
All of the nine hall owners were looking at the gate that had emerged from the broken place.

After hearing Wei Yuhua's words, the extremely cold emperor who was covered by the cold light turned his head and looked at him, and then laughed a few times.

"Wei family boy, is this the secret that you found first?"

Wei Yuhua nodded, "yes, it's the younger generation."

The emperor of the blood prison looked at Wei Yuhua with two eyes, and then he snorted coldly, "it's not shallow, it's actually a breakthrough into the hall master level!"

Cui Han flashed to Wei Yuhua. His cold eyes fixed on Wei Yuhua and said in a cold voice, "boy, can you contact this broken place? How did you get into the secret? Tell me the truth


All eyes are focused on Wei Yuhua, many faces are eager and greedy color.

Wei Jinglong's face sank, and as soon as he and some elders winked, they would get up and go forward.

But at this time, Wei Yuhua laughed.

"The emperor, as a mirror, can't really open the secret collection with my strength. Last time, I just got a trace of inheritance just by chance! But this time I have a way to open this secret place completely

"Oh? How to open it? Tell me about it Blood prison emperor also can't wait to rush over.

Several other hall masters, including Rongyang, the master of lava, were also dignified.

Wei Yuhua raised his hand to the broken place and said, "you must have seen that the gate emerging from the broken place is the entrance of the hidden place."

"If you want to get into it, the only way is to open up the broken ground!"

"Open up the broken place?" He was stunned.

"Yes! To put it bluntly, it is to correct the disordered time and space here, and then the secret will be opened naturally! " Wei Yuhua said with a smile.

"Closing space?" Cui Han shook his head, "this is not what we can do with our strength. At least, it must be a real king of fairies to do it!"

People can't help nodding.

In order to bridge time and space, the strength needed can be called terror. Although these palace masters call themselves emperors, they still have this self-knowledge!

Wei Yuhua said with a smile, "of course not one person, but if you hall master and I and other powerful families do it together?"

This sentence brightened many people's eyes.

But these several hall Lord actually all frowned.

The emperor of the blood prison sneered, "boy, you are so brave that you have calculated our heads!"

"I dare not. What I'm saying is just a fact. If you don't want to, I can't help it. It's just that we can only watch and hide in front of us, but we can't get it!" Wei Yuhua said calmly.

His words naturally spread to xue'an.

Wei Qing smiles and frowns, and looks at Wei Yuhua in disbelief.

Because in her impression, Wei Yuhua is a little bit clever, but it is only a little clever.

Such as now, step by step, even in the face of several hall owners are calm with the right, but it has never been.

Xue an just looked at it quietly, his eyes shining slightly, then lowered his head and raised his mouth slightly, sketching out a cold smile.

At this time, the nine hall masters looked at each other, then briefly discussed, and finally reached an agreement.

"Good! In this case, we will trust you once, but remember, if the secret is opened this time, the nine of us must distribute the things we get! " Extremely cold emperor said.

"This is natural!" Wei Yuhua smiles slightly, nods to agree, and then turns to return to Wei's home.

Wei Jinglong looks a little worried. He doesn't seem to understand why Wei Yuhua did this.

But when Wei Yuhua said something in his ear, Wei Jinglong's face quickly improved and returned to normal.

After the negotiation, the nine main hall masters were separated, and Wei family and many powerful central ghost world families followed closely and stood well.

As for the rest of the scattered repair or the family whose strength has not yet arrived, they also did not leave. Instead, they stood in the distance and wanted to see the unprecedented excitement.

"Do it!" With Wei Yuhua's soft drink.

Qi Qi, the leader of the nine halls, urged him to transform himself into nine black awns as thick as a mountain peak, and directly enveloped the whole broken land.

After that, the big families started to work one after another, and the boundless black awns gathered together and smashed to this broken place.


Black light concussion endlessly, pushing the already fragmented space to reunite.

This process is very difficult, and the spiritual power required is even greater.

If it can't be achieved by one person, fortunately, it was the nine hall masters and all the elite of the central ghost world to work together, which can meet the needs.

Click! CLICK!

With a sound from the deep space of the crisp sound, the original broken space re agglomerates, and the chaotic space-time is corrected.This process is very slow, but in the end, in a big bang, completely closed together.

At the same time.

The gate also shows itself thoroughly.

Wei Yuhua laughed, "secret collection, secret collection has finally opened! Ha ha ha

In fact, he was very happy.

Because he had calculated all these things for a long time. The reason why he had brought so many people back to Wei's house before was that he could gather more people to open the secret collection completely.

How can he not be complacent now that he can see things done?

As for the promise of the nine hall masters.

Wei Yuhua's eyes showed a look of ridicule. The adult who instructed him to find this secret place was there. What a bullshit hall leader is, it's just a joke!

After all, even he, the Lord of the temple, was promoted by the Lord himself!

But Wei Qing, who was in the ghost chariot, was very ugly.

Can we say that Wei Yuhua is really the son of destiny and the man of destiny?

But Xue an on the side chuckled, "what a fool! I'm so happy to be sold! "

Sure enough.

When Wei Yuhua was laughing, he saw that the gate suddenly let out tens of thousands of tiny lights.

The splendor of brilliance pierces people's eyes.

At the same time.

In the light of the sky, a soldier with armor appeared.

These soldiers were silent, only two ghosts in their helmets showed their identity.

Evil spirit!

Although the armor on these evil spirits was damaged, it was still exquisite, like a work of art, and it was very powerful.

Wei Yuhua's laughter stopped abruptly.

"The army of evil spirits!" There was a scream of horror in the voice.

And the faces of all the people turned pale.

Because this evil spirit army is the unique killing tool of the original Lord of the underworld!

At the same time.

The soldiers of these evil spirits rushed like locusts.

Xue an clapped her hands, stood up and said, "OK, it's time for us to come out next." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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