At night.

Because this courtyard is located in the corner of Luo's residence, it becomes quiet as soon as night falls.

Standing on the second floor, you can see the brilliant lights in the depths of Luo's residence, as well as the faint noise coming from the breeze.

All this sets off the desolation and solitude of the courtyard.

Just like Luo Jingting's status in the eyes of Luo's family, it is dispensable.

In this strange silence, Xue an sat in front of the window on the second floor, looking safe, as if waiting for something.

Wen Muling and Luo Jingting don't dare to ask, they just stand by and wait in silence.


Outside the courtyard came a sound of footsteps, which spread far away in the silent night.

Then I stopped in front of the door.

These sounds naturally awakened Luo Jingting two people.

They both looked different.

Who else will come at this late hour?

Xue an's mouth but raised a faint smile, "Miss Luo, go to meet it, we wait for the people have come!"

As soon as the voice dropped, a quiet voice came from outside the door.

"Sister Jingting, open the door!"

Hearing this sound, Luo Jingting was startled.

It's Luo Jian!

He is the man waiting for you?

But why is he here?

A variety of questions instantly climbed into Luo Jingting's mind, but soon, she recovered a trace of soberness, and then subconsciously went to the small courtyard door, opened the gate.

Sure enough.

Standing in front of the door, it is not Luo Jian who is standing with a smile!

"Seven Seven brothers Luo Jingting said with some consternation.

Luojian smile, "so late disturb Jing Ting sister rest, really sorry!"

Although she is talking to Luo Jingting, Luo Jian's eyes pass through her and look into the courtyard.

At this time, Xue an in front of the second floor window said faintly: "since you are here, please go upstairs!"

Hearing this, Luo Jian was shocked, and then nodded to Luo Jingting. The whole person turned into a black light and appeared on the second floor.

His sudden appearance made Wen muring give out a short scream.

Xue an is quietly sitting on the chair, not even raising his eyelids.

After Luo Jian stood firm, looking at the young man in white in the dark, he could not help but take a deep breath, and then clasped his hands.

"Luo's seven sons, Luo Jian! Yes, sir

The words were very respectful.

Xue an chuckled, then slowly raised his head and gave Luo Jian a meaningful look.

"You're smart!"

Luo Jian smiles.

But before his smile fully bloomed, Xue an had already leaned on the chair and said faintly, "but sometimes I hate smart people, especially those who think they are smart!"

Speaking of this, Xue an raised her eyes and gave Luo Jian a bright look, "I don't know What kind are you? "

After touching Xue an's eyes, Luo Jian was struck by lightning, and her face became pale instantly.

Because he had never seen such a terrible look in his eyes.

It is not a condescending indifference, nor a pretence of arrogant cruelty, but a kind of peace that is close to nothingness.

That's right!

It's a kind of no look.

In front of this kind of eyes, I was like a lamb to be slaughtered. Except for shivering, there was no way to resist.

Finally, Xue an lowered her eyes and her eyes converged.

Luo Jian just took a breath and felt that she was soaked in cold sweat.

Although it was only a short moment, Luo Jian felt as long as a century.

This can't help but let him look at Xue an in horror.

Before he came, he had tried his best to improve Xue an's strength, but when he came into contact with this look, Luo Jian realized how ridiculous his previous ideas were.

Just now I want to demonstrate with this teenager by incarnating black mans!

It's not death. What is it?

So he stammered, "first Excuse me, sir

Xue an waved. "Don't apologize. I don't need it! In fact, if I really mind, you're dead now! "

Xue an showed a cold smile, "do you believe it?"

Luo Jian subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, nodded, "I believe it!"

"Now answer me, are you really smart, or are you pretending to be?" Xue an leans on the chair, legs up, fingers gently tapping the armrest of the chair, quietly looking at Luo Jian, waiting for his answer.

At this time, Luo Jingting has already stepped on the second floor. When she sees Luo Jian, who is very powerful in her eyes, she looks like a primary school student, standing in front of Xue an with a pale face, and even dare not move. After that, she can't help but be shocked.No one dares to speak.

The atmosphere became very oppressive and tense.

Finally, Luo Jian showed a wry smile, "my Lord, of course I want to be a really smart person!"

Just a few words, in Luo Jian's mouth, Xue an has been upgraded from a gentleman to an adult.

"Smart people want to do it. The key is that you have this ability and Ambition? " Xue an asked with a smile.

Luo Jian's face was suddenly awed. "Don't worry, my master. How can I put my skills aside? My ambition I never want it! "

When he said this, Luo Jian's eyes seemed to have something burning, which was terrible.

Xue an knew that it was desire that burned.

"Good! Now I'll ask you, how did you come to me? "

Luo Jian took a deep breath and said slowly: "it's very simple. When I met the Wei family today, I noticed that Miss Wei suddenly looked in a certain direction with a frightened face. Although it was only a short moment, I noticed it!"

"Oh? Is it just a look in the eyes of Miss Wei? " Xue an has fun.

Luo Jian nodded, "one look is enough to prove a lot!"

"Then why do you only notice it yourself?"

Luo Jian slyly laughed, "my Lord, even if other people noticed at that time, I don't know what's going on! Only I can know the inside story! Because I personally arranged this courtyard for sister Jingting! "

"At that time, Miss Wei was looking in the direction of this courtyard!"

Xue an looked at Luo Jian deeply, "and then? How do you know it's me? "

Luo Jian said with a smile, "in fact, when I saw you for the first time in front of the door, I knew you would never be the bodyguard of Jingting sister!"

"Oh? Why do you say that? "

"Because I can't see through you!" Luo Jian said frankly.

"Sister Jingting is just a child of Luo's family. You can't be a bodyguard like you with her strength! So my first thought was that you are absolutely not an ordinary person! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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