After that, Yan Yang left angrily.

Yan Mengtao glanced at Yan Meishu with contentment and then left with a cold smile.

After a commotion, the rest of the Yan family took a complex look at Yan Meishu on the ground, and they all left quietly.

In an instant, Yan Meishu was left in the lobby.

She sat alone on the ground, just like a abandoned toy, with a blank look on her face.

But soon, Yan Meishu's blank face gradually faded, replaced by unprecedented perseverance.

Yan Meishu is very clear that his father is leading the Yan family to the unknown abyss.

Because once Xue an comes back, all the gods in Li Hentian will probably die. At that time, the Yan family will be destroyed because of their greed.

She was willing to stop all this at any cost.

Thinking of this, Yan Meishu stood up and left firmly.

This is the most magnificent building in Lihen city. At the same time, it is also the location of the blood tiger building, the most powerful force in Lihen city.

When Yan Yang and his party came here, they were treated with super standard VIP immediately.

The owner of the blood tiger tower Guan looked at himself and led all the elders in the building to greet him personally in front of the door.

When he saw Yan Yang, Guan ZIWANG stepped forward a few steps and said with a smile on his face: "master Yan, it's my honor for you to visit our blood tiger building."

Seeing that Guan ZIWANG came out to meet him, Yan Yang was flattered.

You should know that Guan ZIWANG is a god respected man who has been famous for a long time. He has a great reputation in this heaven of separation.

Although he is known as the master of Yan family, his strength and status are far inferior to this person.

Therefore, he bowed his hand and said, "it's very kind of you to close the building."

Guan ZIWANG laughed, "please come in!"

After that, he personally led the people into the blood tiger building.

When stepping into it, the Yan family can not help but be shocked by the magnificence of the building.

In particular, a variety of ingenious and ingenious arrangement is amazing.

When you walk into the grand hall, you can see three thousand disciples of the blood tiger tower gather here. As soon as they show up, the three thousand disciples bow down and drink in unison.

"Blood tiger building, welcome Yan Family!"

Its sound vibrates the roof tiles, which makes people color change.

Seeing this scene, all the Yan family can't help but look at each other's joy and pride.

Happy at the powerful strength of the blood tiger building, proud of their value to the Yan family.

If the two sides join hands, there is no limit to the future.

Since then, the Yan family will settle down in Li Hentian and become a powerful party here.

This idea, let the hearts of all the Yan family are fiery.

Only Yan Meishu, who was at the back of the team, looked cold as ice and bowed his head.

Yan Yang was invited to his seat. Guan ZIWANG accompanied him personally, and all the Yan family members were arranged on the main table.

Then you can see the delicious food and wine presented like water, all kinds of wonderful scenery, simply can't repeat.

All the Yan family were dazzled by it, and then began to drink.

On this side, Yan Yang and Guan ZIWANG are also very happy.

"What do you think of my blood tiger building?" Guan ZIWANG offered Yan Yang a glass of wine with a smile.

Yan Yang quickly raised his glass to return it, and then said with shock on his face: "the master of Guan has the skill to control him, and the soldiers of the blood tiger building are excellent. He is worthy of being a famous school for a long time, and his strength can be called as powerful."

Guan ZIWANG laughed at his speech, then put down his glass and sighed: "Yan, you are welcome, but do you know what kind of situation I was before this blood tiger building?"

"Oh?" Yan Yang a Zheng, "Guan Lou Lord how to say this?"

Guan ZIWANG's face became ugly. A look of hatred flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "when he was still away from the hateful emperor, he was in charge of the heaven and earth, but he was extremely domineering in his conduct. Under his rule, I, the blood tiger building, could only live in humiliation."

Speaking of this, Guan ZIWANG looked up and said, "master Yan, I don't mean anything else. I just want to tell you that my blood tiger building hates Lihen Tianjun for a long time, but now the situation is complicated, and I can't eat this city of Lihen by myself. So I invite you to join the alliance. This is the heart of the sun and the moon."

Speaking of the end, Guan ZIWANG's tone trembled, very emotional.

Yan Yang was also greatly moved. He nodded his head in awe and said, "Lord Guan doesn't have to say it. Since I have led all the people here, it means that I am willing to form an alliance with you."

"Good!" Guan ZIWANG was overjoyed and gave a cheer. Then he raised his glass and said, "come on, you and I drink this cup together. It's an alliance of life and death."

Yan Yang drinks in a hurry, and then he feels closer to each other.At the same time, Yan Mengtao, who has been standing behind Yan Yang with a smile and no words, comes forward and pours the wine for them.

Guan ZIWANG was stunned. "This is..."

"Oh, I haven't introduced it to Guan yet. This is my little girl dream peach!" Yan Yang smilingly introduced the way, and then nodded to Yan Mengtao, "don't you see Uncle Guan?"

Yan Mengtao's clever smile makes her smile beautiful. She wants to make a gift. "Little girl dream peach, I've met uncle Guan!"

"Good! Ha ha ha Guan ZIWANG laughed, "the daughter of the Yan Family leader is really a beautiful woman with beautiful natural beauty! But how can I hear that the most important thing for the master of Yan's family is a daughter named Mei Shu! "

Hearing this, Yan Yang's face changed slightly, and the atmosphere suddenly became stagnant.

Then Yan Yang glanced at Yan Meishu, who was sitting in the corner. He said coldly, "the news about the building master is very good, but Mei Shu is not feeling well recently. She has not cared about family affairs any more."

"Oh! So it is Guan ZIWANG had a flash in his eyes, but he didn't say anything else.

After hearing Yan Yang's words, the Yan family looked different, but without exception, they all quietly looked at Yan Meishu in the corner.

With her eyes converging, Yan Meishu lowered her head and said nothing, as if she had no sense of everything around her.

Yan Mengtao saw this scene, a touch of pride appeared in the corner of his mouth, and then she said: "Uncle Guan, I heard what you just said with my father. Now that the Emperor Li hen is dead, what do you plan to do next?"

This question is to the point, many people have raised their ears, even Yan Yang also convergence smile, quietly looking at Guan ZIWANG.

Guan looked slightly stunned, and then quite approvingly said: "I can't imagine that she has such insight as a girl! This is exactly what I want to say. Now that the king of Lihen is dead, Lihen city is a land without owners, but it is of little significance to seize other places. Only the Lihen temple in the middle is the place to be contested! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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