The audience was in a moment of awe.

Because in the middle of the ghost chariot, there is a Wei character written in Gui Wen Li!

The Wei family finally arrived.

On the small building, Wen Mu Ling suddenly opened her eyes and stared at the ghost chariot. Her eyes were extremely fierce and she trembled slightly because of her excitement.

"My lord It's the Wei family of the central ghost world! " Of course, Wen muring will never forget the Wei family.

At the beginning of the death of Ming Jun, the Wei family has made great efforts.

Xue an put down his tea cup, glanced at the ghost chariot in the distance, and said leisurely, "I see it! Don't worry, watch first

"It is Yes Wen muring did not dare to disobey, and she said in a deep voice.

As for Luo Jingting, she was stunned when she saw the Wei character.

At the same time.

On the ghost chariot above slowly stretched out an escalator, and then out of the numerous servants and maids.

Although they are servants, these people are surging with surging ghost power, and they are obviously powerful.

Seeing this scene, many people's eyes flashed a look of horror.

Even the servants are so powerful, the Wei family really deserves its reputation.

When these servants and maids came out, they stood on both sides of the station with tacit understanding, standing with their hands down, waiting for something.

Then, Wei Qingxiao just walked out of the ghost chariot.

The moment she appeared in front of people.

Everyone's eyes widened instantly, staring at this scene.

As for those young men, even the heart beat has been accelerated for half a beat.

Even Luo Qifeng, who claimed to be "well-informed", was stunned for a moment, but soon he regained consciousness, and then his eyes showed ecstasy and blazing brilliance.

Because he recognized the man.

The eldest daughter of the Wei family, Wei Qing, who is famous for her cold and rebellious temperament, laughs!

She's here!

In terms of her appearance, Wei Qingxiao can be regarded as a unique beauty, especially wearing a black dress, which not only shows her graceful figure, but also adds a kind of capable and mature temperament.

But all of this, compared with her eyes are a little pale.

In those eyes, there is a calm enough to suffocate people.

But it is this kind of calm eyes, but it gives people a sense of condescending examination, which makes people dare not look up.

With such a beautiful face and such a powerful aura, how can Luo Qifeng not be moved by it.

What's more, the other party is the eldest daughter of the Wei family!

If you can kiss Fangze, the benefits are not too much!

At this moment, this idea is not only in Luo Qifeng's heart, almost all the men present began to think.

But at this time, Wei Qingxiao suddenly reached out to the ghost chariot, as if waiting for something.

What is she going to do?

The crowd was stunned!

But see Wei Qing smile that piece of cold and gorgeous matchless face to show a smile, and then led a young man with bright clothes to come out.

As soon as he saw this young man, he was drinking tea leisurely on the small building in the distance. The cup in his hand turned into powder and even the tea dripped all over the ground.

But Xue an was not aware of these things. He was just staring at the young man with a very complicated light in his eyes.

Wen Mu Ling and Luo Jingting were all frightened by the sudden change. Qi Qi exclaimed, "Lord!"

Xue an slowly regained her calm, and then leaned back on the soft collapse again. She looked at the two brothers and sisters in the distance and said, "interesting! That's interesting! "

With that, he turned it over and the tea in his hand evaporated. Then he picked up another teacup and quietly watched the scene in the distance.

Wen Muling and Luo Jingting don't understand what Xue an is talking about. But judging from his reaction, we can see that it should be a very important event, so Qi Qi is silent and dare not speak.

However, at the moment when Xue an was shocked, Wei Qing, who was leading her brother down, suddenly felt something. She raised her head and looked at the direction of the building. But when she looked here, Xue an had already narrowed her eyes and began to drink tea again.

So as far as she could see, there was no difference.

Wei Qing's smiling face can not help but show a touch of doubt and dignified color.

If she hadn't just felt a powerful gaze, she would have thought it was all her own illusion!

But Wei Qing laughs and believes that he can't make a mistake. He just clearly has a very strong power to spy on himself in this direction.

But why suddenly disappeared?

Did he find out that he was noticed and left?

If that's true, what a powerful perception and speed is it?

Otherwise, how could it disappear in such a fast time?From the beginning to the end, Wei Qing didn't think about whether there was no moving place at all.

Because in her opinion, that was impossible.

To completely cover up such a powerful force, the strength required is far beyond people's imagination, even impossible.

But she never thought, in Xue an's hands, nothing is impossible!

All this happened very quickly, and even when many people didn't find out at all, Wei Qingxiao had returned to normal.

Even Luo Qifeng didn't notice anything unusual. In fact, his attention at the moment has been attracted by Wei Qingxiao's temperament. Naturally, he has no fault to think about other things.

Only one person noticed the scene just now, and even noticed the shock in Wei Qing's smiling eyes.

As a result, he looked in the direction that Wei Qingxiao had just looked at. After pondering for a moment, he had a very strange look on his face. But soon, he deeply lowered his head and buried all the strange things.

At this time, Wei Qingxiao has led her brother down the escalator. Her various care in the walking room, as well as the deliberate highlighting, all make the audience set off a silent uproar.

Can let Wei Qing smile such existence are so careful, the identity of this young man is also about to come out.

Who can have this kind of treatment except the legitimate children of the Wei family?

Therefore, in an instant, countless hot eyes were all focused on the young man.

Among them, Tan Xiyao, who had a marriage contract with Ren Tianqi, had been dreaming of making it to heaven.

Her eyes are so soft that she can melt into water. She stares at the young man who is led by Wei Qingxiao. She would like to rush up and have a good conversation with this young man now.

Wei Hao didn't notice the dark color of her face.

At the same time, Luo Qifeng, pan Yongge, Mojing and others all welcomed him.

Luo Qifeng, in particular, was full of excitement, smiling at Wei Qing and saluting, "it turns out that Miss Wei visited in person. The Luo family really felt extremely honored." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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