This situation naturally attracted the attention of all the people in the village.

Yinning and others face a change, Qi Qi came outside.

When Wan Gaoxing saw que Wenyuan Nie Xiaoqian, as well as many beautiful ghosts, he was slightly stunned and then burst into laughter.

"Good! It seems that my young master is really lucky to meet so many beautiful ghosts here. Tut Tut, if you take back Chuzhou City, you will get a good price

Wan Gaoxing said, while wangaoxing looked at que Wenyuan and others wantonly.

Such arrogance naturally aroused public anger.

Que asked yuan, the first one then burst into a rage. He pointed to it and said angrily, "Oh, where do you come from? How dare you talk to your aunt like that?"

"Presumptuous!" After the wangao star several attendants Qi Qi denounces a, then wants to go forward.

Wan Gaoxing raised his hand and stopped them. Then he looked at que Wen Yuan with greedy eyes and said with a smile: "what a shrewd little girl, but I like this one!"

Que asked yuan Leng hum, "I bah! If you don't pee and look in the mirror, you can look up to you as well? "

These words are very vulgar, so many people can not help laughing.

Wan Gao Xing's face was gradually gloomy, and said with a sneer, "a good little horse, but don't you think about the consequences when you talk to me like this?"

Ten thousand families!

After hearing the name, many people took a breath of cold air, which made the temperature in the field rise a few minutes.

It is not that they are timid, but that the names of these ten thousand families are too strong.

They are not indigenous ghosts, but from other planes across, but despite a short period of time, they firmly rooted in Chuzhou, the largest city in the world.

Not only that, but also the killing of the aboriginal ghosts by the thousands of families is also the heaviest. Through this, they have established their illustrious reputation.

Now I hear that it's a million families. Many people are naturally shocked.

But immediately, everyone's eyes all showed anger.

The so-called blood feud is nothing but this.

The aboriginal ghosts and the foreign ghosts who came through the country are incompatible with each other. Naturally, they are irreconcilable with each other.

Que Wen Yuan's pretty face is covered with frost, staring at Wan Gaoxing with the extremely cold eyes, and shouting with gnashing teeth: "Wanjia!"

Wan Gaoxing enjoyed this feeling. He said with a smile, "yes, I come from Wanjia, which kills the most of you! Before I came here, I wanted to kill you all, but now I've changed my mind

Said, wangao star a point que asked edge, Nie Xiaoqian and other women, "as long as you are willing to obediently follow me, then I am not not can not consider putting here a horse!"

Now the whole audience is agitated for it.

"Asshole! Shameless Nie Xiaoqian and other women have denounced.

Que asked yuan did not curse, just spit on the ground.


Wan Gao Xing's face suddenly became cold and gloomy, "very good, since I give you the opportunity, you don't know how to cherish it, so don't blame me for being rude!"

After that, he sneered, and there appeared a series of illusions on his side.

In an instant, these illusions turned into his appearance. They occupied most of the sky and laughed strangely towards the bottom.

"Look at me The evil shadow is separated

After that, the shadows, which had been transformed into the shape of the ten thousand high stars, raised their hands together, and then blew out a blow towards the ground.

In the face of such a blow, many people turned pale and even despaired.

It's not until these ghost people find out how much power they have compared with the foreign people!

The eyes of Vango twinkled with excitement and cruelty.

He certainly won't kill everyone with one blow.

In fact, the reason why he would make such a spiritual blow is to control the whole scene in this way.

Those ordinary Terrans or ghosts naturally are not in a hurry, just kill them directly.

But these women can not be hurt, after all, this can be very valuable wealth ah!

But although his wishful thinking made a sound, they all fell empty in the next moment.

Because at this moment, a touch of light sword light with three freehand brushwork, in a light posture from the field flying.

Even so, the sword light is like a hot knife cutting oil, with an indisputable gesture to cut through the strike of wangao star.

Not only that, but also many evil shadows of wangao star are broken together.

After a few thumping noises, he looked at Wan Gao Xing and then stepped back a little. Then he roared: "who is it?"

At the same time, a light sigh came, "Oh, this sword cut some early, or even you can't hide!"

Said, see Xue an leisurely walk out of the hall, head up, smile a way: "but I think next time you can not so good luck!"When seeing Xue an's that moment, Wan Gao Xing's pupil shrinks instantly, subconsciously felt a chill.

It's like being watched by a prehistoric behemoth, which makes the scalp numb.

This man It's dangerous!

This is the first idea of Vango.

In fact, for these ghosts, the first point of survival is to find out who is the most untouchable in the shortest time, otherwise they may not even know how to die.

Who is he? Why do such strong people appear in such places?

Was it the other family's trick on me?

These thoughts flashed through his mind.

At the same time, Wen muring comes out after Xue an.

Her strength is not so good, but wan Gaoxing can see the mirror in her hand at a glance.

That's right!

This is the ancient mirror that I have been searching for!

After pondering for a moment, the star unexpectedly did not get angry, but said in a deep voice: "who are you? And what happened to that ancient mirror? "

"Me? My name is Xue an! As for this ancient mirror I just got it! " Xue an had a pure smile.

Sure enough!

The town tree king died in their hands!

And Xue an is a strange name! At least wangao has never heard of it.

But that didn't stop him from saying, "what? Are you strong enough to wade in this muddy water

Xue an laughed. "You're wrong. I'm not going to wade in any muddy water."

Wan Gaoxing sighed a sigh of relief, but the next second Xue an's words made his hair stand up.

"Because I just want to kill you!"

"Asshole, you..." Wan Gao Xing is angry, but he hasn't finished.

Xue an has already risen from the sky, and in the case that all people have not responded to it, he grabbed Wan Gao Xing's neck and said faintly, "what are you?"

"You You are so good Wan Gaoxing struggled several times, but found that he couldn't get rid of it at all. A flattering smile appeared on his pale face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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