The young man nodded, and his face showed a look of resentment, "yes, and this guy is very arrogant, even speak ill of me! However, the women around him are really good. If you can catch them, you can at least make several excellent lovesickness cauldrons

As soon as the voice fell, a grand idea suddenly rose from the youth's body.

The woman gave a cry of surprise.

But before she had a reaction, the teenager's head directly burst open, and the mind of Yu Wei was the woman directly shock fly far away.


The woman smashed several walls one after another, finally reluctantly fell to the ground, and then looked up in horror.

At this time, Xue an's indifferent voice came from the void.

"Do you think you are qualified to stir up the storm through this incident?"

The woman's face showed a look of panic, and her whole body was trembling.

"Go back and tell your school and other caves that the Golden Tripod Pavilion is sure to win this time! I said it

The woman bowed her head in a hurry

Then there was a long silence.

After a long time, the woman secretly raised her head.

There is no one in the room.

Except for the headless corpse on the ground in the distance and the smashed wall, it seemed that everything was just a dream.

The woman takes a deep breath and stabilizes the boiling Qi and blood. The fear in her eyes gradually fades away and is filled with schadenfreude.

"Lu Lingfan, you have never thought of it! Just when you closed up, your family was exterminated, and judging from the current situation, it seems that the people who started it are more powerful than I thought before! "

"I'm looking forward to your reaction to the news."

The corner of the woman's mouth rose to outline a jealous smile.

That's right!

She also said, "Oh, it's not easy to get through the customs. As a result, I have to start again because of this shock."

Xue an was dumbfounded, then stepped out, came to Xing Yushu, who was in pain, and drank softly, "you know it's a dream, but don't you wake up?"

It was like a thunderbolt, which exploded in Xing Yushu's ear.

However, Xing Yushu was shocked, and then his ups and downs of momentum also rushed up, just like the snake python that finally transformed into success, ushered in a new world.

In the sky above Jinding Pavilion, there are thousands of bright lights and auspicious colors.

Such a spectacle naturally attracted countless people to watch.

When Xing Yushu's momentum soared to the sky.

All the people in the Jinding Pavilion were surprised and bowed down.

"Congratulations to the leader for your great progress in cultivation

The sound shook the four fields.

And Xing Yushu, also slowly opened his eyes at the moment.

There was a sharp flash in his eyes, which was even more daunting.

The top of the fairyland!

In just a few days, Xing Yushu, who was just a gold immortal before, broke through two barriers one after another under the test of the dream of the heart demon, and directly came to the peak of the true immortal.

The progress of these accomplishments is astonishing.

At this point, all the people in Jinding Pavilion were in awe of Xue an's means.

Even a lot of people can't help thinking about it.

Maybe What this God killing grandfather said in the reception hall will really succeed!

At the same time, Xing Yushu, who gradually regained consciousness, knelt down without hesitation when he saw Xue an standing in front of him with a smile.

"Jade book, see you! Thank you for your kindness

Xue an waved, "get up! This is your own creation


Xing Yushu got up.

Xue an laughed and said, "since you are awake, it should not be too late. Let's go now!"

Zhang Xiaoyu curiously came over, "where to go?"

Xue an laughed and said, "go and see a big party!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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