As soon as he said this, Jin Jue was speechless. He just looked at Xue an quietly. After a long time, he said in a low voice: "the benefactor already knows it!"

Xue an said with a faint smile, "I forgot to tell you that I have a friend who is a Buddhist monk, so I have seen the means of your Buddhist cultivation!"

Speaking of this, Xue an's eyes twinkled at Jin Jue, "the incarnation of hundreds of millions of people walking in the world, which in your Buddhist practice must be the powerful means of Bodhisattvas above seven places."

Jin Jue shook his head and answered honestly, "no! I'm only a Bodhisattva now, and I'm still a step away from being invisible. Therefore, my incarnation is not perfect, and I can't reach the point where my mind can be spread all over the world in a moment

Xue an's heart moved slightly. There were many Dharma schools in Buddhism, such as the sand of Ganges River, but the most famous one was the Bodhisattva way.

And the Bodhisattva road is divided into ten places: joyful land, Ligou land, luminous land, flame and wisdom land, difficult resort, present land, invisible land, motionless land, good wisdom land and Fayun land!

This kind of rank division is quite different from that of the heaven, but the standard is similar.

He is the seventh Bodhisattva, and his strength is equal to that of the heavenly king. However, because of the special Dharma of Buddhism, he can incarnate into hundreds of millions at this stage.

Now this Jinjue himself admits that he is a half step fairy King's standard.

Don't underestimate this cultivation, which has been regarded as a very rare strong one in Buddhism.

"Since when did the benefactor see through my identity?" Jin Jue asked curiously.

Xue an's face showed a faint smile. "In fact, when I met for the first time, I didn't notice anything. I just felt that you, a monk, were very dull. But just now, my sword spirit covered the whole world, but I couldn't see through your spirit, so I doubted it!"

Jin Jue sighed, "as expected, it is not perfect enough."

Xue an asked curiously, "have you now incarnated all over the ghost world?"

Jin Jue shook his head. "No, I didn't go to the places where the power of the ghosts was too strong in the ghost world. I couldn't get into the central ghost world if I wanted to."

There was a flash of light in xue'an's eyes, "then you should exist in all other planes?"

Jin Jue nodded, "you can say that!"

Xue an laughed. "That's just right. I'm going to other planes right now. What do you want to say?"

Jin Jue said without sorrow or joy: "I understand the good intentions of the benefactor, but since we are both incarnations, our starting point is right. There are three thousand dharmas of Buddha, and all we have to do is to find a way suitable for this world! They may have different methods and processes, but they may have the same purpose! "

"Oh? What if you can't find it? " Xue an asks suddenly.

Jin Jue was silent for a moment, then said slowly, "then keep looking until you find it."

Xue an looks at Jin Jue quietly. His eyes are bright, but Jin Jue is calm and faces Xue an's eyes.

After a long time, Xue an just lowered his eyes and said faintly: "but I think you are more to my taste, so if you don't agree with me on other planes, I will be destroyed!"

Jin Jue was silent and finally put his hands together. "Good, the benefactor is a man with great power. I can't interfere with what I want to do!"

Xue an ha ha ha smile, suddenly heavily patted Jin Jue's shoulder, "I just like your dull appearance! Now this world has been cleaned up by me, even if it is a gift for you! See if you can turn the SASA into a pure land

After that, Xue an rose to the sky and disappeared in the sky.

Jin Jue looks at it quietly without saying a word.

The ghost boy came forward trembling, "master Master

Jin Jue looked back at him, then lowered his eyes, "let's go!"


But this time, Jin Jue's steps become more and more firm. In his clear eyes, the Buddha's light is more and more bright!

Meanwhile, Xue an has returned to the city of destiny.

At the moment, there are not only a Qing and other Zhu Lou women on the high platform, including Wen Ling cuisong Jingyue, master and apprentice. All the survivors are standing in the corner of the high platform, full of fear.

Part of the reason for this fear is that the scene in which Xue An Jian swept the world was too amazing, but the main reason was that these people found themselves unable to leave.

No matter how it is done, it has all failed at this time.

This time, these people can all be scared silly.

Wen lingcui's face is pale and changeable. She doesn't know what Xue an is going to do.

On the contrary, it is songjingyue secretly happy that it is a good thing that she can't leave.

In this way, I can see him more often! Song Jingyue thought of it in her heart.

That's when Xue an came back.

When he saw his figure landing on the high platform, the crowd was a bout of restless commotion, many people's faces appeared panic color.Xue an didn't pay attention to these people at all, just nodded to Wen muring who was coming up.

"Are you done with it?"

Wen muring nodded and said in a respectful voice, "my Lord, these men of mine are here to guard. However, because you have blocked the seat, how should we deal with them..."

Xue an turned his head and looked at these people. No one dared to look up at the places where his eyes passed. All of them bowed their heads.

Then Xue an just light way: "since can't leave, then let them also stay here! I'm sure they'll be honest this time, right? "

At the end, Xue an's face showed a smile.

But the smile in these people's eyes is so terrible, they hurriedly bow down, said.

"Don't worry, my Lord. We must be honest and honest."

"Yes, we absolutely cooperate!"

In these shouts, Xue an turned his head and shrugged slightly at Wen muring and ah Qing, "here, isn't it solved? Is there anything else? "

"Ah No more! " Wen Mu Ling said in a hurry.

"Well, let's go now."

"Oh, good!"

Wen muring quickly took out the mirror from her arms, but before she could take it out, Xue an crossed the void and saw a long and thin crack in front of her.

"This..." Wen Muling is a bit of a fool.

"The ghost world is equivalent to an onion tightly held together. As long as you know the coordinates, you can easily go there." Xue an turned her head and laughed.

"Let's go!"

"Oh! Good Wen muring nodded a little dully, but her heart was full of question marks.


And in Xue an is about to step into the space crack, songjingyue finally summoned up the courage to shout.

"Young master, thank you for saving your life that day!"

Xue an stopped, turned his head and looked at the songjingyue in the crowd, and then nodded with a smile.

"It's a piece of cake! You're welcome

After that, Xue an and Wen Mu Ling stride into the space crack and disappear.

At the same time, the people gathered in the corner looked at Song Jingyue and Wen lingcui, the master and apprentice, and their eyes all changed.

After all, for those of them, Xue an is now in charge of their life and death.

There were many women in the crowd. Though they were all thinking about how to get close to xue'an, they did not dare to take any action.

But now, this song Jingyue knows Xue an.

How can this not make these people astonished and envied.

Wen lingcui also can't help but a Leng, full of doubt asked: "Jingyue, what salvation does he have to you?"

Song Jingyue said with a smile, "master, you don't know that I was..."

When song Jingyue tells the true story of that night, ah Qing looks at the emptiness that has been closed together again, and her fingers are holding together unconsciously.

Captain Wei, childe, you must come back safely! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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