Wei Qing smiles and nods slightly, and says faintly: "are you Luo Qifeng?"

If anyone else dared to speak to Luo Qifeng in this tone, he would have been shot dead by Luo Qifeng.

But the words from Wei Qing's mouth were so natural that they didn't even notice anything strange.

All this is because the speaker is the first lady from the Wei family!

The gap between identity and status is like rolling.

From this, we can see how powerful the Wei family is.

Luo Qifeng, who is so powerful that his eyes are always higher than the top, also shows a look of glory when he hears that his name is actually known by Wei Qingxiao.

"Yes, I am Luo Qifeng, the eldest son of Luo Jiadi."

Wei Qing nodded with a smile and said, "this time I'm following the young master to visit the four corners of the mountain. I'm just passing by you, so I'll stop by and have a look! So don't be too formal! "

"Yes, yes! I'll wait to understand! " Luo Qifeng's cold sweat has come down.

There is only one possibility that Miss Wei can be called master. That is, the young man is the current young master of the Wei family.

If it is true, then this identity can be too noble!

When you come to luoqifeng, you feel that your identity is not enough. You should let your father and even your grandfather come out to meet you!

In fact, the Luo family and the owners of many families did think so at the beginning.

But Wei Qingxiao knew his brother's temper very well. When he saw the old men, he was very upset. So he ordered them not to come. He only sent young children to meet him.

This is also the reason why there are only young children in this party, but not a family elder.

After hearing the words of Wei Qing's smile, people look at Wei haocang, who is holding hands with her. Their eyes are different from just now.

In addition to awe and curiosity, there is more than enough passion to melt people away.

Of course, this kind of warm eyes are generally from women.

One of the hottest, of course, is the nearest Tan Xiyao.

As soon as she heard that she was the young master of the Wei family, she really wanted to put it up now.

But the identity gap is too big, she can only hope "foreign" sigh.

But when Wei Qingxiao is talking to Luo Qifeng, pan Yongge and Mo Jing with a proud face.

Wei haocang suddenly began to be impatient.

Although before coming, Wei Qingxiao has discussed with his younger brother more than once, so that he must be obedient.

But for Wei haocang, whose intelligence is only equivalent to that of a three-year-old child, it is not easy to persist until now.

I saw his body twist to and fro, at the beginning of the amplitude is still a little small, but slowly it is getting bigger and bigger.


"Elder sister, I want to eat delicious food!" said Wei haocang with the clearest tongue he could achieve

This sentence made the original solemn and solemn atmosphere suddenly become strange.

Wei Qing smiles and sighs in his heart. Knowing that this is his brother's limit, he nods gently.

"Well, let's eat now!"

"Mm-hmm!" Wei haocang's face showed a brilliant smile.

Wei Qing smiles and turns to look at Luo Qifeng, who is astonished. He says faintly, "young master, you are a little hungry. Go and eat something first! Are the snacks I asked you to prepare in advance

"Ah Yes, yes, yes! It's already ready! Now please follow me Luo Qifeng suddenly woke up, nodded and bowed, and then led the way in front of him.

This sudden scene made the whole audience in a state of consternation.

No one knows what's going on.

But after Luo Qifeng and others led the sisters to leave the square, there was a violent commotion.

"My God, it's really unexpected that Miss Wei came here in person."

"Who said no, I didn't even dare to breathe in the atmosphere just now. I'm afraid I'll disturb Miss Wei, who is famous for her eccentric temperament."

"That's right, the momentum of others, tut tut! What a fright

"The key is that this time, the eldest young master of Wei's family also came along! What's more, listening to Miss Wei's tone just now, this young man is probably the young master of Wei's family! "

"Hiss! This identity What a fright

"But I don't think it's strange! And even in front of so many people say that they are hungry, but also want to eat! This

"What do you know? Like other people's son of heaven, of course, there will be such or that eccentricity ah! What's so strange about that! "

In these discussions, Tan Xiyao suddenly remembered something. She turned around and yelled at her little maid: "what are you doing? Hurry to send a message to the family. She said that the young master of Wei's family is here. It seems that she still likes all kinds of snacks. Let them get ready to deliver them!"

"Yes The little maid trembled and rushed down to prepare.

Tan Xiyao's words also reminded many people present that people had contacted their families through various means and asked to send all kinds of delicious food.Under such a chaotic situation, Luo Jian looks at the figure of Wei's sister and brother, who has gone far away. Her eyes are shining, and she doesn't know what she is thinking.

On the small building, Xue an did not raise his head. After drinking the last cup of tea, he just took a breath, and then mumbled something with a smile.

"Well? What do you say, my lord Wen muring asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing!" Xue an smile, and then turned to Luo Jingting and said: "clean up, I think someone will come to visit soon."

Luo Jingting was stunned and didn't understand why Xue an said so. But now she is almost following Xue an's words blindly. So she nodded and went downstairs to clean up.

"My Lord, what are we going to do next? Have you killed these two WAIS? " Wen muring asked with hate on her face.

Xue an shook her head, took a deep look at Wen Mu Ling, and said slowly, "of course, the revenge in those days must be avenged, but I hope you don't lose your heart because of this. Understand?"

Wen Mu Ling was stunned, then she trembled and nodded in a hurry, "yes!"

Xue an chuckled, then leaned on the soft collapse and stretched lazily, "what we need to do now is wait!"


"That's right, because since they're here in a big way, it's natural to have something to do. That's what we have to wait for."

Wen Muling suddenly realized, "you mean the banquet?"

Xue an smiles, a show of hands, "who knows!"

"Haha, it must be so!" Wen muring a face I understand, and then excitedly turned away.

Xue an looked at her back, which was excited by the prospect of revenge, and said with a faint smile.

"What expression would you have if you knew the truth?"

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