Because they know that Luo Li will never let him go.

Sure enough.

Luo Li glanced at the two corpses on the ground. His face without any expression suddenly showed a look of anger. Then he turned his eyes and looked at Xue an coldly.

"Who are you?"


Who is it?

Isn't he the biggest star of Wanjia?

A lot of people just came up with this idea.

Xue Anshu leaned back on the chair in comfortable clothes, and was frightened by Luo Li's momentum behind him. He asked the edge of some pale face: "come on, pinch my shoulder!"

Que asked edge slightly a Zheng, then without hesitation to come forward, gently knead shoulder.

Xue an's move can be said to be surprising.

When is it that I dare to be so presumptuous?

Is he really afraid of death?

Several young people in Luo's family, all of whom were pale, left the line one after another, and they were going to step forward.

Luo Li waved casually to stop people from coming forward. He just stared at Xue an and said in a cold voice, "you are not wangao star, even you are not a ghost family!"

There was a slight commotion.

Xue an's ten fingers against each other, the corners of his mouth rise, showing a trace of if not a smile.

"It's interesting. Since I can see through my disguise, I won't pretend. I'll have a showdown!"

After that, Xue an was suddenly surrounded by black gas, and then quickly dispersed.

When he appeared in front of the public again, he was no longer just a wanjiada Shao wangao star, but a white Shengxue, rich and handsome young man.


Seeing the scene, all the people in the hall took a breath of air conditioner.

Many people's eyes are showing the color of infinite fear.

Because it's terrible.

As the son of a wealthy family, Wan Gaoxing is very dandy and capricious, so many people in Chuzhou are deeply impressed by him.

But no matter who is, can not see through Xue an's disguise, and has been cheated to now.

This kind of camouflage means of concealing the sky and the sea is almost unheard of.


There was a scream from the crowd.


Then he saw Wantai meeting like a crazy rush out of the crowd, raised his finger to Xue an, and roared: "where is my star? What have you done to him? "

Xue an raised his hand and made a hissing gesture. "Shh, keep it down. I can hear it! Your star is dead now! But don't worry, he died in agony, which is atonement

When it comes to atonement, the monk who had been standing still suddenly raised his head and looked at Xue an.

Xue an smiles at him.

Wan Tai Hui didn't pay attention to this.

When he heard that his precious son had died and that the murderer had become him, he was filled with rage.

"Star Star! I will kill you and avenge my son

Wantai confluence like crazy forward.

But at this time, a brilliant sword light flashed by.

Then he saw wantaihui, who was running wildly. His body was shocked and then cut off by his waist. Because of his strong inertia, the upper part of his body directly rushed out to the far away and screamed in the air.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, my legs!"

But before he landed on the ground, he saw that his upper body was like a glass cracked by hot water. Suddenly, cracks appeared in his upper body, and then they completely exploded.


Then the lower part of his body, which was standing in the same place, was broken to the ground.

Xue an shook his head and sighed: "why is it so disobedient? I just said, you just don't listen! This is it! Waste a body in vain

No one dares to speak. In fact, all of them have already looked silly.

From the beginning to now, such a good Kung Fu, the young man in white has cut three people, but he has not moved.

This kind of strength is just too fantastic!

At least Luo Li's face changed and became very dignified.

Because she was shocked to find that she could not see through the details of this young man.

I can only feel the surging sword meaning just now.

Is it sword cultivation?

Thinking of this, Luo Li pondered for a moment, and then said in a cold voice, "my friend, I don't care what you came for, but now you've killed three people. It's time to end the hatred!"

"Over?" Xue an suddenly began to smile, but the smile was full of cold.

"What qualifications do you have to settle with me?"


As soon as this was said, the whole audience was shocked.

Luo Li's face became extremely ugly.

There are many young people who are angry."How dare you be so arrogant

"That's right. Don't think you can kill a few tripods! Kill him

In the sound of shouting and drinking, several people rushed straight to Xue an.

But before they went a few steps away, they suddenly found that they were getting shorter. When they looked down, they were shocked to find that their legs had been cut off.

It was just because the light of the sword was so fast that they didn't have time to feel pain at all.


Luo zimang's heart pierced through their eyes.

Puff, puff, puff!

These people did not even hum, they directly fell to the ground and became dead bodies.

And even worse than the Zongcheng, because this wisp of sword can not only strangle their bodies, but also their souls.

This fierce means, so that it is not easy to re condense the body of the three ghost city, Baixi, and wantaihui are shocked.

There was even a hint of happiness in my heart.

Fortunately, what I lost was just a Terran body! If the spirits and spirits of these Luo's children are all destroyed, isn't it a complete end?

Luo Li looked down at the body of his family's children, burning with crazy anger in his eyes, and then slowly raised his head.

"How dare you kill my Luos?"

"How about killing them?" Xue an said slowly, then with a smile, "what's the taste of anger? Enjoy the feeling now, after all There are not many such opportunities! "

Luo Li raised his hand and stopped the Luo family from going forward. Then he took a deep breath and recovered his composure in an instant and spoke slowly.

"What do you want to do

Instead of answering Luo Li's words, Xue an turned her head and looked at Luo Jingting, who was also in shock. She said, "what I want to do is very simple. I want to make good and evil have their own rewards."! That's all! "

Speaking of this, Xue an turned to Luo Li and said with a smile, "you have a lot of ambition, even if you are willing to gamble with your daughter."

Luo Li's face changed dramatically, "you I beg your pardon? I don't understand! "

"Don't understand?" Xue an raised his finger to the ground under his feet and said coldly, "what's under the ground? Do you still use me to say it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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