Luo Jian's words made Luo Jingting cold all over.

She had no idea that he could guess so many things just by seeing each other.

Xue an seems to have predicted everything.

It's like you're the only one who's a fool.

At this time, Xue an began to laugh, "yes, you are really smart!"

"Thank you very much."

At this time, Xue an suddenly asked, "then I will ask you now, do you want to control Luo's family?"

This question came suddenly, Luo Jian was shocked and looked at Xue an in horror.

"My lord..."

"Don't be surprised. I'll ask you, do you want it or not?" Xue an said leisurely.

Luo Jian was lost in thought.

The reason why he came here late at night was just to get to know the secret master. He didn't expect such a question, so he was so shocked.

But through Xue Angang just revealed the strength, let Luo Jian's heart rise a glimmer of hope.

In case What if it does?

Xue an also did not urge, is so quietly looking at Luo Jian.

After a moment, Luo Jian slowly exhaled a breath, and then nodded solemnly.

"Of course! But... "

Before he could say what it was, Xue an interrupted him without hesitation. "Good, that's the deal."

Luo Jian's eyes widened, staring at Xue an.

What does that mean? It's settled?

You know, it's not easy to control the Luo family?

Although the Luo family can not compare with those big giants in the central ghost world, their strength is also very good.

In addition, with Luo Qifeng and his followers, the head of the Luo family and the elders is a big problem that can not be avoided.

So many difficulties, to his mouth only so light a sentence?

"What? You don't believe me? " Xue an said slowly.

"Ah Letter! Of course Luo Jian nodded in a hurry.

Xue an laughs and turns his words, "as the seventh young master of the Luo family, you should also have some power of your own."

Luo Jian nodded, "yes!"

"Well, I hope you can clean yourself up after you go back now. Those who do evil and run amok You should know how to do it yourself

Xue an's tone is indifferent, but Luo Jian can smell a strong intention to kill, so he nodded without hesitation: "yes!"

This decisiveness made Xue an's expression soften a little. Then he stood up and walked slowly to the window. "You are a smart man. You should be able to guess why I want you to do this!"

Looking at Xue an's back, Luo Jian suddenly thought of something. She began to tremble all over her body, and her eyes showed a color of awe that had never been seen before.

"You You mean... "

"Yes, tomorrow's party should be very lively! Isn't it? "

Luo Jian finally stopped speaking, but deeply bowed his head and expressed his awe for the young man who still did not know his name.

"Go! I'll give you a day. I hope you won't let me down! " Xue an head also did not return, light command way.

Luo Jian walked back and disappeared in the darkness.

The second floor became quiet again.

Luo Jingting looks terrified. What happened in this period of time is obviously beyond her understanding.

As a girl who has never experienced the danger of human heart, she can only stand beside in a daze.

Wen muring looks at Xue an's back, but she is reluctant to speak.

"Say what you have to say!"

Wen Muling hesitated for a moment and whispered, "my Lord, why do you value this luojian so much?"

"Value it?" Xue an shook his head. "I don't value him!"

"Well? But you just... "

"You know what? Such as the Luo family, such a powerful family can not be killed! Even when I was in the ghost world with Ming Jun, these powerful families were not completely eliminated. Once the things that suppressed them were not there, they would immediately start to do evil! " Suddenly said Xue an.

"Then you..." If Wen muring's mind is like this, why should she support Luo Jian?

Xue an said with a smile, "as you just said, I didn't mean to value Luo Jian at all! It's just because he's a little awed, and he hasn't committed any crimes, that's why I give him this chance! "

Speaking of this, Xue an turned to look at the night outside the window and said, "the darkness is endless. Now I can make them pay the price, but after killing one wave, another wave will grow. In this case, I'd better find a person who knows how to restrain and revere this, so that at least the crime can be restrained. Understand?"Hearing Xue an's words, Wen Muling suddenly realized, and then bowed down to say: "understand!"

At the same time, in another courtyard of Luo's residence, Luo Xuan breathlessly sits on a chair. The room is in a mess, and the exquisite utensils have been smashed to pieces.

And Luo Xuan's pretty face flashed ferocious colors from time to time.

Just at this time, a maid came into the room in fear.


"How's it going?"

"Young master, he has gone back to his room!"

"Well? Do you mean he didn't stay with the Wyeth brothers and sisters? "


Luo Xuan's face suddenly glowed with brilliance and said with a smile: "good! That's wonderful! Ha ha ha

The maid was silent and looked at Luo Xuan, who was trapped in the magic. She said softly, "but there is one more thing."

"What else?"

"The young master has invited your guests to the dinner party tomorrow."

After hearing the speech, Luo Xuan's face became gloomy and his eyelids were beating wildly. Then he began to pace back and forth in the room.

The little maid was silent and did not dare to look up.


Luo Xuan, who was wandering, suddenly thought of something and began to laugh nervously.

The harsh laughter made the little maid pale and shivering.

"Ha ha, what kind of nonsense Miss Wei, do you really think I am a fool? What about the so-called master Wei's family today! Hum, if you are honest and honest then, if you dare to touch my elder brother, don't blame me for being rude! "

That's right.

Luo Xuan has always had an abnormal love for his elder brother luoqifeng.

Before that, she didn't take it seriously because she thought it was a big and young member of the Wei family who came here to visit.

But I didn't expect it would be a big miss of the Wei family.

And when she met her brother this afternoon, Luo Xuan clearly saw the obsession on on her big brother's face, so she was so jealous. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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