The upcoming Xianmen meeting has made many thousand year old clans of the hidden immortal gate become active.

It's like a giant beast in the dark, waking up one by one.

And Lingnan, as the venue of the Xianmen meeting, naturally attracted countless attention.

There was a drizzle in the sky.

Outside Lingnan airport, Li Hao is waiting for a guest.

Recently, business has suddenly improved a lot, and Li Hao is very happy about it.

I don't know if there are any guests who are bold and generous today.

Li Hao is calculating when a woman comes out of the airport hall.

She is a woman of charming and charming.

Li Hao was a little silly.

He had never seen such a beautiful woman.

In particular, every move of this woman reveals infinite amorous feelings.

It's so crispy.

In dementia, the woman came to the car, opened the door and got on the car.

Li Hao felt his heart beat more than twice as fast as usual.

"Little Where are you going, miss

"Where is the most prosperous place in Lingnan

The voice is charming and moving.

Li Hao stammered: "the bar street in the city is more prosperous."

The woman nodded, "go there!"

For the first time in his life, Li Hao felt that the longer the trip, the better.

When she finally got to the place, the woman got out of the car with a smile.

This smile makes Li Hao feel that his heart has stopped, so he watched the woman go away, and then he suddenly remembered.

She didn't seem to have paid, did she?

Shi Xueqing enters the biggest bar in Lingnan.

Strong music mixed with alcohol gas, people will unconsciously relax.

But when the snow green appears, lets many people in front of a bright.

What a beautiful woman.

Some bar prodigals come up and want to chat up.

Shi Xueqing just glanced at them faintly, and all of them were frozen in place.

It was only after Shi Xueqing had gone far away that they returned to normal with sweat on their heads, and their eyes showed a startling light.

This woman's eyes, too terrible.

"What can I do for you, miss?" There was also a flash of amazement in the eyes of the waiter.

When snow green sits on the chair of the bar, long finger taps the table top, light says: "I want to see you this principal person!"

The waiter was stunned, "Miss, you..."

Shi Xueqing took a look at the waiter. The waiter's eyes were gradually confused. Then he nodded and said, "yes!"

Wang Bao is in a bad mood these two days. He always thinks something will happen.

Damn it, I think I'll have to find a new girl to get rid of.

Wang Bao was thinking about it when the waiter pushed the door and came in.

"Damn it, who let you in? Get out of here Wang Bao yelled.

The waiter looked dull as if he had not heard.

"Oh, didn't you hear me? Go away Wang Bao said angrily.

At this time, Shi Xueqing came out from behind, "are you the person in charge here?"

Wang Bao was stunned.

He has never seen such a beautiful woman before.

Compared with her, the hostess in her bar has become a flower woman on the street.

"I'm Baoge. You..."

Shi Xueqing nodded, "I want to borrow this bar for a while!"

Wang Bao reacted and laughed grimly, "little girl, do you know who you are talking to? Borrowing? OK, but you have to serve me comfortably... "

When snow green head up, a pair of fox eyes flash a touch of light.

Wang Baoru was struck by lightning, and then his eyes gradually became empty.

"Now, do you hear me clearly?" Shi Xueqing said.

"Yes, master!" Wang Bao's voice was empty.

Shi Xueqing nodded, "go and check. The man who killed the sword immortal of Yu family some time ago is still in Lingnan. I want all his information!"

"Yes, master!"

"Go down, and..." "I'll call you queen later!" she said

"Yes, your majesty!"

Wang Bao and the waiter are out.

When Xueqing sat on the sofa, poured a glass of red wine, took a sip, and then frowned.

It's hard to drink.

After getting used to the old wine of Fanjing Mountain, drinking these secular wine is just like drinking water.

Yes, she is Fanjing Mountain, the current walk of Lingying palace.

Lingying palace is one of the most unique sects in the hermit immortal sect.

For they worship fox spirits.Therefore, almost every disciple in the Lingying palace is obsequious and wins by the power of unparalleled charm.

Shi Xueqing is no exception.

This is her second time down the mountain.

At the first Xianmen meeting, she was pitifully defeated by Yu Ming sword.

This time, naturally, he would not give up.

But when she learned that the Sword Fairy of the Yu family was killed, she was shocked.

So I came to Lingnan early to investigate the details of the man who killed the sword immortal.

After half a cup of wine, Xueqing opened the door and went to the stage.

It's getting quiet in the noisy hall.

The men looked at her with astonishment and ecstasy.

Shi Xueqing took a deep breath. She liked the taste.

A taste called desire.

The more in such an atmosphere, the more powerful her strength is.

In the eyes of the public, when Xueqing skillfully and elegantly prepared a glass of wine, and then drank half of it.

"Now, who wants to drink this wine?" When the snow green light road.

"Me "I'll drink it!" "I'll take it!"

The men below were crazy and began to shout madly, and gradually evolved into a scuffle.

Even the friends who came together were red eyed and began to fight each other.

In this chaos, when snow green mouth emerged a faint smile.

It's night.

The Lingying palace in Fanjing Mountain, when walking in the world, appeared in the purple night bar in Lingnan, making a sensation.

When Yu Ran walked into the room, she saw Xue an sitting on the sofa, watching cartoons with her two daughters.

Such a scene of love and warmth makes Yu ran a little stunned.

Is this still the man who killed decisively?

Seeing her come in, Xue an just looked up, then nodded with a smile, "sit down!"

Yu Ran sat aside in a complicated mood.

She was at a loss for this time.

In the face of this great change, the unity of the whole family is gradually disappearing.

Yu Ran also suffered a lot of gossip.

In particular, many foreign branches secretly accused her of leading xue'an to the Yu family, which eventually led to an uncontrollable situation.

This makes Yu Ran feel aggrieved.

But she couldn't justify it.

Such a tangled mentality makes her stay in the Yu family very uncomfortable.

I had to hang out all day, or come to see Xue an.

Just at this time, Ma Cheng came in from the outside.

"Mr. Xue, there's a news outside. It's very sensational now."

"What's the news?"

"It's said that a beautiful woman came to the purple night bar last night, which caused a fight among the drinkers!" Ma Cheng said with a sigh on his face.

Xue an raises eyebrow, "Oh?"

"Hey hey, I heard that this woman is really charming to the bone." Ma Cheng said excitedly.

Men, when talking about beautiful women, are basically such expressions.

But Xue an looks calm, just nodded.

"I see!"

"Mr. Xue, maybe at night Let's go and have a look? "

Yu Ran's heart tightened and looked at Xue an.

He probably won't go! After all, with the children.

But Xue an but smile, and then nodded, "good!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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