At that time, Wen Mu Ling had some problems in her memory because of repeated attacks. At the beginning, she could not remember who she was.

But she did not suffer any danger, on the contrary, during that time, she lived very well and happily!

Because she was in a strange place.

Speaking of this, Wen muring's face showed a look of remembrance and said in a soft voice: "I never thought there was such a place in the world. Ghosts and Terrans live in harmony, and everyone works hard for their own small life!"

"Even a lot of ghost girls like to look for the scholar son of the Terran, and have achieved a section of well-known stories!"

Speaking of this, Wen muring took a look at Xue an and said in a soft voice, "do you believe what I said?"

Xue an's face showed a very strange look, and then nodded, "letter!"

Wen muring laughed, and then went on to say: "later, my memory began to recover. Although the life there was very comfortable and comfortable, I began to find a way to leave that place in order to find Lord Mingjun and avenge my elder martial brothers and sisters!"

"In the end, I met someone!" Wen muring's eyes showed a look of respect. "Although I have only seen her back, I also know that she must be a gorgeous woman! She told me that she was in charge of that direction, and she saved me

"I was very grateful to her at that time! But she said that she only helped because she couldn't get used to the practices of those powerful families in the central ghost world and admired the behavior of Lord Mingjun

"Then, at my repeated requests, she sent me to the place where the ghost world was on the edge! She told me when I was leaving that this road was my own choice. She couldn't help much, she could only send me here! "

After saying these things, Wen muring looks at Xue an nervously.

Xue an pondered for a moment, and finally chuckled, "it's interesting! Can you still connect with this plane? "

Wen Muling hesitated a little, and finally took out a small bronze mirror from her arms.

"The adult told me that if you want to find her, you can go back through this bronze mirror!"

Xue an took the bronze mirror and gently stroked the tadpole like runes on it. He was silent.

"What are you going to do next, my lord?" Wen muring asked softly.

Xue an laughed, then raised his head and gave the bronze mirror back to Wen muring, "anyway, the person who saved you will know a lot! So what I have to do now is to find her first

Wen muring was a little nervous, "but Will this hinder my benefactor... "

It can be seen that Wen Muling has great respect for this unknown lifesaver.

"Don't worry, I just want to ask her some questions. It won't reveal her whereabouts! And... "

Xue an didn't finish his words, but took a deep look at Wen Mu Ling.

But at the moment, Wen Mu Ling has been overwhelmed by ecstasy, so she doesn't notice anything unusual.

"But my Lord, you have killed the Ren family and the tan family. If you leave like this, if the people of their two families come to this plane, will they not harm the people here?" Wen muring said anxiously.

Xue an said with a smile, "I have already thought of what you said. Before killing them, I have blocked all news with my mind and disguised the information that they are still alive. Before leaving, I will temporarily block this plane! There's no worry

Wen Mu Ling nodded, "that adult, when shall we start?"

Xue an looked at the sky and said, "I'll meet a friend first. You can arrange the people here."

"Yes Wen muring nodded, and when she looked up again, there was no sign of Xue an in front of her.

She can't help but be stunned, together with a Qing, and lucky to survive the song Jingyue and others.

Naturally, they couldn't hear the conversation between Xue an and Wen Mu Ling. They just found that Xue an, who was just standing there, suddenly disappeared. They could not help but feel a little confused.

At the same time, Wen muring takes a deep breath and makes herself calm. Then she waves to ah Qing and others in the distance.

"Come here! I have something to say to you

When Wen Mu Ling arranged these men.

On an official road, Jin Jue, who was leading the ghost boy and his only disciple, stopped suddenly.

"Master! What's the matter with you? " The ghost boy was a little surprised, but before he finished speaking, his attention was attracted by the young man in white standing not far from the front.

Out of the instinct of ghosts, he felt a sense of extreme danger from the young man in white.

It was as if standing in front of him was not a teenager, but a hungry Tyrannosaurus Rex.

This made him tremble, and an idea suddenly rose in his heart.It is clear that there is no one in front of us. When did he appear?

Just then, Jin Jue was calm and folded his hands. "Benefactor, we are meeting again!"

Xue an said leisurely, "yes! See you again

After that, his eyes swept over the body of the ghost boy, where he passed, he felt shivering all over his body and almost collapsed.

"Is this your new apprentice?" Xue an went slowly.


Xue an nodded. "Not bad!"

Jin Jue laughed, "the benefactor is also good!"

"Eh?" Xue an was surprised and said, "you think it's good, too?"

"Surprised?" Jin Jue remained silent.

"It's a little surprising, because, in common sense, you shouldn't claim to be guilty and think I've gone too far?" Xue an said leisurely.

"Maybe before, but now I feel that many things can only be solved with blood!" Jin Jue said solemnly.

"Tut, this is not what you should say!" Xue an said with a smile.

Jin Jue also laughed, "I didn't expect that the benefactor would have such a great power. What a high spirit

As soon as this was said, the ghost boy finally understood what was going on. He felt his scalp numb in an instant, and his heart was more shocked than words.

Is it the boy in white who just hit the sky?

Xue Anpo looked at Jin Jue curiously. "I haven't seen you for a few days. It seems that the master has changed a lot."

Jin Jue put his hands together and said, "Buddha's three thousand Dharma sects, which can benefit all living beings, I will choose which! What's more, killing the villains is kindness. Even the Buddha has the image of a King Kong with angry eyes. If you are merciful, you will only harm more people! "

Xue an clapped her hands and exclaimed, "that's good!"

Jin Jue was not humble or arrogant and said, "do you want to go, benefactor?"

Xue an nodded, then squeezed her eyes at Jinjue. "I just want to ask you now, what do you want me to say to you in other planes?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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