Wen muring's eyes have been filled with black and red light. On her beautiful white cheek, there are also black blood vessel lines. With her long dancing hair, she looks like a demon.

Wen Mu Ling raised her mouth and gave a sneer, "do you still remember the shadow guard?"

Ren Tianyun's face changed several times, and finally his face became gloomy and said with a sneer: "no wonder he tried to assassinate me with the body of a human race. It turns out that it is the remnant of his remnant party!"

"Remnant evils of the remnant party?" Wen muring's body was black, and she was obviously extremely angry. "If you were here, would you dare to say these words?"

Ren Tianyun snorted, "he's here. I dare not! But he is dead! And there is not even a trace of spirit left! "

Speaking of this, Ren Tianyun's face showed a look of fun, "isn't it very ironic? A king who plays with the soul, but all the spirits are gone! Ha ha ha ha ha

In the sound of laughter, the whole audience vibrated.

Because of the assassination just now, all the people are confused, and the shock that happened in the back is even more chilling for all of them.

Shadow guard, Ming Jun.

Any one of these words is a shocking secret story that makes countless people fall to the ground.

As a result, many people are so pale that they want to plug their ears now.

But the most frightening thing in the audience is the God appointed ghost king.

At the moment, he was almost scared to cry.

Because Wen Mu Ling was selected by him to be dedicated to Ren Tianyun, but he never thought that such a thing happened.

What's more, Wen Mu Ling is still the shadow guard of Ming Jun.

This fact almost scared the ghost king out of his mind.

Because he is very clear about the work style of these powerful ghost clans, that is, rather kill wrong than let go.

What's more, Wen Mu Ling is still a member of the city of destiny. She fell into the mire and couldn't get rid of the suspicion.

These thoughts flashed in the heart of the God's ghost king, which made him pale and almost collapse.

At the same time, see a Qing and other women finally powerless, a scream, by these ghost guard subdued in the ground.

But in this case, Wen Muling smiles. In her brilliant smile, she sweeps her hair around her ears.

"You're wrong. Adults don't die! He must be alive! When he comes back again, it will be the death time of you powerful ghosts! "

Ren Tianyun snorted, "what a delusion!"

The voice just fell, but saw in the shadow behind him suddenly burst a group of gorgeous sword light, Wen muring rushed out of it, straight stabbed Ren Tianyun.

It is the unique secret skill of shadow guard, the skill of shadow killing!

This move is extremely strange and unpredictable, caught off guard, Ren Tianyun has no time to react.

But Wen Mu Ling's sword just pierced Ren Tianyun's back half a minute deep. Tan feiwen on one side snorted coldly. A black awn flew across the air, directly entangled Wen's sword and twisted it suddenly.


The sword is broken.

Then the black awn winds up like a snake python, trying to tie Wen Mu Ling up.

Seeing that the opportunity was not good, Wen Mu Ling retreated abruptly.

But her speed is still a little slow, this black awn is like a living creature in the air.


Wen muring's body was directly pulled out and vomited a large mouthful of blood in the air.

"Captain Wei!" Ah Qing and other women screamed.

But the cry just got up, he was the face of the iron green fate of the ghost Jun wave seal mouth.

Wen muring's figure staggered out of the distance, just reluctantly stopped.

At this time, when I looked at her, her white face was as white as paper, but her lips were red with blood.

Ren Tianyun was stabbed in the back of a small hole, such injuries for him, nothing at all.

But the defect on the face makes Ren Tianyun furious.

"How dare you hurt me? I'll take you back to the depths of the ghost world and throw yourself into the endless world, so that you can experience eternal pain Ren Tianyun roared.

In this case, Wen muring's body trembled slightly and seemed to be unable to support it.

Although ah Qing and others are unable to speak, they all look at Wen Mu Ling with despair and grief.

As for the people in the courtyard, they could not help but silence.

Song Jingyue's face is very gloomy. Although she doesn't know who Wen muring is, the present situation reminds her of what happened yesterday, and she can't help feeling sorry for each other.

So in spite of her hopelessness, she asked in a low voice, "master, what is shadow guard? And what's the matter with the remaining evils of the remnant party? "

"Shut up! Don't talk Wen lingcui's face was solemn and she scolded in a low voice.

Usually heard lingcui did not shout at her, now it is obviously really scared.

Song Jingyue did not dare to say anything, but looked at Wen Mu Ling with infinite sympathy.meanwhile.

Wen muring gently wiped away the blood from the corner of her mouth and giggled at Ren Tianyun and the ghost king who were angry on the platform.

"How nice!"


How nice?

What does that mean?

Some women don't know what to say.

Then Wen Mu Ling lowered her head and looked at ah Qing and other people. She said with a sad smile, "I'm sorry, I've implicated you!"

Ah Qing and others burst into tears and shook their heads together.

Wen Mu Ling raised her head and looked at the iron net mountain which was straight into the sky and hidden into the void. Her face showed infinite admiration and nostalgia.

"My Lord, I am too tired! Fortunately, I can see you soon! But before I die, I will let all of them bury you

Speaking of this, from Wen Mu Ling's chest flew a piece of black jade.

Yujue turned slowly, and suddenly beat like a heart. Then he stretched out countless black silk threads and went straight to tiewangshan in the distance.

Tan feiwen suddenly understood what, and screamed: "stop her!"

Ren Tianyun also knows that it is not good. She urges her whole body to cultivate herself and wants to kill Wen muring.

But it was too late to see that the silk thread extended from the black jade was immediately connected with the countless black luster on the tiewangshan mountain.


The whole net mountain shook slightly.

But because the mountain is too high, even though it is only a slight shaking, it makes the whole tower and even the whole city of destiny shake.

The fury swept through the audience, and Wen Mu Ling gave out a very happy laugh. In the laughter, a line of blood and tears trickled down slowly.

"Who dares to stay Wen Mu Ling's men and eyebrows are raised, and their words shake the sky.

Ren Tianyun, Tan feiwen, tianminggui Jun, and all the people present were shocked.

In particular, Ren Tianyun and other three people were shivering.

Because they can feel the immense power.

"Go to hell!" Wen muring's face is full of morbid excitement.

Because this legacy is not at all what she can master now, so once she exerts it out, it will be the end of all gods and spirits.

But when countless black silk threads spread all over the sky, ready to kill everything.

Beside the jade Jue surrounded by the black awn, a long and distinct hand suddenly appeared, and then slowly reached out and held the jade.


All over the sky, the black awn suddenly stagnated, and the world destroying strike that was about to pour down also stopped.

Then I heard a sigh.

"It's OK to kill them, but is it worth your life to do so?"

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