When snow green a shock, and then appeared on the face of the color of horror.

Because at this moment, Xue an's momentum suddenly increased.

It was a powerful momentum like the vast ocean, which moved people.

But it only lasted for a moment, and then xue'an was calm, as if it had just been an illusion.

When snow green efforts to restore calm, eye wave flow between Meiyan such as silk way: "good! But the wine here is too ordinary. I'll make you a cup of it

Then Xueqing stood up and began to make cocktails for Xue an.

The scene left everyone dumbfounded.

What's going on?

Why did the man come forward and not be driven away, but also personally make drinks for him?

Cui Qi's eyelids are even more crazy jump, angry face is blue.

As for Ma Cheng, he exclaimed and admired Xue an more and more.

It seems that Mr. Xue is not only highly trained, but also as good at dealing with women.

Only Yu Ran, eyes sad looking, especially after noticing Xueqing's every move, felt that compared with her, he was simply not a woman.

No wonder Xue an has never looked at himself more these days.

At this time, Xueqing mixed the wine and poured a cup to Xue an.

Xue an took over, looked at the amber wine in the glass and tasted it.

"What's the name of this wine?"

Shi Xueqing looked at Xue an and said slowly, "I call it night rose."

"Night rose..." Xue an shook her head. "I think it's more suitable to be called Suva Yanhuo."

"It's a beautiful fire..." When snow green murmured to herself, the expression seems to have been crazy.

Xue an went on to say, "the so-called Qiaopo, blazing fire, is not it a good match with your charming skill

When snow green god changed, just want to say what.

Xue an waved his hand and said faintly, "I smell a familiar smell outside the bar. It's just strange. Why do you have the smell of fox demon as a human being?"

At last Xueqing was shocked.

Who the hell is this man?

Why are all his details not a secret in his eyes?

"Let me guess, is it the fox fairy that you worship? What a strange family Said Xue an, taking another sip of wine.

At this time, Shi Xueqing finally straightened up and said respectfully, "when the Lingying palace of Fanjing Mountain is walking, may I ask your name?"

Xue an said faintly: "my name is Xue an!"

Xue an.

Shi Xueqing suddenly widened her eyes.

Xue an nodded, "yes, it's Xue an who killed Yu Yuanyi!"

Time snow green at the moment in the heart of endless bitterness.

If you know that this person is so powerful, you won't reveal his deeds.

Xue an smiles, "don't be afraid, I said, I won't kill you! I'm just curious about you

"When Xueqing lowered her head," the little gentleman cultivates to pass the God, the little woman now finally is convinced

As she said this, she worshipped with snow.

That elegant posture, let a lot of men's saliva to flow out.

But Xue an didn't even lift his eyelids. He just said faintly, "I said, your flattering skills are useless to me!"

Shi Xueqing looked pitiful. "Mr. Xue, I didn't deliberately display it. It's just that this enchanting skill has been integrated with me."

But Xue an is noncommittal smile.

When he heard from Ma Cheng at home, he probably guessed some. After all, if he was an ordinary person, no matter how beautiful he was, he would not have caused such a large-scale disturbance.

The only way to be tricky is to be tricky.

Sure enough.

Outside the bar, Xue an smelled the fox demon.

The reason why Xue an was so sensitive to the taste was that Xue an was once chased by a Nine Tailed Fox in Qingqiu fox kingdom for hundreds of years when he had traveled all over the world.

Xue an was still a little excited, and thought it would be a fox demon.

It turns out to be personal.

At this time, Xue an put down his glass and said faintly, "you are all obsequious, but it's a pity that the cultivation of flattery is so bad that it just floats on the surface."

Shi Xueqing gradually widens her eyes and looks at Xue an.

"Mr. Xue You... "

"I happen to have a friend who is a fox fairy!" Xue an smiles.

Shi Xueqing is shocked.

At this time, the door outside was kicked open, a group of shirtless men filed in, and then a man with one ear missing slowly came in.

At the sight of this man, many people in the bar turned pale.

"Cui Kuo, it's Cui Kuo!"

"It's over. It's over. This Cui que, who is known as having no children, is very cruel and cruel. How did he come?"In these comments, Cui Qi was overjoyed and rushed up.


It turns out that Cui que is Cui Qi's cousin.

Cui que looked at him, and then he focused on the whole set of Shi Xueqing.

After a few eyes, Cui's eyes were full of greed and possessiveness.

"Wang Bao, you son of a bitch, is really capable. Where did you find such a special creature? Tut! This waist, this butt Cui Kui was surprised and his words were very vulgar.

But no one dares to say a word.

In Lingnan, who doesn't know Cui's name. This is a cruel man who can stop the night cry.

When snow green slightly frowns, and then Wang Bao's eyes dull to welcome up.

"Please get out of here!" Wang Bao said mechanically.

"Wang, OK, I have a lot of skills. I have nothing else to do today. I just want to borrow you for two days and return it to you. How about that?"

Now Wang Bao's whole mind is under control.

Cui Kui frowned, "Damn it, if you don't speak, it's acquiescence! Come on, brothers

The crowd swarmed on and drove the others to the corner.

And Cui Kuo came over with a smile.

A trace of disgust appeared on Shi Xueqing's face.

But Xue an just sat there, still slowly drinking wine.

"Girl, go with your brother, go there and have a good time Cui Kui said with a smile.

"When I'm not angry, I'll get out of here!" she said in a cold voice

Cui Kui a Leng, complexion gloomy down, "Damn, give face don't want to face!"

Then he jumped up.

Xue an still did not move, just quietly watching.

Of course, Shi Xueqing didn't take Cui que seriously.

She is at least also the current walk of the Lingying palace. It is not easy to deal with a local ruffian.

But in a moment of neglect.

Cui threw out a handful of powder.

The powder has a strange smell.

Shi Xueqing didn't know what was going on. She felt soft all over her body and couldn't even lift her hands.

At this time, Cui Kuo said with a smile, "Damn it, I've seen that you can do some Kung Fu, but this is an anesthetic used in the zoo. Elephants can be numb, not to mention you delicate little girl!"

Said Cui lack smile forward, ready to drag away when snow green.

Shi Xueqing looks at Xue an with pleading and despairing eyes.

Trizzi sneered.

In his opinion, it's cheap for Xue an to keep silent now.

Otherwise, his cousin must let him know what is fierce.

But when Cui Que's hand is about to touch the snow-green shoulder.

Xue an light said: "drink you a glass of wine, this is when wine money good!"

With that, Cui's hand suddenly broke with his wrist.

The blood gushed and dyed the floor red and the eyes of Cui Qi and others.

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