"Nonsense!" Yan Yang slapped the table and snapped.

Yan Meishu did not show weakness. Instead, he raised his head and said in a deep voice: "father, what I said is from the bottom of my heart. The rise and fall of Yan Family and even life and death all depend on the choice you make at this moment! We must not be blinded by the petty profits in front of us. In that case, we will not only give up all our previous achievements, but also offend Mr. Xue! "

Yan Yang got a sneer.

And the whole scene was a great uproar.

"Miss, what's the matter? How could you contradict the owner of the house for a person who has never seen him or who is not There was a look of consternation.

"Yes! Since she came back from fighting the edge of the city, this young lady Yan seems to be in a daze. Mr. Xue Zhang, Mr. Xue shut up! But the question is whether this Mr. Xue exists or not Some people spoke with their mouths turned.

"Who said no! If you listen to the eldest lady, it seems that all the things happened in Li Hentian were done by this Mr. Xue. But the question is, is that possible? " Some people are even more disdainful.

In the boiling voice of discussion, Yan Meishu did not move at all, but stood quietly and looked up at his father.

Yan Yang's face was very ugly at this time.

Because he did not expect that his most valued daughter would dare to contradict himself in public.

It filled his heart with anger.

But before he could speak, Yan Mengtao in the crowd had already given Shi ran to come out and saluted Yan Yang first, "father, please don't be angry!"

Then he turned his head and looked at Yan Meishu with a playful face.

"Tut, elder sister, I really admire you! How dare you talk back to your father in public? Are you not afraid of your father's chill when you do this

This may sound like an exhortation, but it is actually adding fuel to the fire.

In fact, Yan Mengtao was excited when she saw Yan Meishu come out to speak, because she knew her elder sister's character very well.

Sure enough.

Within two words, Yan Meishu contradicted with her father.

When Yan Mengtao saw the anger in Yan Yang's eyes, she knew the fire was almost over.

I just take this opportunity to eliminate Yan Meishu's prestige.

That's why she can't wait to talk.

At this time, in the face of Yan Mengtao's question, Yan Meishu's face sank like water and gave her sister a cold look.

"For the sake of the rise and fall of the Yan family, even if my father is sad, I will say it!"

Yan Mengtao was overjoyed at the speech, because Yan Meishu was playing with fire.

Sure enough.

Yan Yang's face was so gloomy that he could drop water. He snorted angrily and stopped looking at her.

Yan Mengtao was more and more proud, so she said with scorn: "Yan Meishu, don't say you are disrespectful to your father. I only ask you a word. Are you so sure that the so-called Mr. Xue will appear?"

Yan Meishu nodded, "of course! Because when he left, he said that the man he was going to deal with was the master of this realm, Li hen Tian Jun, and as a result, you can see that Li hen Tian Jun is dead! This naturally shows that Mr. Xue has already done it! Do you have any questions? "

Many people in the Yan Family turn pale when they hear the words.

Because no matter how to say, Li hen Tian Jun is really dead. How can we explain this?

But Yan Mengtao didn't care at all. Instead, he said with a sneer: "good! Even if Mr. Xue showed great power and killed Lihen Tianjun, didn't you think that more than ten days have passed since the accident, and he hasn't appeared for such a long time, will he die with Li hen Tian Jun? "

This sentence moved the audience.

"Yes! He is a strong man of half step fairy king. His strength is extremely strong. Even if it is really Mr. Xue who killed him, he must pay a heavy price! Maybe it's the end of the world Someone said.

Everyone nodded.

Yan Meishu's face changed, and a look of panic flashed in his eyes.

Because Yan Mengtao said these words, it is not impossible.

At least Yan Meishu had thought about these things secretly more than once.

But in the end, she chose to believe in Xue an's strength and continued to wait.

But in the face of the question from her sister, Yan Meishu did not know how to respond for a while, so she stood there speechless.

"What? Nothing to say? " Yan Mengtao complacent smile way.

Then he turned to Yan Yang and said, "my father, my opinion is just the opposite of Yan Meishu. I think it is the best time for our Yan family to stay in Hentian and get the most benefit! Don't waste it. "

Yan Yang Wen Yan nodded with satisfaction, "very good! That's exactly what I think! What do you think we should do next? "

It seems to be asking Yan Mengtao's advice.

This change made many people look at each other.They all know that Yan Yang's mind has changed.

After this event, Yan Meishu is likely to fall out of favor, while Yan Mengtao will soar to the sky.

Under this, many people look at Yan Mengtao's eyes become hot.

Yan Mengtao naturally felt this change and couldn't help but be elated. Then he said with a smile: "father, I think the most important thing is to choose one of these forces with the most sincerity."

"Who do you think is the most sincere one?"

Yan Mengtao slightly pondered, "I think the emissary who just left is good! In particular, they are still the forces in the city of hatred, and their actions will be more convenient! "

Yan Yang laughed, "OK! It is my daughter as like as two peas. That's it. Now my father will give him a reply and discuss how to form an alliance. "

"Everything is up to my father's decision!" Yan Mengtao smiles like a flower, bows his hand as a gift, and then takes a demonstrative glance at Yan Meishu. His heart is full of pride.

Yan Meishu did not pay attention to her sister's provocation. At the moment, her face was as cold as ice, and she suddenly gave a light drink, "father, this must not be done!"

After that, he even stepped forward a few steps, and Shengsheng stopped Yan Yang's way.

Yan Yang suddenly turned pale and said angrily, "Yan Meishu, do you still have family rules in your eyes? Get out of my way, or I'll make you suffer! "

In the face of such reprimands, Yan Meishu turned pale, but he was still unmoved. Instead, he spoke in a deep voice again.

My father, never

"Go away!" Yan Yang was infuriated. He raised his hand and slapped Yan Meishu directly.

The crackle made the whole audience quiet.

Yan Meishu's mouth and nose bleeding, fell to the ground, his face also showed a blank color.

Because she has never been beaten since she was a child.

Yan Yang is also a Leng after the fight, but spin even cold hum, "after you go back, you will go to the back cliff and meditate for three years! You don't have to manage the family affairs any more! "

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