"Well, did you find out?" Yu Lang asked.

"Home Lord, it has been found out that Zhangjia was killed by the tianbang master he worshipped." A chief executive bowed his head.

"Oh? Master of tianbang? Who? "

"Judging from the wound, it should be a broken cloud hand."

"Cloud breaking hand?" Yu Lang smile, "is that so-called moon fairy to ice famous stunt?"

"It should not be wrong!"

"OK, I see. It doesn't matter if you are just a Xiang Bing. The next order of chase and kill is worthy of Zhangjia."


"Tomorrow is Ran'er's 18-year-old adult banquet. How are you going?" Yu Lang is obviously more interested in this issue.

"It's all ready!"

"Well! Remember to add more security, the nearest Lingnan It's not peaceful


After the servant retreated, Yu Lang looked at the scenery outside the window, and a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Tomorrow is the seven day period.

Will you come?

I think so!

But do you think it's easy to live after killing one of my sons?

Yang'er, I will revenge you for my father.

Yu Lang thought, fingers slightly move, a few flying insects in the house will fall down quietly.

Can fall down, but still alive, just can't fly again.

The wings were broken just now, but they were still invisible.

It's the most difficult thing to achieve the highest level of control.

The news that Zhangjia was destroyed was only popular among Lingnan people, and within a day, it was replaced by another topic.

That is, the eldest lady of the Yu family is going to hold an adult banquet of 18 years old.

The status of Yu family in Lingnan folk is unimaginable.

There are even people in the remote areas who worship the Yu family as immortals.

Therefore, Yu Ran's adult banquet naturally attracted countless attention.

All the big and small families in Lingnan, and even the men who think they are more excellent, are stepping up preparations.

Who doesn't want to win Yu Ran's heart at this birthday party, and then become the son-in-law of the Yu family, and then ascend to heaven step by step.

Until this day.

The door of Yu's family was filled with people who came to celebrate their happiness.

The young people are all dressed up and looking forward to seeing the beautiful woman as soon as possible.


Yu Ran came out.

Many people see Yu ran for the first time.

Although it is said that Yu Ran is beautiful, many people think it is flattering to the Yu family.

But when I see Yu Ran.

These ideas are all self defeating.

I didn't expect that this young lady of the Yu family was really beautiful.

Although she is still young, she does not have the charm of a mature woman.

But this kind of green and astringent beauty, on the contrary, makes these teenagers fascinated.

For a time, the familiar aristocratic family's children had already gathered together in the past with a smile.

Not familiar with the outside also around, thinking about whether to put on a few words.

Some people simply show indifference and try to make Yu Ran pay attention to himself.

Yu Ran, who can be surrounded by the stars and the moon, laughs back, but his words are perfunctory, and his eyes are drifting around.

It seems that It's like looking for someone.

Many young people in the distance were shocked and excited. Are they looking for me?

Therefore, they all straightened out their chests, looking forward to the rest of the line of sight in their own body to do more stay.

But Yu ran just glanced around, and then looked down with some disappointment.

At this time, a family member who was familiar with Yu family said with a smile: "sister Yu Ran, what are you looking for?"

I don't care about these people at all.

Although only after two days together.

But Yu Ran felt that he was It's like sinking in.

These words are never superficial, and they are different from Xue bingan.

But the more like this, the more like a magnet, firmly attracted Yu Ran.

Yu Ran also knew that Xue an was much older than herself and had two daughters.

But she just got stuck in it.

After falling in love with such "Uncle" as Xue an, Yu Ran looks at these excellent teenagers again. It is really childish and terrible.

Why haven't you come yet?

Didn't I tell him to come early today?

I hate in my heart.

Just thinking about it, Xue an, his two daughters and the black king, came slowly.

As soon as I saw Xue an, I was pleasantly surprised."How did you come?" Yu Ran said with some dissatisfaction.

It's been a long time.

Because Yu Ran's attitude is just too much like coquetry.

So many people stare at Xue an with hostile eyes.

Xue an light smile, "some things delayed, happy birthday!"

"Well! Come on in Yu Ran felt that this was the best blessing I heard today.

Xue an, carrying a long package in his hand, walked in after Yu Ran.

When they get in.

The teenagers gathered together in discontent.

"Who is that man?"

"No! It's definitely not from Lingnan! "

"Damn it, it seems that Miss Yu attaches great importance to him!"

"Yes, and I think the man is still leading two children. Is it a boy with children?"

"What is Miss Yu's vision? I don't accept it! "

The teenagers began to howl.

But some of them did not say a word, their eyes were grim, as if they were thinking something.

"Well, Yang Shao, why don't you talk?" Someone asked about him at this time.

Yang Shao's name is Yang Xudong. He is a member of the Yang family in Lingnan. Although the Yang family is not a top-notch family in Lingnan, he is here today because his family's business is so large that he can even rank among the top three in terms of wealth.

Moreover, he and Yu Ran knew each other for a long time, and had been launching a fierce offensive against Yu Ran.

After hearing the question, Yang Xudong sneered, "the man is not from Lingnan, and his clothes don't look like the children of a powerful family. What are you afraid of him for?"

With that, Yang Xudong turned and walked in.

The rest of the crowd looked at each other, sighed and followed in.

At the moment, the Yu family decorated everywhere, and the banquet was placed in the garden of the Yu family.

Yu Ran has been chattering incessantly.

Xue an only nodded occasionally and never spoke.

However, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian have been looking east and West. They are obviously interested in the antique house of the Yu family.

"Where is this friend from?" At this time, Yang Xudong suddenly came over and asked Xue an in a bad tone.

Yu Ran's face was cold, "Yang Xudong, what are you doing?"

"Ran Er, it's OK. I just think this friend is a bit of a stranger. I just want to ask about it." Yang Xudong looks cold and looks at Xue an Dao.

Xue an smiles, "me? I'm not from Lingnan. "

Yang Xudong looks more and more bad, "is not Lingnan people? Then these two little girls... "

"My daughter!"

Yang Xudong looks at Yu Ran, which means he has children!

But Yu ran just waved impatiently, "OK, the party will start in a while, you don't have to ask questions here!"

Yang Xudong was speechless, hate to see Xue an, turned to one side.

"Dong Ge, what to do?"

"Don't worry, let him look good later!" Yang Xudong said, biting his teeth.

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