
This sentence was like a thunderbolt, which made Hao Ba black in front of his eyes, pale as paper, and his sweat as big as a bean dropped without money.

Because he knew that in Lingnan, the Yu family could not be provoked, but this man was ten times more powerful than the Yu family.

However, Cui que seemed to be blinded by the pain, and said with disdain: "boy, it's your turn to interrupt us? Not yet... "

Before Cui que finished, he felt a strong attack from behind. He fell to the ground directly. When he turned his head and looked around, he found that Hao batian was kicking himself.

"Master Hao..."

Hao batian didn't talk, and his fists poured out like no money.

The ghost of Cui que cried and howled.

This scene surprised all the onlookers.

What's going on?

Why does this man just say a word, let Hao batian so frightened?

After fighting for a while, Hao Ba stopped. At this time, Cui que was extremely miserable. Not only did he break his hand, but also his mouth full of teeth.

Then Hao batian looked at Xue an carefully and said respectfully, "Xue Mr. Xue, I don't know Taishan. I'm damned. I'm... "

Xue an waved his hand and Hao batian closed his mouth.

Then Xue an looks back at Ma Cheng and beckons him to come.

Ma Cheng doesn't know why. Xue an points to Cui Qi on the ground.

"How did you bully him

Ma Cheng a shock, some timid said: "he He... "

Trizie was shaking.

Because he also remembered a rumor.

Only the person in the rumor would be so respectful by Miss Yu, and would Hao batian be so frightened by his name.

Before Ma Cheng could speak, Cui Qi had turned over and knelt on the ground, banging his head.

"Manager Ma, no Mr. Ma, it's my fault. I'm damned. I didn't know you knew Mr. Xue. Please forgive me. The money I owed you at that time must be double, no! Give it back ten times! "

Ma chengmu gaped. He didn't speak yet. Cui Qi was afraid of this.

Even if Cui was stupid, he could see that there was something wrong with him. However, he was beaten all over and couldn't move at all. He could only look at Xue an in horror, and a whiff of bitterness came from his crotch.

I was scared to urinate.

Such a scene made all the people silent.

A lot of people are already quietly retreating.

Because they also guessed Xue an's identity.

In addition to Mr. Xue, who killed the sword immortals with his own strength and defeated all the powerful families in Lingnan

Who else can have such a reputation?

Xue an was not sad or happy, but looked at Ma Cheng, "do you accept his proposal?"

Ma Chenggang hesitated.

Cui Qi said quickly, "Mr. Ma, don't worry. After tonight, all the markets in Lingnan will be yours. I'll get out of Lingnan and never come back again."

This is a wise choice.

Because Cui Qi is equivalent to offending Yu family and Xue an at the same time.

There is no place for him in Lingnan.

Ma Cheng nodded, "OK All right

Cui Qi looked at Xue an with a hopeful look,

Xue an waved his hand, Cui Qi was granted amnesty, and then he banged his head at Xue an, then stood up, turned his head and left.

He doesn't care about his cousin Cui que lying on the ground.

At this time, Xue an looks at Hao batian, who has been bending down. A faint smile appears in the corner of his mouth, and slowly walks over.

Every step made Hao batian's muscles tremble.

After walking to the front and back, Xue an raised his hand and patted Hao batian's huge bald head.

Hao batian was so scared that his teeth were clucking and fighting, and his whole body was shaking like chaff.

"You say How can I punish you? " Xue an tone indifferent said.

"You are also a martial arts practitioner. I will not bully you. If you accept my fist, if you do not die, I will let you go. Can you agree with this proposal?"

Hao batian is going to cry.

Get him a punch?

The collapsed hill behind Yu's family is still standing there, telling people with silent facts what the consequences of receiving Xue an's fist are.

Hao batian doesn't think he can resist beating more than Shan.

So his heart a horizontal, eyes closed, teeth bite.

A soft knees, also kneeling on the ground, and then grinning, crying.

"Xue Mr. Xue, I I know I'm wrong. Please give me a way to live! "

A man more than two meters tall wailed and burst into tears. The scene was shocking and funny.

Xue an stands with his hands down and looks at Hao batian with interest."Want to survive? Well, do you know your guilt by bullying the weak by your own force? "

"Know the sin!"

"When you see the color, you know the crime by using clever words to frame up?"

"Know the sin!" Hao batian was shaking all over.

"Since I know my sin, I will abolish your cultivation and break your hands and feet. You..." Xue an steps forward.

"Can you be convinced?"

Hao batian was paralyzed like mud and said in despair, "take it easy!"

Xue an nods and kicks out.

This kick is like kicking a ball, kicking the huge Hao batian out directly, smashing a wall, and then crashing to the ground.

In the smoke and dust, Hao batian spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person quickly became depressed, but still struggling to say: "thank you for your kindness

Someone dragged Hao batian and Cui Qian away.

The bar returned to calm.

Many people looked at Xue an with awe.

But Xue an was indifferent, turned back to the bar, looking at the snow green still lying on the bar, light way: "I'm very curious, when are you going to continue to install?"

After saying this, Xueqing slowly sat up straight with a smile like a trick on her face, and then stretched out a long stretch.

My graceful curve is revealed under this lazy waist. Undoubtedly, it is a perfect figure enough to make people spurt blood.

But Xue an was not moved by it at all, just looked at her indifferently.

"I can't hide anything from you!" Shi Xueqing's tone is delicate and simple, and then her eyes flow, and her eyes are like silk road.

"What's more, I'm a girl in the fight between you men. How can I get involved? What's more, Mr. Xue, you are so brave and invincible that I can only admire you and forget to get up for a while. "

Such a soft and seductive voice, like a coquettish tone, let a lot of eavesdroppers hate to soften.

In a word, it is.

Who can stand it!

But Xue an did not seem to hear, still silent looking at snow green.

Shi Xueqing is staring at by Xue an's cold eyes and gets goose bumps all over.

Just want to say something more, Xue an turns around unexpectedly, Chong Yu Ran and Ma Cheng say: "boring, go!"

And then he left.

Shi Xueqing looks stunned and looks at Xue Anyuan's back, full of frustration in her heart.

In fact, she recovered when Xue an picked up trizzi.

But she decided to keep on pretending, thinking that she'd better catch xue'an tonight.

But I didn't expect, when the snow green just winked at all white throw.

Xue an seems to be lazy to look at her and left without hesitation.

Damn it, is my mother old?

The repeated failure of the art of eroding bones on Xue an makes Shi Xueqing doubt himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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