Only I managed to escape from the central ghost world because of some things, so I began to wander around and become an orphan.

Wen muring does not know exactly what happened, but she knows that it is the aristocratic families in the central ghost world who killed the emperor Mingjun.

So she wants revenge, even if she lives for it.

But it's not easy?

With her strength, it is very difficult to enter the ghost world, let alone the central ghost world?

Therefore, under the repeated failures, she had to wait silently in the marginal ghost world, waiting for the opportunity.

I didn't expect that this time I was going to burn all the jade and stone, but the god fire ghost Zun disappeared for a long time.

At this moment, Wen Muling can't help but think of the ghost who has been destroyed in the rumor. She can't help but weep.

And this scene also makes a Qing and other Zhu Lou women collective ignorant force.

You should know that in the past, Wen Mu Ling showed a calm and almost ruthless side in front of them, and never knelt down to anyone.

This is a well-known thing for them. As a result, today, Wen Mu Ling, who is extremely strong, kneels down to the ground toward the young man in white and sobs.

What the hell is going on here?

What did he say to captain Wei?

Ah Qing's heart is full of doubts.

At the same time, Xue an said faintly, "OK, get up!"

Wen muring wiped her tears and stood up respectfully.

Xue an leads her to fall on the high platform, light way: "talk about it, after I left, what happened!"

Wen muring said with a wry smile, "I don't know exactly what happened. The only thing I know is that the fall of Ming Jun is closely related to the powerful families in the central ghost world! But as for who did it... "

Wen muring shook her head. "I'm sorry, please forgive me for my humble strength. Although I have been investigated for several times, I still know nothing about it."

"Central ghost world..." A flash of light in Xue's eyes.

Wen Mu Ling nodded, "yes!"

Then she looked at xue'an with all her hopes on her face and said carefully, "my Lord, the matter of the Lord Ming..."

Xue an laughed, "I know. Don't worry. Even if we don't find out the originator for the time being, these guys still can't run. It's a big deal Kill them all

Although Xue an was laughing when he said this, he could not hide the murderous intention in his eyes.

Wen muring was shocked by Xue an's murderous spirit, but soon her face showed a happy look, "thank you, Lord Ming, if you know..."

Speaking of this, Wen muring's voice began to choke again.

Xue an waved his hand, "OK, don't cry! That guy's not dead! Why are you crying? "


Wen Mu Ling's eyes suddenly widened, staring at Xue an, "you You mean... "

Xue an nodded, "I know him too well. How can he fall so easily with his strength?"

Wen muring's despairing heart suddenly kindled a flame of hope, but she still asked cautiously, "but But now we have not found any trace of the existence of the spirit of the Lord Ming! "

Xue an laughed, "don't forget what your Lord Ming does. He is an expert at playing with his soul. How can you find him easily with those fools?"

Wen muring's tears fall down again. Over the years, she has been thinking about revenge for the Lord Ming.

Sometimes I would imagine that the Lord Ming is not dead. He is just hiding in a corner for the time being.

But this thought, with the passage of time, gradually dissipated, and finally fell into complete despair.

But now, when she heard the words of Shenhuo GUI Zun, who was the same name as the Lord of the Ming and was also a close friend, she could not help but rekindle her hope.

"I knew it was! Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu, Lord Ming, it's very good that you haven't died! " Wen muring choked.

Xue an also didn't urge, he knew that this woman usually carried too much pressure, let him vent at this time.

After a long time, Wen muring finally stopped her sad voice. Seeing Xue an Zheng standing by and looking at herself with a smile, she could not help but blush, and said in a hurry: "I'm sorry, my Lord."

Xue an waved his hand, "OK, don't say it! I have another question for you now! "

"Go ahead, my Lord!" Wen muring's face suddenly became solemn.

"With your strength, how can you escape from the pursuit of those powerful men in the central ghost world and hide it perfectly here?"

This is also a question Xue an has had since he discovered Wen muring's identity.

Because he can see at a glance how strong Wen Mu Ling is now.

Although in Xue an's eyes, those rich families in the central ghost world are nothing.They can't escape with this.

That's why Xue an asked.

After hearing Xue an's words, Wen muring's face changed slightly, but she soon returned to normal. Then she lowered her head and said in a loud voice, "my Lord, I will tell you about this matter without asking me! It's just a matter of great importance... "

"Oh? Now let's hear about it. " With a wave of Xue an's hand, a mental barrier separates people from the world.

Wen muring took a deep breath, then slowly raised her head and said in a deep voice, "my Lord, do you believe there are good people in the high-level of the GUI people?"

Xue an was stunned by this question. He immediately laughed and nodded, "although the probability is lower, every ethnic group has both good and evil. Of course, there will be good people in the ghost clan! Or I won't be friends with your family! "

Wen muring nodded, "what I'm talking about now is a matter concerning the high-level of the GUI clan! My life was saved by her, and she was very sympathetic to the experience of Lord Ming. I didn't want to involve her, so I was so cautious

Next, through Wen muring's narration, Xue an understood the general process of the matter.

At the beginning, he left the ghost world because of some urgent things. After a period of depression, a series of things happened. Finally, he disappeared.

However, his subordinates were not spared and were besieged by the central ghost world and those powerful families in the ghost world.

At that time, Wen muring was naturally present, but her strength was too low. She could only watch her amiable elder martial brothers and sisters be eliminated by those noble families one by one.

At that time, although Wen muring trembled with fear, she had already embraced the belief of death and was ready to burn all the jade and stone.

But because her strength is too low, no one pays attention to her from the beginning to the end.

But in this series of scuffles, Wen muring suddenly fainted, and when she woke up, she found that she was not dead. Not only did she not die, but also came to a prosperous place. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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