Purple night bar is located in the downtown area of Lingnan.

When Xue an arrived here, he found that all kinds of luxury cars had been parked in front of the door.

Ma Cheng graciously introduced: "Mr. Xue, this is the purple night bar. Tut, although there are many luxury cars here, they are not as many as today. It seems that the power of beautiful women is amazing!"

Xue an nodded, and was about to go in when he heard a voice coming from behind.

"Well, isn't this manager Ma?"

The voice is full of sarcasm, which makes people feel very annoying.

Ma Cheng turned his head and saw a man in bright clothes and arrogant expression standing not far away.

Ma Cheng's face flashed a trace of embarrassment and panic. Then he lowered his head and said with a smile: "it turned out to be manager Cui qicui. He just didn't notice."

Cui Qi nodded haughtily, and then said in a sarcastic tone, "how, manager Ma is going to join in the fun?"

"Ha ha, I just accompany others to have a look." Ma Cheng nodded and bowed.

Cui Qi sneered and looked at Xue an on one side and Yu Ran standing in the shadow behind Xue an.

After finding that Xue an is not a big family, she can't help but look up and walk into the bar.

Ma Cheng was relieved, and then quietly explained to Xue an, "Cui Qi is our Qin family's main competitor in Lingnan business, and this person is very powerful."

Xue an light nodded, "are you afraid of him?"

Ma Cheng's face showed a trace of embarrassment, "this When I first came to Lingnan, I once offended him, but after a lot of hard work, it was settled down. "

Xue an smiles and walks in.

This purple night bar is indeed the No.1 bar in Lingnan. Both the equipment and the layout inside are of first-class level.

Usually there are a lot of people here, and today's guests are twice as many.

And almost all of the people who came to the bar from time to time to look at the woman behind the bar.

The woman is wearing a full-length off the shoulder dress, exquisite clavicle in this shaking light, appears that kind of temptation.

And the most let men can not move the line of sight, or the woman's face that a seemingly vague smile.

No matter what angle you look at, it seems that they are smiling at you, which makes people's hearts jump for half a beat.

At the moment, the woman is smoking, elegant posture makes people feel so beautiful.

Ma Chengdu was stunned. After more than ten seconds, he exclaimed: "how beautiful! No wonder it can cause a disturbance. If it were me, I would not be able to control it

Xue an's eyes at this time are quite amusing, smell speech light smile, "very beautiful? I think it's just normal! "

This word one exit, cause side Cui Qi to sneer out a voice, "really have not seen the earth bumpkin of the world."

Then Cui Qi looked at Ma Cheng and said, "what? A toad wants to eat swan meat? Just like you, you want to chat up? "

Ma Cheng is embarrassed and doesn't know how to respond.

At this time, Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, "Oh? So you mean, you're not a toad? "

has the final say, "I am not, not like you." although the woman came last night, she already had a cold Rose's nickname. The average person be completely indifferent to the conversation, but I think they are useless.

With that, Cui Qi's eyes blazing forward and came to the front and back of the woman. His eyes became more and more greedy.

Close to see, this woman is simply beautiful, let a person breath all want to stop the same.

In particular, that kind of flattery is really itching.

Thinking about it, Tracy sat down with gentlemanly grace and snapped his finger at the waiter.

"Open a bottle of the most expensive wine, beautiful woman, worth the best wine to accompany!"

Hearing this, the waiter opened a bottle of royal salute with quick hands and feet. After pouring two cups, Cui Qi took a cup and said with a smile, "this beautiful lady, would you like to invite you to have a drink?"

This woman is, of course, snow green.

She looked up at trizzi, and then the corners of her mouth rose with a smile.

Cui Qi is very happy.

A lot of people talk to each other, but they don't even see a smile.

It seems that I succeeded in moving the woman.

Is proud of the time, when Xueqing took the glass, shaking, and then suddenly splashed out.

In his surprise, Cui Qi was splashed with wine.

Then when snow green light said a word.

"Go away!"

Cui Qi's face was gloomy and terrible, and his eyes flickered. When he was staring, he looked at Xueqing.

Shi Xueqing took a puff of smoke and vomited out. Then he said in a cold voice, "didn't you hear what I said? Go awayTrizzi got up and turned away with a livid face.

Many people had expected this to happen.

After all, from the beginning to now, there are no less than 40 people chatting up with Shi Xueqing.

Among them, 21 were spilled wine, 10 bottles were smashed, and the rest fled under the cold and snowy eyes.

All in all, this woman is just terrible.

When it's hot, it's like last night, so that all the people are crazy about it.

And when it's cold, it's like an eternal iceberg, which makes people dare not even get close to it.

And at this time, another figure slowly walked to the bar.

A lot of people sneer, the heart says that another one wants to die.

Ma Cheng and Yu Ran glared round their eyes.

Because it was Xue an who went there.

Among them, Yu Ran is the most shocked.

It turns out that Does he like this type of woman?

Cui Qi also saw this scene and couldn't help but sneer.

It seems that after a while, Xue an is in a mess after a failure.

Xue an went to the bar, sat down at will, did not speak, but quietly looked at this when Xueqing.

Nowadays, Xue an is already a half step immortal cultivation, and his breath can be controlled perfectly. When his essence is restrained, he is just like an ordinary person, and he can't see anything different.

When snow green is seen slightly a frown, a lift eyes, just and Xue an's line of sight on.

When the snow green can not help but the heart of a shock.

What kind of eyes are they.

Pure and clear, but also with a touch of high above, like an emperor like look.

She was stunned.

And Xue an at the moment is a faint smile, "don't you invite me to have a drink? The current descendants of the hermit immortal sect? "

This sentence is like thunder, when the snow green ear explodes.

Her eyes became sharper than the blade, "you Who is it? "

At the same time, Xueqing is ready for everything.

Xue an smile, showing two white tiger teeth, "don't be nervous, because it's useless for you to be nervous. If I want to kill you, you are dead now!"

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