Wen lingcui looked at the distant iron net mountain, and then nodded, "yes!"

Song Jingyue's heart couldn't help but be more shocked, "God, how powerful this power should be

Hearing lingcui's face now worshipped, he said in a soft voice, "the first Ming king of the ages, do you think it's powerful?"

Ming Jun.

This name makes song Jingyue's heart shake more and more. She can't help asking, "master, didn't you say that there is no Ming Jun in the ghost world now?"

"Of course

"Where is he now? Is it in the middle of the ghost world? " Songjingyue is like a question baby, asking constantly.

But hearing lingcui's face changed greatly, and then she shook her head in a frightful way. "Jingyue, we can talk about this between teachers and disciples, but we must not tell outsiders!"

"But Why? " Song Jingyue couldn't help asking again.

"Because of that man It's already a taboo in the whole ghost world Wen lingcui said, and suddenly shook his head with self mockery.

"Although for these beings, we are just a group of ants, but you must remember that we must not discuss these in front of the ghost people's interview, otherwise it may cause unnecessary trouble, understand?"

"Well!" Although song Jingyue was young, she also learned a lot of truth. Now that her amiable master is so serious, she naturally knows that this matter should not be joked about.

"Let's go! At the foot of the iron net mountain, there is the ghost city of destiny Wen lingcui whispered.

Then he led two disciples and many disciples of the white bone road to the city of destiny.

When he first came to the ghost world, song Jingyue felt that everything was new.

What's more, she soon found that not only their clan, but also many ethnic groups also came to pay homage to their birthday.

It seems that he saw the doubts on his younger martial sister's face, Leng Bo City Ha ha ha.

"Younger martial sister, we white bone road is a clan specializing in ghost road. The original founder of the mountain made an alliance with this God appointed ghost king. In a word, we usually worship it, and then when we need to, the God appointed ghost king will help us with his supreme ghost power!"

"But do you think that we are the only one to offer sacrifices to the existence of the ghost king? In the heavens, I dare not say, but there are many ancestral gates worshiping him in the near world plane! This time, because of the coming of the birthday and his wide invitation, not only the white bone Road, but also other religious sects are coming. First, to celebrate the birthday, the second is to have a good relationship with this ghost king

Song Jingyue's eyes flashed a look of disgust that was not noticed by others, but still nodded slightly, "so it is. Thank you very much, elder martial brother!"

Looking at this growing younger martial sister, lengbo city can't help but feel the heat in her heart. She quietly gathers together and wants to continue to show off her knowledge.

But at this time, songjingyue is very natural to smell lingcui side, and then continue to fly forward.

The rest of lengbo City stood in the same place, his face blue and red, very ugly.

Although it seems that this song Jingyue is unintentional, Leng Bo city knows that her little sister-in-law is becoming more and more wary of her. Even if she usually talks to her, she will always be indifferent.

How can this not make lengbo City, which always thinks highly of itself, feel angry.

"Well, you can't escape from my hand! Your body of Yuanyin can only belong to me! "

Lengbo City roared in his heart, but his face gradually returned to normal, and then his body flashed, chasing the school team.

At the same time.

At the foot of the iron net mountain stands the destiny city.

Guests from all walks of life have made this place very lively.

Compared with those ghost King's city, this city of destiny has less ghost spirit and more popularity.

Even the soldiers in the city pool were transformed into human beings.

As for the nobles in the city, they were more proud of being human.

The reason is not that they adore the Terrans.

But because the ghost body in many cases is unable to enjoy the secular music, so there are many ghost like to turn into human form.

In fact, Tianming city is not the only one. You should know that this trend was first spread from the powerful and powerful position of the ghost world.

Therefore, if you are not reminded, you will not realize that you are in the ghost world.

Even in the outside world can not enjoy, here can be everything to meet you!

This city of destiny has become the city of desire.

And it's when the strong people from all directions gather together.

Located in the center of Tianming City, the towering mansion of the city Lord.

In charge of a direction, so that countless people revere the fate of the ghost king, but kneel down on the ground, full of excitement.

A trace of black gas escaped from the transmission array in the middle of the chamber.The destiny ghost gentleman even does not dare to blink, excited to wait for what.


With a slight tremor of the whole destiny plane, the black light suddenly radiates from the transmission array.

Then I saw the shadow of a man slowly emerging from the black light.

Seeing this figure, he kowtowed to the ground in a hurry. He didn't even dare to lift his head. He only dared to look with the rest of his eyes.

But between the shaking of the black light, the figure gradually became clear, and then a figure appeared next to the figure.

It was at this time that the black light suddenly dissipated, and then two figures came out together.

Among them, the figure walking in the front gave out a few sneers.

"What a low plane! Even this Yin Qi is so complicated

Hearing this voice, the God ordered ghost King repeatedly kowtow and said in a trembling voice: "humble the destiny, welcome the Lord to come!"

Hearing his shouts, the two figures gradually condense and finally show their true colors.

Standing in front of him was a handsome man, dressed in splendid clothes and full of pride.

But behind him, stands a tall Lengyan woman.

When he saw the man kneeling on the ground repeatedly kowtowing, the man sneered and said arrogantly, "are you the so-called destiny ghost king who is in charge of this direction?"

"In front of adults, I dare not be called the ghost king!" Destiny raised his head and said flatteringly.

Hearing him say so, the man nodded with satisfaction, "good, you are also a good judge! Get up

"Yes The ghost king stood up, respectfully standing aside, his eyes flashed with excitement from time to time.

It's not that he hasn't seen the world before. It's because the identity of the man who came here is too noble.

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