The golden light gradually dispersed, all the people in the Jinding Pavilion looked at the blue sky, all of them were in a daze.

Then many people's eyes gradually red up.

But at this time, I saw a black light flash, and then the body was blown to pieces, the demon ghost was in a mess to fall out of it.

His appearance made Jinding Pavilion in an uproar.

"Not dead?" Many people exclaimed.

At the same time, the demon and ghost spat furiously and said: "bah, damn it, I'm lucky to hide quickly, otherwise I'll be killed by you crazy woman! Unfortunately, what can you do even if your spirit explodes? We can't change the end of the collapse of this school! "

Speaking of this, demon ghost Jie Jie strange laugh.

As soon as the funny sound rose, it stopped abruptly.

Because at this time, the whole building of Jinding Pavilion suddenly trembled, and then layers of brilliance spread up. In a short time, the whole Jinding pavilion was protected among them.

The grand array of protecting mountains was finally opened successfully with the unremitting efforts of many elders and disciples in Jinding Pavilion.

Although at the beginning, the Guanghua was still shaking and flickering, but because the original array was extremely strong, the array light curtain stabilized in the blink of an eye.

The demon ghost looked at the scene, and then roared, "asshole! Blame this crazy woman

No more anger can help.

Therefore, the demon ghost could only look at the Golden Tripod pavilion with his eyes full of resentment and said, "don't be complacent. After a while, you guys will be slaughtered! Hum

Said, the demon Ghost a flash, turned into a black light, disappeared.

Seeing him go, the hearts of the people in Jinding pavilion just dropped a little.

But no one's mood is relaxed, because they have a terrible idea in their heart.

Even the demons and ghosts in the golden light cave haven't been let off, and they almost got it.

So Will the situation of other caves be even worse?

This idea is heavy on everyone's mind.

But in the Golden Tripod pavilion has been lucky to have temporarily escaped the disaster.

In the Far East, stands a shining sword state with outstanding people!

And this is where the first cave, Mingxin palace, is located.

As the top seven Dongtian, and no one has ever dared to doubt the ranking.

Mingxin palace seems to have become the immortal sect in this world.

Even this land is named Jianzhou because of the existence of Mingxin palace.

In this magical land, there are countless strange people and scholars, but most of them are Kendo practitioners who hold a three foot sword and attach importance to Rennuo but ignore life and death.

It is also because of such a deep foundation that the status of Mingxin palace is so detached that it is even honored as a fairy palace.

At the moment, in the middle of Jianzhou, which is towering into the clouds, the top of which is skyscraper.

Mingxin palace is like a piece of flawless jade, floating slowly in the clouds on the top of the peak.

If you observe carefully, you will find that this Mingxin palace is actually held up by an ancient sword of ordinary shape and quality.

In addition, six chains are extended above Mingxin palace, which are firmly connected with the sword mountain at the foot.

This is the world famous Mingxin palace.


In the sword refining Pavilion on the top floor of Mingxin palace, the sword holding elder is sitting in front of the small window playing chess.

However, his chessboard is made up of crisscross swords. The chess pieces float on it, which makes people dizzy.

Tian Yuanqing, the chief disciple of Mingxin palace, stood beside his master without impatience.

Because he knew that his master's chess game often took a whole day.

However, he could keep his mind steady, but he could not help thinking of snow.

I saw her eyes from time to time floating to the small window, the whole body of small movements also began to become more.

After a while, she finally couldn't help but whisper to Tian Yuanqing: "elder martial brother, master, is he asleep?"

Tian Yuanqing couldn't laugh or cry. He could only look at him with a straight face. "Little sister, master is understanding the heart of the sword by playing chess. Don't talk nonsense. Be careful to be heard by Shifu!"

Nian Xuexin turned her lips and said, "cut, that's what you said last time. But the master played chess for three days. If it hadn't been for martial uncle Jian's coming, the old man would have been sleeping in a deep sleep."

Tian Yuanqing is generous, especially not good at arguing with others. In addition, nianxuexin is the youngest, and she is the most beloved younger martial sister of their brothers. So when she said this, Tian Yuanqing was speechless for a moment, and didn't know what to say.

But at this time, a chess piece suddenly appeared on the top of nianxue Xin's head and knocked her on the forehead.

"Xue Xin, what bad things are you talking about as a teacher behind your back?" The sword elder slowly opened his eyes and said with a smile.Read Snow heart was smashed whining, and then touch his head, smile: "master, you wake up!"

"Nonsense, I didn't fall asleep!"

Read Snow heart hey hey a smile, "I that don't think you are asleep! Master is really good

The sword holding elder is angry and funny. As the head of the five elders and the worthy leader of Mingxin palace, he is helpless to his youngest disciple.

So he just shook his head, "you monkey! I asked you to stand here to serve you to sharpen your sword heart. It's very kind of you, but I can't stand it for half a day. I think I was in front of your master at that time

"After standing for a full month, the master thought that you could use your talent. Finally, he taught you the true meaning of kendo. Only then did you have the present cultivation!" Read Snow heart smoothly then took on, and then some helpless said.

"Master, you have said these words a thousand two hundred and thirty-one times! I have already recited them

"Nonsense, how can there be so much? It's only one thousand two hundred and eleven times! "

"You were drunk with martial uncle sharpener two days ago, but you said it 20 times in a row! Martial uncle sharpener's face turned white when he heard that. He almost destroyed the wine sword pool with one sword! " Nianxue Xin is holding the sword with her fingers.

Holding the sword, he grabbed the back of his head awkwardly and looked at his apprentice Tian Yuanqing. "Is this the case?"

Tian Yuanqing thought for a moment and then nodded.

"No wonder the swordsman has been closed since that day." The elder swords swore a few words, and saw that snow heart was looking at him with Eagle eyed eyes.

"Er, Yuan Qing! Have you come back yet? "

Tian Yuanqing shook his head. "According to the time, younger martial brother Fang should have just entered the big contest of orthodoxy."

Hearing these four words, a look of disdain flashed in his sword holding eyes, "daotong Dabi, ha ha! Even the name has changed beyond recognition. It is not the original intention of the original ancestors! "

Tian Yuanqing and Nian Xuexin are all silent for this, because everyone knows that the sword holding elder is extremely contemptuous of this orthodoxy.

But just as he was ready to continue to say a few words with his sword, he looked up at his eyes with unprecedented radiance.

"Ghost?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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