After waiting for the float, Zhang Xiulun tried to talk to Yu ran several times.

As a result, Yu Ran didn't pay any attention to him at all. Instead, he was next to Xue an and chatted happily.

This makes the anger in Zhang Xiulun's eyes come out.

Where are you from? What's wrong with me? What's he saying to Yu Ran? Talking so happily?

He didn't know.

At the moment, Xue an looked at Yu ran lightly, and then said, "take me as a shield, have you asked the price?"

Yu Ran said with a smile, "I don't hate that guy, so you'll block it for me first, and then in Lingnan, I'll cover you!"

Xue an is not sure.

He didn't dislike the girl, but he didn't like it.

It's just a passer-by.

Just at this time, listen to the voice of children's quarrel in front of the float, and also mixed with the cry of the little girl.

Yu Ran, who was talking, felt a strong murderous spirit. Then she found that Xue an's face changed greatly.

That look seems to eat people.

Because Xue an knew who the cry came from!

Xue Nian!

It must be his little daughter Xue Nian.

Xue an rushes directly to the front of the float. The scene in front of him makes his murderous spirit more prosperous.

Xue Nian was sitting on the ground with a corner of her skirt torn and crying.

But Xue Xiang is full of indignation and opposite a little girl theory what.

The little girl was about eight or nine years old. She was pretty, but she was full of bitterness. She was crossing her waist and fighting with Xue.

"Why did you push my sister?" Xue wants to make his way.

"I didn't push her down. She did it by herself. And I just want to wear your necklace. Why are you so mean?" Said the little girl, with a face full of insolence.

At this time, Yu Ran and Zhang Xiulun and others rushed over.

Xue wants to see his father come, aggrieved straight tears.

Xue an walked over, picked up Xue Nian who was crying on the ground, and then touched Xue Xiang's small head.

"Don't cry, Dad's coming!"

At this time, when the little girl saw the adults coming, she felt a little guilty, but her eyes turned and she saw Zhang Xiulun, and her expression was happy.

"Uncle! Uncle! These people are bullying me The little girl changed her face and pretended to be very aggrieved.

This little girl is Zhang Xiulun's niece Zhang Xiaotong. She is eight years old.

Zhang Xiulun was secretly happy.

So this guy has become a father.

And when see is his niece, can not help but more arrogant up.

He also knows that his niece is very domineering outside because of her overindulgence.

But children, bullying is nothing.

Thinking in her heart, Zhang Xiulun said hypocritically: "Oh, children? It's normal to be noisy. Forget it!"

Xue an didn't pay any attention to him, but quietly comforted Xue Nian in his arms.

At this time, Xue Nian said, "Dad, she must wear my necklace, but this is what my father gave me. I don't want to give it to her. As a result, she hit me!"

Xue an comforted for a long time, then let Xue Nian stop crying, and then looked up at Zhang Xiulun.

"What did you just say?"

Zhang Xiulun felt that Xue an's eyes were like ice, which made her hair stand up.

But he said with a dry smile: "it's all children. It's normal for them to fight and make trouble. We adults should not get involved in it."

Yu Ran frowned and just wanted to talk.

Xue an nodded. "That's right."

Zhang Xiulun breathed a sigh of relief and thought with pride that this guy was quite sensible.

Can Xue an next words, but let him be stunned.

"Children's affairs, we have to let the children solve by themselves!"

Then Xue an lowered her head and said to Xue Nian, "go, hit her!"

Xue Nian hesitated, "Dad..."

Xue an looks calm. "Didn't she hit you? Then you will call back ten times! "

Xue Nian bit his teeth and walked towards Zhang Xiaotong.

Zhang Xiaotong at this time full of face unconvinced, she is used to bullying outside.

And Xue wanted to and Xue Nian were only four or five years old. How could they beat me?

Zhang Xiaotong thought with pride.

Can wait for Xue Nian to walk to heel before and after, raise small hand, aim at Zhang Xiaotong is a slap.

Zhang Xiaotong did not react to it, was directly slapped to the ground.

Xue Nian is also a little angry, directly riding on Zhang Xiaotong, and then Xiaofen fist as if no money, hit Zhang Xiaotong crying.

It was Zhang Xiulun's turn to be stunned."You You Stop it Zhang Xiulun became angry.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "why stop? Why, only your people are allowed to hit others? "


Xue An Sen ran a smile, "you just said, children's matter, we adults had better not care about it!"

Zhang Xiulun was as embarrassed and angry as eating a fly.

Xue an looks at it quietly.

He is not abetting his daughter to fight, but sometimes, since others have bullied you, you should not hesitate to fight back.

Otherwise, it will only be bullied more severely step by step.

You should know that although their two daughters are only four years old, they have the strength of dozens of Jin after being trained with the top-level Peiyuan Dan.

It's just that the two girls are peaceful and don't know how to deal with people with this.

After a while, Xue Nian stood up and looked at Zhang Xiaotong who was lying on the ground, black and blue, crying.

"Dad is right. If you bully me again, I will fight back ten times!"

Then Xue Nian came back manfully.

Zhang Xiaotong's face is blue and purple, of course, can't continue to follow the float parade.

Helpless, Zhang Xiulun can only hold her niece, hate looking at Xue an, and then get out of the car.

At this time, Yu Ran, who had been holding back his smile, couldn't help laughing.

"Good fight! This Zhang Xiaotong is a famous bear child in the south of the five ridges! "

Yu Ran has heard of the name of the bear child in Zhangjia, which shows how angry she is.

At the same time, Yu Ran became more and more curious about xue'an.

What is the origin of this man?

I can let my daughter fight. This kind of education is really unique.

"Bear boy?" Xue an faint smile, "in my eyes, there are no bear children, only bear parents!"

Zhang Xiulun went home with her niece in her arms.

His elder brother, who is also the current family of Zhang Jia, advocates Yi at home.

When I saw my daughter coming back with a wound on her face, I couldn't help but be furious.

"Who? Who did it? "

Zhang Xiulun added fuel to the story.

When I heard that this man and Yu Ran walked very close.

Zhang Yi's face is even more ugly.

He had always hoped that his brother would marry the young lady of the Yu family.

No, this man has to find a way to get rid of it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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