The golden sky and the previous cross sea star boat has been broken, and the crane chariot cannot hold so many people.

Fortunately, there is also a flying boat in Jinding Pavilion.

But when the boat was pulled out from the warehouse, it was covered with dust. The elder in charge of the warehouse said with a bitter smile.

"Since Fu Guang became the leader, he has never used this flying boat. He said that he didn't want to delay his practice with foreign objects. In fact, he couldn't get the spirit stone for flying!"

To know such a huge flying boat to fly, at least need dozens of high-quality spirit stone can.

This is a sharp decline in the strength of the Jinding Pavilion, it is obviously an unbearable consumption.

Xue an naturally didn't care about this, and no matter what he had accumulated before, the wealth he had collected from Li Hentian was enough to crush ordinary sects.

When he washed away the floating dust outside, Zhang Xiaoyu looked at the boat with bright eyes, and his face was full of excitement.

"My Lord, will you let me control this boat later?"

"Can you fly a boat?" Xue an was surprised.

"Haha, it's really boring to stay in a small building. I once studied this one!" Zhang Xiaoyu said with a smile. He was afraid that Xue an would not agree with him. He quickly added: "my Lord, although I haven't driven it before, I can't open this one with my reaction ability."

Hu Ying skimmed her lips, "reaction ability? Just you? You're too stupid to pick your feet! "

Zhang Xiaoyu looks embarrassed and then looks at Xue an with hopeful eyes.

Xue an was dumbfounded and nodded, "OK, it's up to you to drive."

Because it was flying in the world, there was not much danger, and Xue an was there, and there would be no danger. So Hu Ying said nothing more.

Zhang Xiaoyu was overjoyed, "thank you."

After all of them got on the boat, Zhang Xiaoyu sat in front of the cockpit and felt excitedly.

Because of its simplicity and ease of use, it has become the most popular travel method among the myriad worlds.

The Golden Tripod pavilion's boat is not as luxurious as the previous starboat, but it is also good.

Hu Ying hugged her arm and looked at it. Finally, she couldn't help saying, "is it over? When you're done with it, you'll have to drive! "

Zhang Xiaoyu laughed and saw all his teeth, "good sister fox! I'll drive in a minute

Then it was another trick.

For a long time.

A drop of cold sweat slipped from Zhang Xiaoyu's forehead.

"What's the matter?" Huying frowned slightly.

"Er This flying boat is different from the operation skill I saw


"So..." Chapter fish timidly raised his head, "where is the start?"

"Hu Ying said

Then hate a finger next to, "such a big start button you didn't see?"

"Ah! This is it! I've seen it. I just want to tease you! " Zhang Xiaoyu laughed and pressed.

A breeze blew, and the boat didn't respond at all!

Zhang Xiaoyu blinked and then said with a strong smile: "sister fox..."

Hu Ying was speechless. She raised her hand to help her pull down the vertical pole. The boat suddenly shook and then rose up in the air.

"Do you really know how to do it?" Hu Ying has some doubts about Zhang Xiaoyu's ability.

"Of course! Don't worry, sister fox! I was just unskilled Zhang Xiaoyu holds the joystick in both hands, and several other tentacles also appear, waving in the air, making a decision.

Hu Ying didn't believe it. She just wanted to talk.

However, seeing this chapter, the little fish stepped on the gas pedal and heard the sound of boom. The boat suddenly changed from extremely quiet to extremely fast.

Those dozens of the best spirit stones are crazy to output spiritual power, which instantly increases the speed to full value.

Caught off guard, Hu Ying nearly fell to the ground, and finally stood firm, and then roared, "Zhang Xiaoyu, what are you doing?"

Zhang Xiaoyu's embarrassed smile, "sister fox, I'm sorry, I just want to try how fast the boat can be!"

Hu Ying just wanted to say a rebuke, but the words to the mouth turned into a cry of surprise, "be careful in front of you!"

It turned out that just under the charge, the boat had crossed thousands of miles and entered a large rolling mountain. Now, through the porthole, you can see a towering mountain peak in front of you.

At the current speed of the boat, at most three breaths have to be hit directly.

Zhang Xiaoyu was also startled, but now the advantage of having more hands shows up. She holds the joystick with one hand and adjusts the speed with the other. Some of her hands correct the angle and some change the direction. She is very busy.

In this case, the tentacles are flying, and they are almost tying knots in the air.


At the moment when the boat was about to touch the mountain, Shengsheng turned out a frightening angle. With the harsh friction of the air, it was dangerous and dangerous to hide the mountain.Hu Ying was scared to look pale and roared, "can you do it?"

Zhang Xiaoyu was also frightened, but the drift just made her have a lot of confidence. She couldn't help laughing and said: "don't worry, sister fox, I have mastered the essence of this flying boat. Next, I'll see what I'll do."

Finally, after the "little twists and turns" in front of her, Zhang Xiaoyu steadily controls the boat. Facing Zhang Xiaoyu, she obviously likes the feeling of driving. Looking at the white clouds floating past the side window, her mood also gets better, and even sings a song happily.

"My Lord sent me to drive. Mm-hmm-mm-hmm..."

When she was humming this song which was not in tune, the boat finally went through a large sea of clouds, and the front suddenly opened up.

Zhang Xiaoyu's mouth was wide. Looking at the blue sky outside the porthole, Zhang Xiaoyu exclaimed: "how beautiful!"

But at this time, see from the other side of the sea of clouds suddenly through a bright light, and with a lightning fast momentum straight to the side of the boat.

Zhang Xiaoyu exclaimed in surprise. What she screamed with was the bright light outside.

"Oh trough, how can there be a flying boat here?"

Then it starts to brake quickly.

But because the speed is too fast, there is no time at all, and we are about to bump into each other.

Zhang Xiaoyu showed her calm and calm side. She held the steering stick in her hand and roared through the sound transmission array in the flying boat.

"You go left, I go right!"

"Good idea!" A voice of approval came from the light, and then he made a sudden turn.

Zhang Xiaoyu's mouth showed a trace of wisdom bead in the grip of the smile, heart murmured, fox sister, you have always said I am stupid, this time I see what you have to say.

Then he also turned the steering stick and steered the boat to one side.


The octopus and the bright light looked at each other closer and closer, and all opened their eyes in horror.

"What's going on..." There was a cry of surprise in the light.

Before the voice dropped, there was a loud noise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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