Cui Kui first looked down and then screamed out, "ah ah ah ah ah..."

The shrill scream made all people shiver.

But Cui que was also a cruel man. When he took out his left hand from his arms, he took out a homemade gun.

"I will kill you! I'll chop you into meat sauce Cui Shao roared with a ferocious face.

Cui pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang.

The whole bar was deafening.

The smoke of gunpowder filled the air, many people closed their eyes and finished their heart.

This man is dead.

Cui Qi gave a proud sneer.

Dare to offend my cousin in Lingnan?

I don't know how to write dead words.

But in the smoke has not yet dispersed, a faint voice came out.

"Is the gun so powerful? Too slow! "

With the words, Xue an slowly came out of the dark, palm raised, slowly released.

The Yellow bullet dropped from the palm and made a few crisp noises.

This scene made Cui Que and others all stunned.

Hand picked bullets?

Is this still human?

"Come on! Call someone Cui Kui sees the situation is not good, immediately orders a way.

Xue an is not worried, still sit back to the original place, looking paralyzed on the bar, full of grief and anger when snow green, a faint smile.

"It seems that you should study how to deal with anesthetics in the future."

This makes Shi Xueqing more ashamed and angry.

As an elegant hermit immortal, he was almost hurt by a ruffian.

If such a thing is spread out, it can just laugh off people's big teeth.

At this time, Ma Cheng came over and said nervously, "Mr. Xue, we'd better hurry up! They're calling! "

Xue an shook her head. "Go? Why go? Isn't it better to see the excitement? "

The atmosphere in the bar fell into a strange silence.

One side is pale Cui que staring at Xue an, the other side is Xue an slowly drinking wine, there is no expression on his face.

Many timid people are already slipping away.

But there are also bold people who watch the excitement in the distance.

"Who is this man?"

"I don't know. It looks very powerful."

"I don't think he's a local, but he's still too young. Cui Kuo is not so easily provoked. He has martial arts behind him."

"Hush, keep it down. There's a man coming!"

In the midst of the discussion, the door bowl came to a messy footstep sound, and then there was a sound like a copper bell.

"Who dares to bully my people?"

With the voice, a man more than two meters tall and a big man like a mountain came in.

"It's Hao batian, the owner of Lingnan Golden Dragon martial arts school!"

"It's over. This man can't live tonight!"

A lot of people are whispering.

And Cui Que and Cui Qi two people face a happy, hasten to come over.

"Master Hao, this guy, actually cut off my wrists! Besides, I'm not a native yet. I'd like to ask Master Hao to make the decision for me. " Cui Kuo cried.

"Yes! And this woman is not a good person. I guess it's a witch from somewhere. Please take care of it together with master Hao! " Trizzi is adding fuel to the side.

Hao batian didn't care.

In Lingnan, although the Yu family ranked first with indisputable advantages.

But because of the harsh conditions for entering Yu's family, there are still many martial arts schools like stars among the people.

And He Hao batian is one of the best.

At the age of 40, he has entered the carefree life, and his strength is enough to be proud of himself.

Cui Que and others, relying on his strength, dare to be so arrogant in Lingnan.

After listening to their words, Hao batian nodded with a cold smile, "OK, you can rest assured. I will give you justice."

Then he turned his head and looked.

The first thing I saw was the limp snow green beside the bar.

Then he froze.

This woman is so beautiful!

Hao batian's breathing was heavy.

At this time, Cui Kuo also saw the clue and hurried forward in a low voice: "master Hao, I have inquired about it. This woman who came to Lingnan yesterday has no foundation in Lingnan. You can do whatever you like after you take it back."

Hao Ba Tian's eyes flashed a smug smile, and then said, "it's really a demon girl. I'll take it back to the museum in a moment. I'll check it myself!"

But as soon as his voice fell, a slight smile came.

"Who? Who is laughing? " Hao batian was angry.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "what a person to inquire, but the owner of the museum is a great prestige!"Hao batian turned his eyes and noticed Xue an sitting on the side.

He frowned a little, then his face was full of disdain.

Because Xue an's momentum is no different from ordinary people.

"Who are you? How dare you talk to me like that Hao batian asked coldly.

"Master Hao, it was this man who cut off my wrist!" Cui lack hate voice way.

Hao batian narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart was killing.

But at this time, Yu Ran, who had been silent in the back, stepped into the field and said coldly, "Hao batian, have you ever asked us about the Yu family in Lingnan

The words were like thunder, which exploded in everyone's ears.

The Yu family.

It's an immortal in Lingnan.

Hao batian didn't care at first, but when he looked at it carefully, he was stunned.

At this time, Cui Qi sneered and said, "Yu family? What are you who dare to call yourself Yu family

As soon as the words fell, Hao batian slapped Cui Qi to the ground.

Cui Qi was stunned, looking at Hao batian, he just wanted to talk, and the next scene shocked him.

Hao batian's face was so humble that he bent down to flatter him and said, "Yu Miss Yu, how are you here? "

Miss Yu?

How many young ladies are there in Lingnan?

Cui Qi and Cui que were shocked, and then their faces were full of horror.

But Yu Ran looks at Hao batian coldly.

"Why can't I be here?"

Hao batian is going to cry.

He didn't notice that Yu Ran was here. If he knew, he would not dare to behave so domineering.

But now it's too late to say anything. He can only tremble and say, "Miss Yu, I I didn't mean that Me. "

"What do you mean Xue an stood up and walked to Yu Ran and looked at Hao batian.

Hao batian gritted his teeth secretly. Where did he come from? How dare you ruin my business? I'll tear you up later!

But before he could speak, Yu Ran stepped back and said in a respectful voice, "Mr. Xue, it's really our Yu family's fault that such scum came out of Lingnan!"

Mr. Xue.

Also let Yu's eldest lady be so respectful.

Hao batian suddenly thought of a man, and then his face showed a look of extreme panic.

"You You... "

Xue an nodded, a faint smile, "yes, I am the one you want to be!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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