There was a dead silence.

All the people opened their eyes, staring at the young man in white in the sky, and his brain was in a state of downtime.

Song Jingyue was shocked all over, and then his heart was occupied by ecstasy.

It's him!

I didn't expect to see him here!

For this young man who saved himself in the Zhu tower, song Jingyue can be said to have a deep memory.

But immediately, she thought of something, a heart gradually sank down, the face also appeared a thick blue.

What is he doing?

Didn't he see the situation in the field?

The same gaping ah Qing is on the high platform. Although she is bound, she still tries to raise her head and looks at Xue an in a daze. Her eyes are full of disbelief.

What is he doing here? Did you come to save me?

Ren Tianyun and Tan feiwen looked at each other, and saw the suspicion and killing intention in each other's eyes.

No matter how strange the two young people are, they are not ready to appear.

At the same time, Wen muring finally woke up from the confusion and roared, "give me back the jade!"

Said then shape if crazy rushed up.

Xue an was playing with the jade, and sighed slightly, "it's hard for you to be infatuated. Take a rest first."

After that, Wen Muling, who had already rushed forward with her teeth and claws, froze in an instant.

Her eyes were full of horror, for she found that her whole body was out of control and could not even move her fingers.

Xue an smiles, then turns to look at the people on the platform, and finally stops his eyes on Ren Tianyun and Tan feiwen, and says faintly: "Ren family? Tan family

"Yes! I am Ren's direct son Ren Tianyun! Who are you? " Ren Tianyun was proud and asked in a cold voice.

"Who am I?" Xue an's mouth appeared a funny smile, "you don't seem to be qualified to know who I am."

"You..." Ren Tianyun was furious and was about to break out.

One side of the destiny ghost King first rushed out, roared: "boy, do you know who you are talking to?"

At the moment, this God appointed ghost King's heart to do meritorious deeds is extremely urgent. After all, Ren Tianyun holds his own life. If he goes back and says that he may have colluded with the remaining evils of Ming Jun, he will be really finished.

That's why he can't wait to rush out.

But as soon as his voice fell, Xue an's eyes flashed and he raised his hand.

This palm seemed to fall from the sky, and instantly fell on the top of the God's ghost king.


Then there was a crackling sound of bone breaking.

Then he saw that the God appointed ghost king who just stood on the high platform was directly patted into a meat pie with this palm.

The flesh and blood were attached to the high floor, and the air was full of bad smell.

The blow seemed like a shock to the sky. The whole audience was quiet at first, and then there was a great disturbance.

Ren Tianyun and Tan feiwen were also shocked.

Because they didn't expect Xue an to shoot suddenly.

Unexpectedly, Ren Tianyun, who was just angry and ready to start at any time, suddenly became very calm. She just looked at Xue an coldly and did not speak.

On the other hand, Tan feiwen looked very ugly. She took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice, "what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Xue an laughed and said, "it's meaningless. It's just that he doesn't like his eyes, so he wants to kill him!"

"You..." Tan feiwen's face was white, and she couldn't help being angry.

The answer made many people feel cold.

Because they all felt that the boy in white had made a big mistake.

Only ghosts oppress Terrans, and they have never been oppressed by Terrans.

Now, if he does this, he will surely arouse the anger of these powerful ghosts.

Sure enough, there were layers of black gas emerging on the beach of bloody corpses, and then they re condensed into the body of the destiny ghost king.

But at this time, the destiny of the ghost king is no longer just the human body, but a thorough ghost form.

"I'll tear you up completely!"

At the moment, the fate of the ghost king is almost mad.

After thousands of years of life, he had never been humiliated.

He just said a word, and then the white boy who didn't know where to come out destroyed the human body made of hard work.

So just after showing the original shape, the destiny ghost king was angry and rushed up.

But his body just left the ground, Xue an slightly cold hum, gently stamped a foot.


The void swayed, and a powerful force fell on the head of the ghost king.Although it did not crush his whole body like the palm just now, it made him flop down and kneel on the floor, and then it was difficult to get up.


It was a sensation.

What is the existence of destiny and ghost king?

That's the person in charge of the whole seat. Although he bows and bows in front of Ren Tianyun and flatters his face, none of them can become a ghost king.

But now the ghost king had no strength to fight back, so he was destroyed by the young man in white, and knelt on the ground with one foot, so it was difficult to raise his head.

This fact naturally shocked everyone.

Loose Jingyue mouth slightly open, staring at what happened.

Although she knew that the young man in white was very strong, she did not expect to be so fierce.

As for her master, when she heard lingcui, her face changed greatly. She was silent and did not dare to look directly at her.

Xue an didn't care about these eyes, but said faintly, "do you know why I want to kill you?"

The ghost King's body was full of black gas, and was struggling to get rid of the shackles.

But all the struggle is futile. Under the suppression of Xue an's foot, the ghost king can't even move. He can only look at Xue an with horror on his face.

Xue an frowned, "because You have lost your awe! "

This sentence made many ghosts tremble.

Tan feiwen suddenly understood something and exclaimed, "no..."

But before the words fell, Xue an stepped on it heavily, and a powerful force that could not resist him instantly crushed the ghost king.

When he died, he was crushed into nothingness before he could make a scream and even the black gas of his body didn't escape.

In an instant, a powerful ghost king in charge of one side perished.

But the doer is just a human youth.

This fact has raised a sense of absurdity in many people's hearts.

It's just incredible.

Tan feiwen and Ren Tianyun can't help but look down with consternation on their faces. After a long time, the two men gradually recovered their consciousness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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