Speaking of this, a touch of greed flashed in Guan ZIWANG's eyes. "Lihen Tianjun has been in charge of this realm for tens of thousands of years, and his accumulated wealth is innumerable. The hiding place is this temple of Lihen! As long as we capture this place, we will be able to grasp the most important lifeline of Li Hentian! "

Hearing of the wealth left behind by the emperor of hatred, Yan Yang's eyes suddenly burst into light, "so it is. How does the owner of Guan plan to seize it?"

"If you can't get close to the emperor's palace, you can't get close to the guard, because you can't get close to the guard. But now even Lihen Tianjun is dead, and the strength of these guards has fallen. In order to survive, they have already dispersed. Now the most important thing is how to break the protective barrier of Lihen temple! "

The more excited Yan Yang listened, the more he talked with Guan ZIWANG about the next step.

Yan Mengtao is also at the side of the company, from time to time will say a few jokes, causing two people to laugh, the atmosphere is simply harmonious.

In this case, the whole hall is also a scene of happiness. Both the blood tiger building and the Yan family think that the future is bright, so they all come together to drink and have fun.

In this joy, Yan Meishu, sitting in the corner, seems to have been forgotten.

Even if someone glances at this place occasionally, when he sees Yan Meishu who is silent, he can't help shaking his head in secret, thinking that this once famous lady will fall into a great decline and disappear.

The party lasted until late at night. At the end of the day, almost all the Yan family members, including Yan Yang, were drunk and unconscious.

Guan ZIWANG smiles and orders his subordinates to take all the Yan family away and settle down. At this moment, Yan Meishu slowly gets up, takes a deep look at Guan ZIWANG, and then turns away.

Looking at Yan Meishu's back, Guan ZIWANG's smile on his face gradually stiffens.

Although Yan Meishu was just an ordinary little girl from the aspect of momentum, Guan ZIWANG suddenly raised it. There seemed to be a lot of secrets in her back.

This feeling of not being able to completely control the whole situation made Guan ZIWANG's eyes gradually cold.

At this time, the housekeeper quietly came out of the shadow.

"What's going on?" he said

The housekeeper whispered, "it's all settled down!"

"Oh? What about Yan Yang? "

"The old slave has tried it. The master of Yan's family is really drunk and unconscious. Even his basic perception of danger has been lost!"

Guan looked at Wen Yan with a sneer, "ha ha, I believe it so easily. I'm really puzzled. With this ability, how can Yan Yang become the owner of a house?"

The housekeeper was silent. After a while, he said in a deep voice: "landlord, does that woman Yan Mengtao send to your room?"

Guan ZIWANG waved his hand, "not for the time being! Now is the time to take advantage of the Yan family. When things are over, it's not too late to play with them slowly! "

The housekeeper nodded, then bowed back into the darkness and disappeared.

Guan ZIWANG leaned on the chair, his eyes glistening, and then his mouth raised with a smile of pride.

"Do you really think I will take a fancy to the strength of your Yan family? If it wasn't for the fact that Lihen Tianjun has always been extremely defensive against my blood tiger building, even the protective barrier of the temple has been set up to strictly defend my blood tiger building, would I look for you? I still want to share the world with me. Ha ha, it's wishful thinking! "

"But the little girl named Meng Tao is very good-looking. I'll enjoy it when I've captured the temple wealth."

After saying that, Guan ZIWANG laughed strangely, and his eyes flashed with blood.

It looks like a blood tiger lying on the seat.

The night passed quickly.

When the next morning, Yan Yang's wine was awake, and he apologized to Guan ZIWANG.

Guan ZIWANG laughed, "do you and my brother still need to say this? Have some breakfast, and then we'll leave the hateful Temple immediately

Yan Yang heart a Lin, and then nodded: "do you start today?"

"Of course, it should be sooner rather than later. If we get the temple of Lihen one day earlier, we will have the opportunity one day earlier."

"Good! Let's go at once

After hearing the news, all the Yan family members are excited and ready to show their talents later.

Yan Mengtao now seems to be the absolute core of the whole young generation of Yan family. Surrounded by stars, Yan Mengtao is satisfied. He walks to Yan Meishu, looks up and down, and then sneers.

"Yan Meishu, didn't you keep saying that Mr. Xue hasn't returned and that all the schemes are vain? Now that our Yan family has formed a life and death alliance with the blood tiger tower, we are about to seize the Lihen temple and enter this realm. What can you say now? "


Everyone's eyes converge on Yan Meishu.

But Yan Meishu's face was as cold as ice and looked at Yan Mengtao quietly. Then he said in a cold voice: "no matter what you say, I still insist on my previous view!"Yan Mengtao's face changed, and then he snorted: "it's true that you can't see the coffin without tears! Then you can wait and see how I'm waiting to get the first chance! "

Yan Meishu nodded, "OK, I'll wait and see."

"Hum!" Yan Mengtao looked up with pride, turned around and left.

They all left. Yan Meishu watched coldly, but his hands were gradually clenched together. Even because of excessive force, his nails cut the skin and shed red blood.

However, Yan Mei Shu felt nothing but thought in his heart, when will you come back, Mr. Xue?

Because of the fall of Lihen emperor, the situation in Lihen city has become a mess.

But when Guan ZIWANG appeared on the street with three thousand disciples of the blood tiger tower and all the Yan family members, all the forces retreated, and no one dared to seize his edge lightly.

After all, the strength of the blood tiger building was already one of the best when the emperor of hate was there. Now, he is walking alone from the city of hatred, and no one dares to provoke him.

The large group of people rushed to leave the hateful temple.

Along the way, countless smoke and dust were startled, which made all the forces and strong people in the whole city of hatred stand on end.

Because they all know that Guan ZIWANG is going to attack the temple of Lihen.

Once successful, the blood tiger building is likely to rise, and Guan ZIWANG will become the second emperor of separation and hatred.

Under this kind of thought, all eyes converge on this in an instant.

At the moment, the temple of Li hen is still majestic.

However, in the eyes of Guan ZIWANG and others, they have lost their former glory and become a huge piece of fat, which makes people salivate.

As Guan ZIWANG said, because of the fall of Lihen Tianjun, the strength of the guards guarding here has fallen sharply. In order to survive, these guards chose to flee very wisely.

Therefore, the temple of Li hen is an empty city.

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