
With a bang, a ghost near the front was directly hit in the head.

Even before he died, he applied his strongest attack to the evil soldier on the opposite side.

But under that armor defense, all attacks are so weak and futile.

And it's just the beginning.

When a large number of evil spirit Legion rush to the crowd crazily, the faces of all the ghosts changed.

Because these evil soldiers will not fear, will not pain, only forward charge, can be called the most terrible soldiers.

In contrast, even if your accomplishments are much higher than it, you will probably be helpless. What's more, your attack may not even wear its armor.

So the sound of the body being blasted mixed with the screams before death, forming a sad movement, echoing in the whole secret place.

Some of the timid ones have started to retreat.

Wei Yuhua can't help but roar, "don't be afraid, kill all these evil spirit soldiers, Ming Jun is our secret!"

This sentence has given a lot of people a boost.

In particular, from the place of punishment, the hall owners all showed a trace of grim smile.

"Just soldiers, dare to be rampant in front of us? Die Extremely cold emperor urges cold low roar, a cold wave which is enough to completely freeze the soul of people will be swept out.

Where they passed by, the movements of these evil soldiers slowed down in an instant and were gradually frozen in their original places.

A move.

He stopped almost all the evil spirit legions.

Wei Yuhua was overjoyed to see the situation, "urge the hall master good means!"

But at this time, the ghost fire under the helmets of these evil spirits soldiers suddenly flourished, and then the armor gave off all kinds of glimmers, breaking all the ice covering their bodies.

Is proud of the cold face a sink, "unexpectedly look down on you! Take me again

With a wave of his hands, he formed a fingerprint and pushed forward.


Countless ice cream is like a blade, surging out.

Although these evil soldiers who bear the brunt of the attack barely stood in the ice cold wave, with a dense and subtle crackle, their armor began to show tiny cracks, and finally broke open.

With the breaking of the armor, these evil spirits instantly turned into nothing.

However, the hand of promoting cold is only to wipe out those evil spirits soldiers who are closest to each other. As for the others, because of the obstacles ahead, there is no big obstacle, but they continue to rush forward bravely and fearlessly.

Urge cold face a sink, just at this time, side spread blood prison emperor's strange smile.

"Brother Cui, it seems that you are not very good at it! It's up to me! "

With that, he raised his hand and gently touched the void, "blood mist across the sky!"

In the void appeared a thick blood mist which could not be dissolved, and then suddenly spread.

Where they passed, the armor of these evil spirits soldiers was corroded by blood mist, and the bright and bright surface was darkened.

But that's all, because if you want to rely on the corrosion of the blood mist, at least a stick of incense will be needed to completely eliminate these evil spirit soldiers.

The emperor of the blood prison exclaimed.

"What kind of armor can resist the corrosion of my blood mist?"

At this time, he roared, "what are you doing? Let's get rid of these evil soldiers

Several other temple masters began to attack these evil spirit legions in succession.

Among the ten main hall owners, only Rong Yang's face was hesitant and did not make a move.

But at this time, people didn't pay attention to it.

Because at the moment, the eight hall masters' joint efforts to form a road of glory, has been strong enough to destroy the heaven and earth to attack these evil spirit legions.

Wei Yuhua's face showed a touch of satisfaction.

As long as these remaining evil spirit legions are eliminated, all the things hidden in the Hades will be mine!

The breath of other aristocratic families was also rapid, staring at the battlefield, and they all wanted to know the results of the battle below.

But at this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the evil spirit army.

Just at this time, the joint efforts of the eight hall masters have also arrived.

Many people didn't see who the figure was at all.

Only Wei Qingxiao and Wen muring screamed.

Because suddenly across the void, it was Xue an who appeared in the scene.

They watched Xue an's body just emerge. Even if they were engulfed by the powerful force, they could not help shaking.

What is he going to do?

Isn't this your own death?

But just then, Xue an chuckled.

"The momentum is quite enough, but it's a pity that she's so fierce that she's not good at it. It's all ostentatious."With the voice, Xue an carried a hand behind her, only stretched out a hand, and then slowly stood up in front of her chest.


When the two collided, they burst into a huge noise, which made people dare not look at them directly.

But no matter how strong the power of this joint attack is, when you encounter Xue an's palm, it seems that you have encountered an insurmountable obstacle. No matter how hard you try, you can't save it.

But although the front is blocked, the force behind is still rushing forward one after another.

It's like a train. The front of the train is blocked by xue'an, but the rear carriage is still rumbling forward.


This joint attack was squeezed into a flat circle by Juli Shengsheng who came from behind. When the volume expanded to the limit, it burst out.


A terrifying shock wave swept away with the force of thunderbolt, where it passed, it was invincible.

There are a few unlucky ghosts and their ghost chariot, which happens to be within the scope of the shock wave.

If according to the usual, they can be regarded as a strong side.

But in front of the shock wave, before they even hum, they were evaporated into nothingness, and there was no fly ash left.

"Why How can it be! "

All the ghosts who witnessed this scene were stupefied, but the most muddled one was the eight hall masters.

I saw them staring at everything in the field, I can't believe their eyes.

At the same time.

The aftershocks of the explosion gradually dissipated, and the blinding brilliance faded.

Looking at the scene, Xue an stands with a smile in the sky that has been cleaned up. Her clothes are floating and her hair is not disturbed for half a minute.

It's as if the surprise blow was just a breeze.

This scene shocked everyone.

Rongyang is a low exclamation, "is he?"

As for Wei Qingxiao and Wen Mu Ling, they couldn't help but breathe.

In particular, Wei Qing laughs and feels himself soaked in cold sweat.

But she was no less shocked than the others. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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