The look on their faces is wonderful.

Ren Tianyun's eyes are full of cold killing intention, but the whole person has become very calm, just standing quietly.

But Tan feiwen is full of anger.

Soon, she took a deep breath, raised her head and said coldly to Xue an.

"You are so reckless, do you really think that there is no one in our GUI family?"

Xue an smiles, but the smile is full of cold.

"Reckless? These four words should be the most suitable for you GUI people! "

Tan feiwen's eyes flashed a deep sense of killing, but immediately she nodded.

"Good! Since you think so, we have nothing to say. We will see you later! "

Then she turned and left.

Ren Tianyun also took a deep look at Xue an, sneered and turned to leave.

For their children, who were born in an ancient and powerful family, they would not only receive cultivation on cultivation, but also receive education in all aspects.

One of the most important points is to keep calm no matter when.

So no matter Ren Tianyun or tan feiwen, they were all angry at Xue an's practice.

But because Xue an's appearance is too strange, and the origin is unknown, the strength is unknown.

So the two of them are ready to take shelter. After leaving here, with the strength of Ren family and Tan family, they can check the origin of this guy and deal with it.

Therefore, both of them will choose to leave.

Seeing this scene, many people can't help but feel relieved.

Anyway, as long as we can get this thing over for a while.

Many people secretly make up their minds that when things are over, they will leave the destiny plane immediately.

After all, at this time, the destiny plane was the same as that of a volcano about to erupt.

As for the dead ghost King.

He was a ghost king when he was alive, but he was nothing when he died.

But when Ren Tianyun and Tan feiwen were about to leave, Xue an said faintly, "do you think you can still go now?"


There was a silent uproar.

Everyone is stupid.

How dare you provoke Ren family and Tan family?

Is this young man in white out of his mind?

Songjingyue was also silly, and then tears appeared in her anxious eyes. She pulled her master's sleeve and said in an urgent voice, "master, he..."

Wen lingcui didn't feel the difference of her apprentice at all. In fact, the Taoist master of the white bone road was stunned and shocked.

"This young man should be very strong, but he seems to forget that the other side is from the depths of the ghost world!" Wen lingcui whispered softly.

Sure enough.

After hearing Xue an's words, Ren Tianyun and Tan feiwen turned around and looked at Xue an in surprise. It seemed that Xue an would say so.

After a while, Ren Tianyun laughed grimly, "it's really interesting! There are such arrogant people in the world. Do you think you are very powerful? "

Although Tan feiwen did not speak, but the killing intention twinkling in her eyes has also explained her inner thoughts.

Xue an smiles, "I'm sorry, I don't think I'm very strong, but I'm very strong myself!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Ren Tianyun looks up to the sky and laughs as if she heard a joke.

Can not wait to smile a few times, Ren Tianyun suddenly convergence smile, and then the tone of the forest way: "very good! Originally wanted to let you go for a while, but you want to die by yourself, then don't blame others! I'll let you know today that Ren's family is so good. "

As soon as the voice falls, Ren Tianyun's figure has disappeared in place. When he appears again, he has come to Xue an's front, and then he raises his hand to strike.

Not to mention anything else, this speed alone can be regarded as shocking.

But in the face of this powerful blow, Xue an seems to have no reaction, still standing there quietly, even the smile of the corner of his mouth has not changed.

There was a burst of low exclamation, and many people shook their heads secretly, believing that Xue an would surely lose.

But as soon as this idea was raised, Xue an's palm suddenly raised in a short period of time, catching Ren Tianyun's fist, which had already blasted to the front, and then squeezed it violently.

"Ah, ah."

With a series of screams, Ren Tianyun instantly flies out. Looking at his arm, he has been twisted into a twist, constantly escaping with a trace of black air.

This scene looked stupefied everyone, then Xue an light way: "is this your Ren family's formidable?"

The tone is cool, but full of irony.

Ren Tianyun has been very angry,

since he was born, only he is superior to others, and has never suffered such a great loss.Coupled with Xue an's ridicule, Ren Tianyun is hard to accept, so he grinned ferociously.

"Well, since you want to die so much, I'll make you happy!"

"Blood inflammation Burn the sky

With this roar, you can see that Ren Tianyun's eyes instantly become a dark red color like hell, and a little blood light appears around him.

One divides into two and two divides into four.

In an instant, this blood awn with exponential growth rate occupied the whole sky.

Ren Tianyun Jie Jie strange smile, "you can let me use this move, enough can be proud of yourself!"

With that, he took a step forward.


The sky is full of blood.

In the shadow of fire, the power of strong Jue makes everyone shiver and hardly stand.

Wen lingcui almost groaned and cried: "this is the strength of the ghost world! This boy is dead! "

Songjingyue stupidly looks at Xue an, who is covered by the blood inflammation in the sky, and his heart is tight and becomes a group.

Because of the death of the ghost king, ah Qing and others have got rid of the shackles, so at this moment, ah Qing suddenly cried out.


Hearing her cry, Xue an looked down at her and then smile.

"Run? Why should I run? "

Ren Tianyun burst out laughing, "I just like the way you fight back when you die. Go to die for me!"


The boundless blood inflamed straight forward, in this blow, Xue an's body looks so small.

Many people have closed their eyes and can't bear to look again.

But at this time, Xue an raised his hand and slowly pointed out a finger.


When this is pointed out, the void suddenly trembles, and then an invisible ripple spreads out in an instant.

Under the ripples, the blood inflamed was like a small flame in the wind, and it was extinguished without even struggling.

Almost in an instant, just as fierce as before, the bloody inflammation that occupied the whole world turned into nothing.

Ren Tianyun's complacency solidified on his face, staring at all this.

But Xue an is tiny smile, "I also like you this has no strength but dare to shout appearance, so please also go to die!"

After that, Xue an step out, directly to Ren Tianyun, and then a blow out.

Ren Tianyun wants to dodge, but she is frightened to find that she can't even move. She can only watch the fist coming.

But at this time, see a swaying black awn suddenly appeared, instantly tied up Ren Tianyun, and then pulled him aside, can escape Xue an's fist.

In spite of this, the black awn was almost broken at the place where the boxing was passed.


Tan feiwen opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. Her eyes were full of horror.

How strong is this guy's strength when he is only injured by the fist storm?

At the same time, Xue an stopped his fist and looked down at Tan feiwen with a cold smile.

"Very well, since you are here, let's die together." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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