Although these disciples could not bear it, they also knew the present situation.

At the moment, the most important thing to do is to know what kind of defense the city of Acacia will open.

As the strongest person in Acacia garden, Baihan naturally wants to stay here and control everything.

Therefore, all the disciples nodded at Bai Han and then dispersed.

As soon as everyone left, Bai Han couldn't help but vomited a mouthful of blood, then wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and laughed at himself.

"Damn it, it's the same with a lot of blood! Who can stand the constant spitting? "

As soon as the voice fell, it was a mouthful of blood.

The white Han Mo does not make a voice to wipe dry the bloodstain, in the eye flash a wipe of fierce color.

The reason why she forbade to spit blood until all the people dispersed was that she did not know what the disciples thought.

As the pillar of the Acacia garden, she can only show that nothing happened.

Damn it, I don't know if it's worth it! Make complaints about the heart of Bai.

Just at this time, outside suddenly came a burst of teeth sour strange laughter.

"Tut, is this the so-called third Dongtian Acacia garden? It's a good array to protect mountains, but it's a pity that there's no master! "

In front of the crowd, however, a black ghost with a long face appeared.

At this time, although it was only the size of a fist, the facial features were clearly distinguishable, and the head sore, which was very charming, gave out a smile.

"You pester that guy has coaxed several people from the cave into the big contest of orthodoxy. Naturally, there are no more people left in the sect!"

"Hey, there are so many girls. I have to enjoy this time! I've been watching those white bones in the ghost road for thousands of years. I'm tired of watching them! " The green faced demon ghost roared with excitement, and then made a strike and went down.


A terrifying shock wave swept across the world ten miles around in an instant.

The whole Acacia garden trembled slightly, and the mountain protection array was also dim, but there was no fluctuation at all.

But at the same time, Bai Han, who is controlling the array in the main hall, is as if he was struck by lightning, and his mouth and nose are spraying blood.

"Oh! It's interesting! " The demon gave a grim smile.

"What? Have you taken pity on the fragrance and the jade? " Demon Ghost Head of that person face sore full of vinegar said.

"Demon ghost ha ha ha a smile," just sigh a sound

With that, he bent down and said with a ferocious smile at the Acacia garden in the mountain protection array: "little ladies, if you are wise, you can surrender as soon as possible, and then I will save your life. Otherwise, when the battle is broken, you will die!"

The sound shakes the four fields. All the remaining disciples in the Acacia garden are all white.

But at this time, in the main hall came the voice of Bai Han's sneer, "mother, I'm a serious eight hundred orthodox descendant, how can I yield to you under these demons and ghosts?"

White Han's words instantly angered this demon ghost, "good! Then I'll see how long you can last. Don't worry, we have enough time. Don't imagine that your own school will come to help you, because they are likely to die in the big contest of orthodoxy now! "

The demon ghost laughed and another blow.


This time the Acacia garden did not shake, but the main hall trembled for it.

White Han's facial features were shocked out of the silk blood, but she gently bowed her head, spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva, and then a vicious wipe of the face.

"Do you think you can bluff me with a few words? I tell you, although I'm a woman, I'm not the kind of coward who relies on you demons for survival. If I have the ability to follow up, I'll really spend time with you! "

The voice is full of air and arrogant.

Many students in the Acacia garden secretly shrunk their necks. This is the elder martial sister Bai in their impression!

The demon gave a cold hum, "good! Then I'll see how long you can last

Then he turned and left.

As soon as he walked, the momentum of Bai Han in the main hall suddenly fell down, and then he trembled all over.

"Damn it, it's a big loss this time! Master, if you don't come back, I don't know how long I'll last! " White Han whispers softly.

But she didn't know.

When the third cave was covered by black clouds.

The same is true for other caves.

But because of a sudden incident, and the emptiness of several big Dongtian sects, many sects did not have the good luck of Acacia garden at all, but were taken away by these demons and ghosts.

Even the enchanting Hall of the second cave can't get rid of being destroyed.

But in this case, the bottom of the golden light cave, but magically adhere to down.At the beginning of the dark clouds.

It is located in the north-west of Jinguang cave, which is only a thousand miles away from Jinding Pavilion.

In a small hospital with two white lanterns hanging in front of the door, an old man in shabby clothes is excited to express his gratitude.

Lu Chuzhen laughed. "You're welcome. It's just a little work."

The old man was so grateful that he left.

Lu Chuzhen saw him out of the gate of the hospital. Many pedestrians on the street said with a smile when they saw her.

"Doctor Lu!"

"Good morning, doctor Lu!"

These shouts one after another, Lu Chuzhen responded with a smile, and then ready to turn back to the room.

But at this time, in the distant sky, a wisp of black line slowly appeared.

Lu Chuzhen, who felt the strange Qi, turned around and looked up in horror.

In an instant, however, the sky was covered with black light.

This kind of strange scene naturally also attracted countless people's exclamations.

Lu Chuzhen did not hesitate to grab the two soul chopping lamps in front of the door, then jumped up, turned into streamer, and went straight to the distance.

All the people in the town were stupefied because they had never thought that doctor Lu, who had not been in the town for a long time but had benefited many people with his superb medical skills, was still a practitioner.

At the same time.

Jinding Pavilion is also a big mess.

Compared with other elite schools, the situation of Jinding Pavilion is much better.

Because Xue an only led Xing Yushu and Sheng MiaoTong to leave.

And these two people are still behind to join the Jinding Pavilion, so the original strength of Jinding Pavilion can be said to be basically unchanged.

But when they saw the black light coming, they were all dumbfounded.

Until half of the sky had been covered, someone exclaimed: "it's the spirit of demons and ghosts!"

And this cry also made the originally flustered crowd more desperate.

The spirit of demons and ghosts that covered the sky and the sun clearly showed that the demons and ghosts on the opposite side were extremely powerful.

And what that means, obviously, doesn't have to be said.

But this is the time.

I saw a flash of light suddenly flying to the top of the Golden Tripod Pavilion, and then a cold drink.

"You wait for the speed to open the mountain protection array, I will resist these demons!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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