"Sword, I'm here to give you a chance. As long as you are willing to take refuge in the arms of the empress, then our ghost sect is very welcome!" The demon ghost chuckled.

As soon as the words fell, shejian was furious and cut out without hesitation.


The ghost, which had just been bred from the flower, was directly blown to pieces.

And then he said, "I'm crazy! What qualifications do you have to compare with my Mingxin palace? "

At the same time, he heard an angry hum outside the cage, "what a bunch of stubborn sword maniacs! I am kind, but you are so stubborn! Then wait to be trapped here! By the way, I almost forgot to tell you! "

Speaking of this, the female voice issued a burst of complacent smile, "at this time, the outside world should have been destroyed! Now, you are the only one left to hold on here

"What?" Yu Jian elder responded first, and then said angrily, "did you move your hands and feet to this grand comparison of orthodoxy?"

"Tut, how clever! That's right. As long as the people who participated in the big contest of orthodoxy, none of them survived this time. All of them have died! " The female voice is full of complacent say.

Nianxue cried out in surprise, and then with a trace of crying, he called out: "elder martial brother Fang..."

"So I advise you to take care of yourself! After all, if you want to surrender when the empress comes in a few days, you will die! Think about it yourself

Shejian was angry, "asshole!"

Then he cut out a few swords again, but this time, apart from shaking the black cage a little, nothing was shaken.

The girl's voice burst into a triumphant laugh and then fell silent.

And all the people in Mingxin palace standing in the field were extremely ugly.

If this demon is true, then there is only one Mingxin palace left in the seven caves.

Although Mingxin palace is strong and powerful, it is obviously difficult to speak with one's hands when facing the demons and ghosts who are prepared.

"What should I do, elder martial brother?" Several elders, such as sharpening the sword, all looked at the sword.

As the chief elder of Mingxin palace, his decision represents the direction of all people.

After a moment, holding the sword slowly looked up at the crowd.

"No matter what the demon said is true or false, but the matter has come to this point, we must first find a way to contact the outside world, especially with other people in the cave, or we will be waiting for death!"

Everyone nodded.

Holding the sword, he slowly breathed out a breath and said in a deep voice: "although I usually despise the flying birds and dogs in other caves and calculating with each other, now we are facing great difficulties. As one of the seven caves, we must try our best to save everyone. After all This is also saving ourselves

"Yes! Elder martial brother, let me go! " Shejian first said.

"I'll go too!" Yu Jian said immediately.

However, they didn't say anything about sharpening the sword or listening to the sword, because they knew that since they said so, they must have made arrangements.

Sure enough.

I can understand your mood. If possible, I would like to let you go. After all, your strength and strategy are enough, but the key is

Holding the sword, he looked up at the black air that divided the sky into pieces, and said in a deep voice: "the sky lock is not so good for each other!"

"What do you mean?" Shejian was stunned.

"This killing heaven lock is a kind of secret skill of the ghost world that my master mentioned when he was alive. It is extremely evil. It comes from the most insidious and fierce Qi in the ghost world, and then it is refined. After it is formed, once it is put into practice, it will block everything in it!"

"Although there is a lack of lethality, the sinister of this technique is that the more powerful the person is, the more trapped and bound he is, and the more difficult it is to go out! In this way, it has become a kind of trap used to deal with the strong! "

Hearing the explanation of holding the sword, his face was extremely ugly.

However, the imperial sword moved slightly, and then said, "elder martial brother Yi means..."

Holding the sword, he nodded

Said, he looked at Tian Yuanqing and nianxuexin and other disciples standing on the side, "I'm going to send Yuanqing and others to go this trip!"

Hearing this, the elders such as shejian and sharpening the sword all turned pale.

In particular, the gentle elder martial brother, who was deeply loved by the disciples in the sect, immediately said, "elder martial brother, I don't think this can be done! Although Yuanqing and their swordsmanship are good, they are only children after all! If you come across a strong ghost world after you go out, isn't it... "

But before he finished speaking, Tian Yuanqing bowed down and saluted: "obey your teacher's order!"

I was stunned by the sword.

Then Tian Yuanqing laughed at him, "listen, martial uncle Jian, I know you are good for us, but as a sword cultivation disciple, how can you retreat in the face of difficulties? Don't you always teach us that the sword is the heart? "Listen to the sword smell speech revealed a trace of bitter smile, "although the words said so, but..."

Nianxuexin was excited, but she was about to jump up. She had been practicing in the school since she was a child. She never went down the mountain once. She was naturally excited when she heard that she had to send herself and others out of the mountain, so she said in a hurry.

"Martial uncle, I think the elder martial brother is right. This time, we not only want to explore the situation of other caves, but also find the whereabouts of elder martial brother Fang Xing'an!"

"Yes, I am willing to go!" With the words, we can see that all the inner rooms of Mingxin Palace are telling the truth together.

Seeing this, he sighed and shook his head.

The other elders were silent.

The sword trembled in his heart. His eyes swept over these young faces and finally nodded.

"Good! I am worthy of being a sword cultivation disciple of Mingxin palace

Even if they want to pass through the barrier of mietian lock, it is not easy.

The imperial sword and sharpening the sword and other elders worked together to open a small gap.

Naturally, so many disciples could not all go out. Finally, Tian Yuanqing selected several brothers. Although nianxuexin was young and a woman, she had to follow because of the clarity of a sword heart and its strength was second only to Tian Yuanqing and Fang Xingan among his peers.

Just as they were about to embark on the journey, shejian came forward, silently applied a sword meaning to everyone, and then patted Tian Yuanqing on the shoulder.

"After going out Be careful

"Yes Tian Yuanqing bowed and said.

"If you encounter a demon that can be dealt with, please help me kill more!"

Tian Yuanqing Leng Leng, and then deeply arched, "understand!"

When Tian Yuanqing and others left Jianzhou and disappeared in the sight of the public through mietian lock.

Listen to the sword can not help saying: "elder martial brother, these children, really OK?"

He shook his head with his sword. "I don't know!"

"What are we going to do, just sit here and wait?" Shejian said full of resentment.

Holding the sword, he held it up for a moment, then said, "I have a hunch that it will soon become less peaceful here."

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