Wan Gaoxing stood on the square of the town with a black face. In front of him, there was a huge hole. On the edge of the big pit, there were trees and branches on the ground.

No one dares to speak, and all the attendants standing behind him all keep their heads down in silence and dare not even utter a word.

"Who did it?" Ten thousand high star language cold as ice said.

The attendants looked at each other, and finally the one at the front stepped forward and whispered, "it hasn't been found out yet."


With a dull sound, the attendant was directly taken out and fell into the dust, unable to get up for a long time.

"Who did it?" Wan Gao Xing's tone is full of infinite anger.

All of them began to shake.

For these ghosts, the high people have the right of life and death, so they can't resist at all.

At this time, I saw an entourage carefully come up to say: "little Young master, although we don't know who did it, we can smell that there have been human beings here! "

"Terran?" Wan Gao Xing frowned slightly.

"Yes, the Terrans!" The attendant nodded.

"Good! Didn't expect that these people didn't realize the reality and wanted to make waves? " Wan Gao Xing gnashing his teeth said, his face is full of anger.

Then he suddenly raised his head and said in a cold voice, "what are you doing? Since it's the Terrans who did it, they probably haven't run far away. Please find out for me if there is a place for Terrans to gather around! "

"Yes The retinue agreed, then fled into the darkness and began to explore.

Wan Gaoxing stood in front of the tree pit, slowly squatting down, looking at the withered and decayed residual roots in the pit, his face showed a cold color.

"No matter who you are, you will die this time!"

As the children of thousands of families who have come across the plane and have become a powerful family in Chuzhou City, wangaoxing is certainly not because of a small tree king.

What he did was the ancient mirror.

The mirror was originally in the city of Chuzhou, but for various reasons, it was actually left behind and fell into the hands of the tree king of this small town by chance.

Funny, the tree king of this small town can't see what it is and doesn't take it seriously, so he put it aside.

However, Wan Gaoxing knew the value of this ancient mirror, so he tried his best to find it. However, he came a little late. The tree king of the town died, and the ancient mirror disappeared naturally.

How can it not make this son of ten thousand families, who always thinks highly of himself, be angry.

On this expedition, his entourage was the elite of his family.

So after a while, one of the attendants came back with a good report.

"Young master Bao, there is a small village thousands of miles away. There are traces of human activities in it, and there are many indigenous ghosts in it!"

Wan Gaoxing heard the speech, and his eyes lit up, "Oh? Aboriginal ghosts? "


Wan Gao Xing laughs strangely, "are these rubbish still alive? Well, the young master will clean them up together this time! Who let them have bad luck and dare to fight against me? "

"Lead the way


At the same time, in the villages where people live together.

Yingning said in a deep voice, "yuan'er, are all you said true?"

Que asked yuan to nod, "of course, it's all true!"

There was silence in the room.

There are human and ghost people here, but they are all the elite in the whole village.

After the banquet, Xue an went to have a rest, but Yingning gathered the people together, and then asked Que and Yuan about the story.

Although it is not the first time to listen, but people still feel some scalp numbness.

One hand to pull out a demon tree has become fine, how terrible the power of this!

Que asked yuan, seeing that the momentum in the field was somewhat dignified, and seeing the thoughtful look on her face, she could not help asking, "what's the matter, sister Ying? Is there something wrong with it? "

Yingning shook her head and said with a bitter smile, "it's not something wrong, but I can't guess it!"

"What can't you guess?"

"I can't figure out what he's coming from or what he's going to do!"

Que asked yuan to open his eyes, "is this very important?"

Yinning nodded, "of course it's very important! Because as you said, the strength of Mr. Xue has obviously reached a very terrible level, even stronger than before our strength fell sharply! But here comes the question

"If so powerful, why didn't you have any reputation before?"

This question let que ask edge also some to be stunned, "yes! How can there be no reputation? I mean... "

Que Wen Yuan suddenly understood and looked at Yingning in horror.Ying Ning nodded, "yes, I suspect he is from the outside of the plane."

Everyone was shocked by one of them, and they were all shocked.

From other planes.

Although it may sound strange, it is the most reasonable explanation nowadays.

"What happened from other planes?" Que asked yuan in a low voice.

Ying Ning shook his head and wryly laughed, "of course, it's not that it's bad to come from the outside, but now the situation in our world is extremely complicated. The ghosts from the outside have been eating into the territory of the indigenous ghost people, and finally turning to the main guest, so we can only retreat in the remote land. Now there is an unknown human race, so we should think about it carefully !”

Speaking of this, Yinning's expression became a little serious, "otherwise, no one knows what will happen!"

As soon as the voice dropped, he heard a slight smile coming from outside the house, "good words!"

The crowd was in a low uproar and turned to look. But Xue an walked slowly into the room with a smile on his face. He said faintly, "although some are too cautious, there is some truth in this saying."

Ying Ning's face changed several times. Finally, she got up slowly and wanted to make a ceremony. "Mr. Xue, i..."

Xue an waved his hand and said faintly, "I didn't mean to listen to the wall. I just happened to come over and say something, but I ran into it."

Speaking of this, Xue an showed a smile, "in fact, you don't have to be so nervous, because I come here, there is no malice to you! Otherwise, I won't save yuan Niang before

Que asked the edge of the cheek slightly red, but boldly looked at Xue an.

Ying Ning nodded, "we know this naturally, it's just..."

"Just worried about what I'm here for?" Xue an laughed, then looked up at the sky outside the window and said faintly, "are you all here? Is there anything else out there that hasn't come back? "

Yinning was stunned, then shook her head, "no! All the people are here! "

"In that case, these guys coming from outside should be looking for trouble."

As soon as Xue an's voice fell, he saw a large black cloud floating to the sky. On the top of the cloud appeared the figure of ten thousand high stars. He looked down at the small village under his feet and gave a cold smile.

"What's in it, don't you come out to meet me?"

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