At that time, all the masters of Dongtian entered the Taoist evolution tripod and had a big comparison.

In front of a house in the third Dongtian Acacia garden.

Several female students in charge of the guard, listening to the sound of banging and banging from the room, could not help but shrink their necks and dare not even come out of the atmosphere.

Because at the moment is smashing things in the house, it is the Acacia garden in the status once no less than Lu Lingfan, and even the entry time is ten years earlier than her Baihan.

As the only true biography of xiangsiyuan, she has the power of life and death.

Therefore, these female disciples were naturally silent.

But the white Han at the moment has no sense of joy.

On the contrary, her heart is full of resentment and discontent.

"Why Why let me stay to watch the house, but even Dabby won't let me go? Is it because Lu Lingfan is stronger than me? I don't accept it! Isn't she just breaking the lovesickness spell? If you give me time, I can do it too! "

White Han side of anger low roar, while smashing the thing on the hand.


After a cup of tea time to vent, Bai Han took a breath, and then looked at the broken mirror in that graceful figure, cold smile up.

"Lu Lingfan, if you want to avenge your family in the big competition, you will be kicked on the iron plate. Xue an, this is far from simple as it seems! Ha ha ha

When Bai Han sneers, the land under the foot suddenly shakes.

White Han is a Leng.

What's going on?

Is it an earthquake?

However, the place where Acacia garden was established is the best place in the third cave. With the protection of array, how could there be an earthquake?

Bai Han is in doubt.

I heard a few screams outside the door.

"My God, what is that?"

White Han complexion a sink, quickly walked out of the room, looked up.

Then she froze.

A large black cloud was coming rapidly from the northeast, but in the blink of an eye, it had covered most of the sky.

Although very far away from each other, Bai Han can still feel the violent power contained in the dark clouds all over the sky.

This made her face pale, even her lips lost the color of blood. Then she looked at the dark clouds like the tide and groaned in despair.

"The devil! The dark clouds are full of demons and ghosts

And her despair infects all around her.

Because of the big ratio of orthodoxy, the elite of Acacia garden can be described as the best. Nowadays, those who remain in the sect are some miscellaneous disciples, whose cultivation and strength are very poor.

It can be said that now Acacia garden in the highest status, the most powerful is her white Han.

Now, seeing that she was so desperate, many disciples were scared to cry.

In the sobbing sound of sobbing, Bai Han suddenly shakes, and then suddenly seems to understand what is the same, the eyes show a touch of resolute color, jump up and roar: "quick! Open the mountain protection array

However, her cry did not cause much response. Many disciples were so scared that they just kept their heads down and cried.

At the moment, the dark clouds have already rushed forward.

Baihan was so angry that he stopped a crying disciple and slapped his face several times. Then he roared: "don't cry. If you want to live, you can start the mountain protection battle with me, or you will stay here and die!"

The roar woke up a lot of people.

White Han at the moment is an unprecedented outbreak of action, point to call strength is not bad dozens of disciples, and then ran to the main hall of Acacia garden.

At the same time, the surrounding world has begun to darken.

It's a dark cloud that has obscured the sun.

Once the dark clouds are completely covered in the sky, the third cave, which has been standing for thousands of years, is likely to disappear.

Bai Han may have a lot of dissatisfaction with his school, especially Lu Lingfan.

But at this critical moment of life and death, the first thing she thought of was her own identity as a preacher of the right path.

Therefore, at this moment, she has not considered everything in the past, just want to open the mountain protection array of Acacia garden as soon as possible, so as to survive this period of time.

Otherwise, he may be a sinner for ages.

But time does not wait for others, especially with the white Han into the main hall of Acacia garden disciples strength is not too strong.

In this case, it is not easy to open the mountain protection array by force.

The result of dozens of disciples' efforts to instill all their accomplishments into the array pattern is just a bright spot on the pattern.

At this time, the light outside is rapidly fading, and the wind is blowing by. It seems that in an instant, it has changed from the Lang Lang world into a ghostly ghost.White Han a gnaws a tooth, in the eye showed resolute color, and then forcibly reverses the blood vessel.


White Han a mouthful of blood spurts out.

"Elder martial sister!"

"Elder martial sister Bai!"

The disciples all exclaimed.

Usually, when they call elder martial sister Bai, they may have many thoughts in mind.

But today, it is their sincere call out elder martial sister.

Because the performance of white Han at the moment, let them all very admire.

Bai Han coughed blood while roaring: "see what I do, quickly open the big array!"

This roar made many disciples present as one of Lin, hastened to concentrate on promoting cultivation.

At the same time, Bai Han spits blood and whispers softly.

"Damn it, this time it's a big loss. At least 300 years of accomplishments have been destroyed. Can I really not catch up with Lu Lingfan in my life?"

Although so mumble, but the action of Bai Han's hand did not stop at all, but see her hands moving, each time with bursts of light, but also let her face more and more pale.


When Bai Han's face is pale to almost transparent, the Acacia garden suddenly shakes, and then a bright and extremely bright light rises. In an instant, it opens a light curtain and protects the whole Acacia garden firmly.

What's more, the brilliance of the mountain protection array goes straight into the sky and blows out a huge hole in the dark clouds that are about to be surrounded.

It seems to be an illusion. When the dark clouds disappear, a shrill cry comes from the ears of many people.

Seeing this, many disciples in the Acacia garden just let out a breath. Anyway, the most dangerous moment has passed.

Many disciples in the main hall are looking at Bai Han with worship eyes.

But at this time, I saw the white Han body shape a flash, nearly fell to the ground.

"Elder martial sister Bai!" A lot of disciples exclaimed, and several of them rushed directly to help Bai Han.

Bai Han waved his hand, "don't touch me!"

Then a stagger, then fall to sit on the ground, breath weak said.

"I'm fine. You all go away and defend yourself! I control the formation here! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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