When the roots completely leave the ground, the giant tree is like a fish out of the water, and its momentum begins to weaken wildly.

Originally, the green branches and leaves gradually withered, and most of the roots and whiskers were soft and drooping down, losing vitality.

In this case, the green robed tree King's body began to shake violently.

His noumenon suffered such a heavy blow, and naturally he could not bear it as a separate body.

The body began to quickly become transparent, and he let out a terrible howl.


But just then, Xue an smiles at him.


After that, Xue an held the tree in both hands and swung it to the ground.


With bursts of loud noise, the huge tree was like a bomb ignited, directly burst open.

The king of the green robed tree screamed, and his body shape died with the death of the giant tree.

After finishing all this, Xue an clapped her hands and fell back to the ground, smiling at Yuan Niang, who was trapped in stagnation.

"Hello, my name is Xue an! Er Nice to meet you! "

Although the young girl had just seen the strength of the ghost family, she did not know why she was so impressed.

She woke up from the shock, and nodded a little bewildered, "I My name is que Wen Yuan! Nice to meet you, too

Xue an nodded and then winked at Wen muring, "put away all the things that have fallen from the ghost clan!"

"Yes Wen muring hastily answers the way.

But Xue an turned to the Que and asked yuan with a smile, "what is all this about? Can you tell me? "

"What's going on?" Que asked fate is still a little confused.

"It is Why are there so many evil spirits all of a sudden

Que Wenyuan looked at Xue an with some consternation, and finally shook his head dejectedly. "I don't know, but it wasn't like this before. Whether it's the ghost or the Terran, they get along very well, but it seems that all of a sudden, these evil spirits appear out of thin air! And the strength of all of us suddenly plummeted! "

After hearing this, Xue an was silent for a moment, then nodded, "OK! But where are you from? Can you take us there? "

Que asked yuan looked at the smile on Xue an's face and nodded without hesitation, "of course! If the baby sister knows that you are such an expert to join, it may be very happy

"Yes Xue an smiles and says to herself.


At the same time.

In a village thousands of miles away from the abandoned town, Nie Xiaoqian and Ning caichen rushed back as fast as they could.

In charge of guarding at the gate are two ghost teenagers. As soon as they are two, they quickly let go of the road.

They did not dare to delay. They almost ran all the way to the meeting hall in the middle of the village.


The door of the meeting hall was pushed open, and all the people who were discussing the meeting were stunned, and then they all exclaimed.


"It's Miss Nie and Mr. Ning!"

"Great, they're back!"

But they didn't pay attention to these shouts at all. Instead, they yelled at the girl sitting in the middle of the room in an urgent tone.

"Sister Ying, mother fate, she In order to save us, she is trapped in the palm of the tree king of the town. Let's go and save her! Otherwise it's too late, it's all over! "

This sentence let the whole audience a commotion, many people have risen.

"What? Why is yuan Niang trapped there

"No, go and save the people!"

Among these noises, the reaction of several young men was the biggest, almost to the point of public indignation.

But in this case, Yinning sat on the upright position and did not move.

"Baby sister..." Nie Xiaoqian can't help but walk forward a step, full face anxious said.

Yingning shook her hand with a sad smile, "needless to say, yuanniang told me before doing this!"

"What?" Nie Xiaoqian instantly stares round apricot eye, and then startled and angry: "that you agree? Is it possible to sacrifice another man to save me? "

"Yes! This is not fair to Yuan Niang at all Several men were furious.

Yingning looked gloomy. "I said that to her at that time, but yuanniang told me that she had made the worst plan, because she wanted to eradicate the tree king who often harassed US!"

The whole scene was quiet for a moment.

They naturally know what the so-called worst-case scenario is.

Nie Xiaoqian's face is pale, standing in place, tears have never stopped.

"Silly fate son, why are you so stupid..."

The news spread, for a time the whole village was shrouded in a melancholy fog.Many of the young girls are very popular with this village.

But I didn't expect that this seemingly soft and waxy little girl would act so bravely, even at the expense of herself to fight against the enemy.

And even if we send someone to save it, it's too late.

It's just when all of us feel sorry for it.

A streamer suddenly appeared over the village.

All of them were stupefied, and then they looked at the streamer as if they were facing a great enemy.

Yinning was the first time to command: "be ready!"

Whether it is the Terran or the ghost, they are quietly ready at the moment.

But at this time, only to hear a joyful female voice.

"Sister baby, sister Xiaoqian, I'm back!"

They were all stunned and even suspected that they had heard something wrong.

But when we look at it again, we can see that the streamer dissipates, and the figure of Que Wen Yuan appears.

When I saw the little girl, everyone's eyes widened gradually.

What's going on?

But immediately, people's attention was attracted by the two Terrans on the side.

When que Wenyuan and Xue an and others fell to the ground, people gathered around one after another.

Yinning looked at Xue an with a serious look on her face, "what's going on?"

Que asked yuan, he said with a smile: "sister Ying, let me introduce you to you. This is my new friend, Mr. Xue an! He saved me from those ghosts

Then, que asked yuan to tell the story.

After hearing this, all the people were shocked.

Because it sounds incredible.

If it wasn't for que Wen Yuan's vows, and brought a root of that strange tree.

In any case, people can't believe it's true.

At this time, Xue an smiles at Yingning, "I've seen baby girl!"

Although there are many questions in his heart, Xue an is a benefactor of Que Wen Yuan, and he is also the benefactor of this small village.

Especially Nie Xiaoqian and Ning caichen, a ghost, are grateful to Xue an.

In addition, the tree king who often harasses here is eliminated, which can be regarded as removing a major enemy.

So that night, the small village decorated with lanterns and held a grand dinner party.

Xue an, as the most distinguished guest, naturally enjoyed the highest courtesy.

However, Xue an didn't say much in the whole process, only occasionally he showed a slight color after hearing the names of the people.

Geng Niang, Xin shisanniang.

And so on the name let Xue an have a deep doubt.

Was it the Chinese writer who came to this place, or did the master of this plane read Liaozhai?

In this doubt, the feast finally dispersed.

Que asked yuan although want to say a few words with Xue an very much, but finally still do not give up to leave.

Wen Mu Ling played a good role as a background board throughout the whole process, until people finally dispersed.

She couldn't help but murmured, "my Lord, I can see that the ghosts gathered here are the same as those I met when I was in this plane."

Xue an laughed. "It's really more and more interesting to say so."

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