You know, in the depths of the ghost world, there are so many powerful families, and aristocratic families are like river sand.

But there are only a few who can really be regarded as distinguished.

Among them, Ren's family is one.

How long has Ren's family existed? It is impossible to prove the time.

But to be able to stand in such a chaotic place for such a long time without falling down, or even more prosperous, we can see how terrible the strength of Ren's family is.

And this man, is a direct son of Ren's family, named Ren Tianyun.

Compared with such a status, the so-called "ghost king" is nothing. Even if he is a dog, he is not qualified.

So he was so excited when he learned that someone would come to Ren's family.

If you can get in touch with any family through this matter, you can be regarded as flying into the sky.

It is in the heart of the destiny ghost King silently thinking about the beautiful future vision.

Ren Tianyun didn't even bother to look at him. Instead, he turned his head and gave a smile to the cold and gorgeous woman. "Feiwen, have you just passed it on? Are you tired?"

The woman shook her head, "Ren Shao doesn't have to worry about me. I come here for the sake of the tan family."

Wait, what does this woman say? Tan family?

After hearing this name, he was excited.

Because the tan family is also a very powerful family in the depths of the ghost world. In terms of strength, it is no less than Ren's.

This naturally let just thought that she is Ren Tianyun's servant, the destiny ghost king is shocked.

But then there was a burst of ecstasy.

Because if this can take the line of Tan family at the same time, it's really good for yourself.

Ren Tianyun can hear this tan feiwen's words, but in the depths of her eyes flashed a cold color that is not easy to be detected, but even nodded.

"No problem!"

Tan feiwen did not pay attention to these, but raised her hand, "you come here!"

"I've seen the LORD before you!"

Tan feiwen said faintly: "don't be so rigid. I ask you, what do you say that the dark ghost king was suddenly summoned away by the mysterious power, and then the spirits all died. Is this true?"

The ghost King took a deep breath, then nodded solemnly, "nature is true! How dare you lie in such a matter

Tan feiwen nodded, "very good! Now tell me all that you know, and don't leave anything out. Understand

"Yes The ghost king immediately nodded.

This is the tallest and most noble room in the Lord's mansion. You can see the towering iron net mountain outside by opening the window.


Ren Tianyun and Tan feiwen, who came here, sat in front of the window and drank the best spirit tea worshipped by the ghost king. They both fell into silence.

After did not know how long, Tan feiwen will cup down, light way: "Ren Shao how to see?"

Ren Tianyun said with a smile, "although the destiny ghost King's strength is not so good, the news is very smart. If it is true as he said, then the dark ghost king is indeed dead a bit strange!"

Tan feiwen shook her head. "It's not a little bit strange, but rather strange!"

Speaking of this, Tan feiwen's eyes flashed a deep luster, "although in the edge of the ghost world, the ghost King's strength is not so good, but after all, they are strong defenders. How can such existence be easily summoned away?"

"Well What if it's a fairy king or better? " Ren Tianyun said hesitantly.

Tan feiwen shook her head, then turned her head and looked out of the window at the iron net mountain and said, "since Since he established tiewangshan, which Immortal King dares to cross it

When talking about his word, Tan feiwen's tone is very strange.

Ren Tianyun, who has always been above the top of her eyes and is extremely arrogant, can't help but glance at tiewangshan after hearing Tan feiwen's words, and then her face also shows a look mixed with infinite awe and fear.

It seems that this is a taboo that can't be talked about. After a short silence, the two people happened to turn the topic to Cang Ming GUI Jun.

"If according to this destiny, then the summoner is obviously very proficient in the way of God, Rune and ghost. Such existence is indeed a threat to our ghost world."

Speaking of this, Ren Tianyun's face flashed a obliteration, and the teacup in front of him turned into a black air.

Tan feiwen said faintly: "not only that, after Cang Ming was summoned to leave, all his separate bodies burst apart. This shows that the spirit of the other party is obviously extremely strong, so we must investigate this matter to the end! To give the family a satisfactory account

Ren Tianyun nodded, "feiwen, when do you plan to start?"

Tan feiwen frowned slightly. It seemed that she didn't like the name Ren Tianyun, but she even lowered her eyes and said faintly."After that, it's very important for us to provide him with the information, that is to say, it's very important for us to provide him with the information after the ghost investigation."

"To his ghost birthday?" A look of disdain flashed on Ren Tianyun's face. He was about to say something. He suddenly caught a glimpse of Tan feiwen's face. He was stunned for a moment, and then he stopped talking.

"So good!"

Tan feiwen went back to her room.

When only Ren Tianyun was left in the room, he suddenly sneered.

"Give him face? Don't you just want this God appointed ghost king to gather his people to work for you! When a whore, still want to set up a memorial archway! How ridiculous

Speaking of this, Ren Tianyun's breath became thick and heavy again, "and dare not lie to me, I will let you understand my power sooner or later!"

Of course, these words were sealed in a very small scope by his secret arts, and it was not known from the outside.

At the same time, the people of the white bone road have also entered the city of destiny.

After witnessing the prosperity among them, songjingyue is even more amazed.

"Wow, master, it's more prosperous than the capital of our world."

But see the street on the flow of people such as weaving, on both sides of the shop is selling all kinds of rare treasures that can not be seen easily from the outside world.

Even life and soul are clearly marked on the price of the display on the counter.

But look at the look of the people, it seems that they have been used to this.

Wen lingcui has been here several times. Naturally, there is no shock at the beginning. She says in a deep voice: "don't be noisy. Go to the post office and settle down first."

"All right." Although song Jingyue wanted to go around, she could not disobey her teacher's orders. She still obeyed her orders and went to the post house.

At this time, the cold Bo city came over again and said with a low smile, "younger martial sister, I'll take you out for a while?"

Songjing moon face no expression, light way: "no need!"

Then he went on.

Lengbo city's face became colder and colder. Finally, he suppressed his anger and followed him.

At this time, a space outside Tianming City rippled, and then a figure came out of it.

Although it is very abrupt, but the people around seem not to see the same, there is no awareness at all.

Xue an raised his head and looked at the iron net mountain in the distance, with a faint smile, then turned and walked into the city of destiny. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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