People's eyes gradually widened and looked at all this in front of them in disbelief.

No one expected that Miss Locke's master would be a monk!

It's just incredible!

Only Xue an slightly narrowed his eyes, as if had expected, cold looking at everything in the field.

The monk was young, and his appearance was ordinary, but his eyes were clear and bright.

And when he heard Luo Jingting's cry, the corners of his mouth gradually raised, showing a bright smile, and then nodded.

I don't know what happened. When he laughed, his plain facial features suddenly glowed with a different look.

Especially that pair of eyes, as if there is a kind of quiet magic, people dare not look directly.

Seeing this, many people present could not help but look dazzled.

But at this time, the monk slowly turned to his side, his hands hanging, as if waiting for something.

Sure enough.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from the entrance, and then a line of gorgeous and arrogant people came in.

But in the middle of this group of people, as if surrounded by stars, is a noble middle-aged beautiful woman.

She walked into the field with a cold look, and the banquet hall, which had been in turmoil, was quiet for a moment.

"Mother!" Luo Jingting salutes respectfully.

Yes, this cold and gorgeous middle-aged woman is Luo Jingting's mother, who is now the actual controller of Luo's family, and also one of the best in this field.

Luo Li!

Many people were reminded by Luo Jingting's words and began to salute in a hurry.

"I've met Lord Luo!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

These shouts come and go.

Luo Li just nodded slightly, and then his eyes swept the floor of some messy banquet hall, as well as the two people of Baixi and Zongcheng.

"What's going on?"

The voice is cold, but full of supreme majesty.

The two men trembled, and then, like a bear who had been wronged and could finally complain, rushed to Luo Li and swept the floor.

"Lord Luo! It's the devil Bai Xi once again played the role of a playwright. His voice was shaking, as if he would cry in the next second.

"That's right. The wangao star is so rude that he doesn't take Luo's family seriously." Zongcheng also began to stir up the flames.

"Well?" Luo Li raised her eyebrows, glanced at Xue an in the distance, snorted coldly, and then walked forward.

Bai Xi and Zongcheng secretly looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

Ha ha!

Wan, how arrogant are you?

How dare you act wildly on the Luos' territory? With this, you'll have to eat too much today.

They were so excited that they realized that Xue an had been arranged clearly.

Luo Jingting's heart sank, but she couldn't help walking forward a few steps, ready to explain a few words, but as to whether she could succeed, she had no idea.

Because she knows her mother's temper very well, she is very strong in Luo's family.

Even when she was a child, she lived under the control of her mother and did not dare to disobey.

The only thing I can do is sneak out occasionally and buy some snacks.

I hope my mother doesn't blame him too much! Luo Jingting thought.

At the same time.

Luo Li has come to Xue an, because of his height, and Xue an is sitting on the chair, so Luo Li looks down on Xue an with a commanding posture.

And she did not speak, so quietly looking at Xue an, a breathtaking momentum gradually spread, covering the whole audience.

A lot of people close to a white face, and then hurriedly back to the distance.

Only Xue an sat there as if nothing happened, even his eyelids were not raised.

For Xue an, who has experienced numerous scenes, Luo Li's power is nothing, and even makes him want to laugh.

But people don't understand this. In their eyes, it is the eldest young master of Wanjia who bowed his head in shame and fear when facing the Lord of the Luo family.

Under this, a lot of people are not forbidden to gloat at at Xue an.

As for Baixi and Zongcheng, if they were not afraid of disturbing the atmosphere, they would even like to laugh three times now to ease their boredom.

But Luo Li's eyes suddenly flashed a look of surprise.

Because she suddenly found that, in front of herself, the young man with his head down seemed to exist at all.

It's a strange feeling. It's clear that people are in front of them, but they're empty in the mind.

What's going on?

Luo Li's heart is just a tight.

Just then, Xue an suddenly chuckled."Well, all the actors are in place, and the play can finally begin!"

They all looked at each other with a look of wonder in their eyes.

What do you mean?

What is this young man talking about?

Zong Cheng grinned grimly, "Wan Gao Xing, how dare you dare not be arrogant in front of the Luo family master

"Oh? Who says I dare not be arrogant? " Xue an said lightly, and glanced at Zongcheng like a smile.

Zongcheng seems to have heard what day big joke, Jie Jie strange smile, "is really dying, also disrelish hard mouth, you arrogant? You're arrogant and capable. Kill me now

As soon as the voice dropped, I heard Peng's dull sound.

Zongcheng's body instantly burst open, blood splashed all around, all the things around were dyed red.

"I seldom hear such a strange request, but since you have said it, I will satisfy you!" Xue an's tone is indifferent.

Now, the whole audience was shocked.

The nearest natural place from Zongcheng is this Baixi.

He looked down at the blood on his body and the corpse of Zongcheng, and suddenly screamed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah Damn it, the clothes I just wore in the morning! How dirty it is

Words, the white river seems to have been born without love.

Because he is not only the essence of the drama, but also a little bit of cleanliness, naturally can't bear the blood all over his body.

But Xue an soon solved his distress.

He waved his hand.

The sound of a crack in the river, and then the sound of a fall.

"Why do you shout so loud? What a headache! Just be quiet for a while Xue an said lightly.


No one dares to speak.

Because in a few blinks of an eye, the two young masters of the Zong family and the Bai family have been blown to pieces.

However, the originator was as if he had crushed two bedbugs.

If that's all.

The key is that all this was done in front of the Luo family leader.

It's not a face in public anymore.

It's about pulling your hair and slapping your face.

As a result, many people's eyes gradually became strange, and even looked at Xue an with the same eyes as the dead. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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