
In a quiet and elegant room, Zhang Yi and Zhang Xiulun are sitting on chairs with pious faces.

For there sat a proud woman opposite them.

This woman looks very beautiful, but in the eyes of the Zhang brothers, she is as tall as a fairy in the Moon Palace.

"Come on, what is it?" The woman opens vermilion lip lightly, light asks a way.

"Fairy, my brother met a man today. He said it was very powerful, and it was not good for our family. So I..."

"Did you?" The woman said coldly.

"This Nature is better. "

The woman stood up and said, "I've lived in your family for some time. It's just killing people. It's just food."

Between the words of the woman, it seems that she doesn't mind killing a person.

Zhang Yi looked excited, "that's good, that's good! He lives in Lingnan city. "

The woman nodded. "OK, wait a moment. I'll take the head back."

Said the woman turned to open the window, directly disappeared in the night.

There are only two brothers Zhang Yi left in the house.

At this time, Zhang Xiulun said in surprise: "brother, who is this woman? How can she be so powerful?"

Zhang Yi, with a smile, "this is the top expert I invited from other places some time ago. It's called Xiang Bing, the fairy of Yuehua."

"Yuehua fairy..." Zhang Xiulun was carefree and fascinated.

Zhang Yi looks contented.

In his opinion, when the Yuehua fairy made a move, the whole Lingnan could have rivals in addition to the Yu family?

After all, it's the eighth best player in the sky.

After a day's play, Yu Ran forced a meal in xue'an, and then reluctantly left.

Xue an coaxes her two daughters to sleep, which is convenient for sitting in the living room.

It is rainy in the south of the five ridges.

So at this time, it began to drizzle outside.

Black king and Ma Cheng also went back to the room to rest, so large living room left Xue an alone.

After did not know how long, Xue an put down the water cup, light said: "since came, then come in!"


The glass door was broken, the wind and rain poured in, and Xiang ice walked in coldly.

"Someone is going to kill today..." Xiang Bing was stunned.

Because she saw Xue an with a smile in her mouth.

"You You... "

"Long time no see." Xue an smiles.

She began to shiver to the ice.

It's him!

If you know it's him, even if the Zhang brothers kneel down to beg for themselves, Xiang Bing will not come.

Because I'm looking for death!

Until now, Xiang Bing still clearly remembers the picture of Xue an killing the old man pointing the sky with one blow at the martial arts convention.

It is also said that Xue an later killed the Yu family's shejian and threatened to wipe out Lingnan seven days later.

Now that he has come to Lingnan, is all he said true?

When I think of it, I feel cold.

"Don't be afraid, then Xue an said lightly.

He sat down trembling to the ice.

"Zhang Jia asked you to come?" Xue an asked.

He shivered to the ice and nodded.

"Ha ha, it is indeed a descendant of an aristocratic family who regards human life as nothing." Xue an sneered.

Xiang Bing said in a trembling voice: "big I don't know, my lord It's you. I deserve to die! "

Xue an waved his hand. "I won't kill you!"

He breathed a sigh of relief to the ice.

"But you should know what to do next." Xue an looks at the ice with playful eyes.

To ice a Leng, and then flashed a trace of resolute color on the face.

"Good! I see! "

Said to ice stand up, a bite of teeth, will be outside the windbreaker off.

The graceful and moving curve is revealed.

Xue an was stunned, and then he couldn't help crying or laughing, "what are you going to do?"

"Big My Lord, you are not... " He faltered to ice.

Xue an helplessly waved his hand, "I mean, since Zhang Jia's hand is so cruel, there is no need to exist, understand?"

Suddenly to ice, and then red face quickly put on the windbreaker.

She thought that Xue an was looking at her beauty. What was she going to do.

She was even ready to sacrifice her innocence and endure humiliation.

It turns out that's not what Xue an meant.

Xiang Bingxin is even a little disappointed.

"Please don't worry, my Lord. I guarantee that the people of Zhangjia will not see the sun tomorrow."

Then he turned to the ice.

At this time, the black king heard the sound in the living room and went downstairs."What's the matter, sir?"

Xue an a smile, "it's OK, it's the wind that blows the door open!"

After Xiang Bing returns to Zhangjia, Zhang Yi and Zhang Xiulun are waiting for her.

As soon as he saw her back, Zhang Yi was excited to welcome her.

"Fairy, did you kill this man? Hehe, I knew that once the fairy made a move, it would be extraordinary. "

The voice stopped abruptly.

Because Zhang Yi's head flopped and fell.

Zhang Xiulun didn't respond at first. She didn't understand what was going on until she blinked.

"Brother Zhang Xiulun exclaimed.

"He's dead!" he said coldly

"You Why did you kill my brother Zhang Xiulun roared with fear and anger.

"Well, I have to ask you. How dare you offend adults and almost kill me!" Come to Leng Leng with a smile.

Zhang Xiulun was confused.

My lord?

What, my lord?

"What do you mean? Who has our family offended? "

He shook his head to Bing, "it doesn't matter, because the grown-ups said that you Zhang Jia There is no need to exist! "

After that, Zhang Xiulun's head fell down.

There was even a look of amazement and incomprehension on his face.

It's night.

All the people in Zhangjia are dead.

The next day, the news stirred the whole Lingnan.

When Xue an knew, he was stunned.

This Xiang Bing is very cruel.

I just wanted her to kill the Zhang brothers, but she actually destroyed the whole house, even a dog.

Such a big thing happened to the Yu family.

When Yu Ran knew the news, he was shocked.

Zhang Xiulun is dead?

Zhangjia destroyed?

She was a little dizzy in her head.

Although she didn't like or even hated this Zhang Xiulun. But I didn't expect him to die overnight.

Is it possible that.

Yu Ran looks ugly, so I come to Xue an directly.

But when she saw Xue an fiercely, her prepared words suddenly could not be said.

Xue an looks up at her and then smiles.

"I didn't kill people!"

"How do you know I'm going to ask this?"

"Because it's written on your face!" Xue an said lightly.

This young lady of the Yu family is obviously spoiled and spoiled at ordinary times and has no initiative at all.

If you want to hurt her, it's too simple.

Yu Ran was stunned, touched his face, and then his face gradually turned red.

"Cough, I'm not. If I die, I'll die. My family has sent someone to check. By the way, do you have time tomorrow? Come to the party for my birthday


Xue an was slightly stunned.

Tomorrow That's seven days.

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