As soon as the voice dropped, a slight tremor came along.

Tian Yuanqing's face color also changed greatly.

At the same time, with a flash of his body, the man disappeared in front of the table, and only a voice came from afar.

"Yuanqing, inform all sword cultivation disciples to start sword immediately!"


With the words, the figure of holding the sword has passed through layers of barriers and flew to the top of Mingxin palace.

At the same time, however, he saw several sword lights and rushed to them. After standing still, they were the four elders listening to the sword, sharpening the sword, defending the sword and showing the sword.

The five elders of Mingxin palace get together, and then look at the distance with dignified faces.

But see a wisp of black line slowly appear in the sky, and then it is like boiling tide surging, where the sun and moon are not bright.

"It's true that demons and ghosts reappear in the world!" Holding the sword, he breathed softly and said in a slow voice.

Among the five elders, shejian, who is the youngest, has the strongest temperament and the strongest intention to kill. He sneers at him and says, "what can the demon ghost do? How dare you come to my Mingxin palace? It seems that our swords have been silent for a long time, so long that these demons have forgotten their awe! "

After that, he didn't say hello to anyone. He jumped up and turned into a streamer. In an instant, he flew to the front of him and laughed scornfully at the black tide, which set off a series of turbulent waves.

As soon as he raised his hand, a sword awn formed in an instant. Then he raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "all of you, demon generation, get out of here!"

After that, the sword flash away, and when it appears again, it has already rushed to the black tide, and even the sword light has become extremely bright.


After a loud noise, the black tide, which was originally mighty, was directly cut off by this sword.

The explosion of fireworks is more like the general fireworks, dazzling.

This scene was also seen by most of the monks in Jianzhou.

For a moment, there were cheers.

"Good sword!"

"If you look at the sword, you should be the elder of shejian in Mingxin Xiangong!"

"Elder Shijian is really quick. I just saw the spirit of demon and ghost, and I was about to take off the sword to kill the demon. I didn't expect that he had already been wrapped up by him alone!" He said regretfully that he had Jian Xiu.

The four elders of Mingxin palace smile bitterly when they see this scene.

Especially holding the sword, he said helplessly: "old five is so old, how can his temper still be so hot? Do it without saying hello? "

The gentlest disposition listens to the sword to smell speech a smile, "five younger brother originally this temper, otherwise also can't practice that kill to cut the sword!"

At ordinary times, the silent sword sharpening couldn't help saying: "the fifth younger brother did a good job. Anyway, this group of demons and ghosts were killed by everyone!"

"Yes! But now the question is, how can the demons and ghosts who have long disappeared from the world suddenly appear and dare to challenge my Mingxin palace? " A white clothes, although old, but still handsome Yu Jian elder frowned and pondered.

At this time, shejian, who was also quite satisfied with his own sword, could not help laughing.

"How dare you come to my Mingxin palace? What a joke

But as soon as his voice fell, the whole sword state suddenly began to shake, and then a shocking scene appeared in front of the public.

But along the edge of Jianzhou, the black air rose from the sky and turned into giant pillars of the sky.

Then, these giant pillars will stretch out a black gas branch, and then connected together.

At the moment of its formation, the whole Jianzhou earthquake even shook the spirit power in the air.

Then I looked again, but I saw that the dense black air had wrapped the whole sword state firmly.

It looks like a cage.

Everyone took a breath of cold air.

Because all these changes are so fast that people haven't had time to react, all this has already taken shape.

But at this time, shejian snorted angrily, "do you dare to trap my school

With that, several swords suddenly appeared in front of his body, and then he cut them out.

Boom! Boom!

With a few bursts of sound, but has never been to the disadvantage of the sword, but in this failure.

Because when the sword touched the black cage, the sword meaning and power contained in it were instantly dispersed.

So although the cage trembles, it can't do anything about it!

Shejian was furious and was about to continue to take out the sword, but saw dozens of black awns suddenly appeared in front of him and flew them out directly.

"Five brothers!"

With a cry of surprise, the swordsmen rushed to the front.

Shejian kept his figure steady. Although he was a little embarrassed, it was not a big problem. It was just that this kind of humiliation made him feel that he could not hold his face, so he said angrily.

"Please get out of my way, elder martial brothers. I have to exterminate these evil laws today."

Holding the sword, he stopped him, "don't be impulsive!""Elder martial brother, these demons have already bullied us. How can I not be impulsive?" Shejian said angrily.

Holding the sword with a bitter smile, "the key is that your impulse can't solve any problems!"

With that, he raised his head and looked at the black cage, which seemed to have vitality and was flickering slowly. His eyes showed a very dignified look.

"If I guess correctly, this should be the means of the ghost sect, and this cage is the lock of killing heaven!"

Ghost religion!

This name let a few big elders, as well as Tian Yuanqing and other big disciples who came later were all startled.

"How could it be? Didn't the ghost sect have been completely wiped out by the master and them? " Yu Jian was shocked and said in surprise.

Holding the sword, he showed a wry smile, "fourth, you're right. At the beginning, the master really wiped out the ghost cult which was arrogant for a time in this world. But don't forget, our world Where is it nearest? "

Hearing this, everyone showed great dignity.

Because if the guess is true, then The consequences are simply unthinkable!

Just at this time, a branch suddenly grew out of the black cage, and then the leaves on the branch were colorful. In a moment, a flower bud appeared and slowly bloomed.

In an instant, a demon with two faces appeared in the flower.

Although these two faces are very charming and charming, they look chilly.

Because these two faces are connected in a very strange way.

Then he saw the demon chuckled and giggled, "it's really worthy of being the immortal sect guarding this world. It's so quick to guess our origin! Yes, we are the people of the ghost sect

"What do you want to do?" he said coldly

"What do you want? It took so much effort, of course, to welcome the arrival of the empress! " The double faced demons laugh very arrogantly.

The title of empress also changed the face of those who held swords. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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