Xiaotian didn't return to Li Hentian, but left directly through the special spatial structure of this prison.

Although Xiaotian's strength has not reached the realm of Da Luo, he can't cross the heavens at will.

However, because the cultivation system of Chinese gods is different from that of ordinary practitioners, Xiao Tian is the absolute partner of Erlang God King, so he has mastered a lot of secret arts.

In addition, due to the different constitution, Xiaotian can travel freely among the heaven.

But this ability also has a big limitation, that is, it can only be used on oneself, and can't carry family members.

This is why Xiaotian can't take Jiang xunnan away with him.

In this regard, Xue an can only sigh, and then lead the people to leave the prison, to leave Hentian.

At the moment, from Hentian, but already fried the pot.

On that day, the sun and the moon turned upside down, and the earth and the earth vibrated, which made all the strong men in Hentian tremble.

Because many people can feel that the breath of Li hen, who once took charge of the heaven and earth, is rapidly disappearing.

The original order in this part of the world has been broken, so there will be such a wonderful scene as the reversal of the sun and the moon.

And all these signs indicate that the original master of this world, who left the hateful emperor, may have fallen.

Otherwise, he could not allow his own world to have this kind of chaos.

This idea makes all the strong people in Hentian be frightened.

After all, can let from hate the king of heaven, who has lived for tens of thousands of years, the strength of the hands-on people is absolutely more powerful.

They may even be the king of fairies, or even the supreme masters above the king of immortals.

If this is the case, then the whole distance Hentian is not enough for others.

This naturally scares everyone.

Therefore, at the beginning, all the strong people were honest and honest at home, and did not dare to have any change, waiting for the arrival and trial of the strong.

But after waiting for a few days, I found that nothing had changed.

In addition to the sun and the moon because of the loss of control and become impermanent, the whole from Hentian a calm.

There is no strong man coming, not even unnecessary changes.

This situation, so that many strong minds began to become active.

Is it that the strong man who passed by killed the king of hatred and left directly?

Or The strength of the two sides is not much different, so they fight for both sides, and finally fall together?

Otherwise, how come nobody has come for so long?

But no matter which idea, it shows that Li Hentian is temporarily safe.

Once there is no threat of life, the ambition of the strong can no longer be suppressed.

You know, this is the first day of the divine world. No matter the aura or the law of heaven, we don't want to be a second person in the divine world.

Many people have said that this Lihen emperor's qualifications are actually very dull, but it is because he controlled this blessed land that his cultivation has made great progress, and finally he became a half step fairy king, becoming one of the few great figures in the divine world.

This also shows from the side, how rich are the resources of Hentian.

But now the king of Li hen has fallen down in great probability, and the whole Li hen Tian has become the land of no owner.

Such a piece of fat in front of the public naturally makes the strong salivate.

In this uncontrollable ambition, the whole from Hentian began to fall into chaos.

And scenes of alliances. Betrayal, fighting and conspiracy are staged in turn.

In this very chaotic situation.

The Yan family also became a little excited.

We should know that although the Yan family is not powerful in this field, but because of its abundant financial resources, it is also quite famous among the strong people who leave Hentian.

At this time, because the situation of Li Hentian is very balanced, although all forces want to put the other side to death, they can not do it for a time.

Therefore, the Yan family, which can be regarded as an external force, has become a hot topic.

At the same time, various forces have thrown out olive branches, hoping to cooperate with Yan Family alliance to seize this huge industry from Hentian.

Yan Yang was so excited that he couldn't sleep at all these days. He met one messenger after another and watched the prices of various forces increase gradually.

This feeling made him excited.

Because the Yan family had long intended to settle in Li Hentian. After all, this is where the most prosperous and prosperous divine world is.

Only by taking root here can the Yan family really become a powerful family in the divine world.

But in the past, because they were too strong to hate the emperor, at most they would touch the edge of the city. Otherwise, they could not save any more.

But I didn't expect that because of Yan Meishu's words, they walked into the heaven of Li hen, and they fell to the ground and got a chance once in a blue moon.How can this not make Yan Yang excited.

Even the whole Yan family has become a little bit elated, thinking that it is just around the corner to enter and leave Hentian and become a truly powerful family.

In this almost fanatical atmosphere, only Yan Meishu remained sober.

This day.

When another messenger from other forces left, Yan Yang happily gathered the people together in the hall to discuss what to do next.

When he heard Yan Yang's complacency, Yan Meishu finally couldn't help but walk out of the queue and salute his father.


Yan Yang, who was talking about the beautiful future of Yan family, was very dissatisfied with Yan Meishu's interruption and could not help but murmured.

"Meishu, what's the matter?"

Yan Meishu pondered for a moment and then said solemnly, "father, I don't think it's a good time to get in touch with these forces."

Yan Meishu's words caused a commotion in the Yan family. Yan Yang frowned slightly, "Oh? Why do you say that? "

Yan Meishu took a deep breath, "it's very simple! Because Mr. Xue hasn't come back yet! On the premise that he did not return, the so-called conspiracy of these forces is just like the moon in the mirror. It is all illusory! Because... "

Yan Meishu's expression gradually became serious and said in a deep voice: "as long as he comes back, these forces and the so-called strong are just a joke."


Yan Meishu's words made the audience quiet at first, and then an uproar.

Because what she said is really too shocking, and what's more, the Yan family has become so elated after being flattered and courted by various forces. Therefore, after hearing Yan Meishu's words, I can't help but feel more harsh.

Even Yan Yang changed his face. He leaned back on his chair and said in a cold voice, "according to you, if this so-called Mr. Xue doesn't come back in one day, we have to wait here for a day?"

Yan Mei Shu nodded, "yes, my father!"

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