guests will be arranged for you!"

Mother Chu nodded hastily, "yes!"

Ji Huan left.

After that, mother Chu led drunkard and others down and arranged a room for them before leaving.

When all these people are gone.

Drunk dream can't help but some can't wait to ask: "adult, what's the matter? This Ji Huan... "

Xue an was drinking tea at this time. When he heard the drunken dream's question, he put down the teacup in his hand and said with a faint smile, "she doesn't dare to disobey her orders now!"

After hearing Xue an say this, zuijianmeng and Yu Ren looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

They don't understand, Xue an only went for such a while, how to subdue the lady Ji?

But Jiang xunnan, who had never said anything, suddenly asked, "that What are we going to do next? "

Xue an raised his glass, took a sip of tea, and then said softly, "I gave her three days. After three days, everything will come to light."

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