Endless desert.

The same small bridge water, the same sunset, time seems to be in this small courtyard stagnation.

Meng Yao sat on the flower hall, as always in a daze.

But soon, the silence here was broken by a flurry of footsteps.

Meng Yao came back from her recollection and frowned slightly!

She hated being disturbed when she was in a daze.

At this time, her bodyguard Donghan has been panting into the courtyard.

Meng Yao sighed, "what's the matter, so flustered, I didn't tell you, no matter what happens, you should be calm and calm!"

It is not easy for winter cold to breathe his breath evenly. After hearing Meng Yao say this, he can't help but show a bitter smile.

"Yes, Lord!"

"Now, what happened?" Meng Yao leaned on the railing and said slowly.

"Temple Lord, just received the news, Ming Jun's secret has appeared!"

"Oh! Isn't that normal! Although the broken place is dangerous, there must be a solution for this gathering of the powerful families of the central ghost world! " Meng Yao said disapprovingly.

"And then..."

"And what?"

Donghan took a deep breath. "Then the ancestor of Wei family suddenly appeared, and the one who appeared with him The god fire ghost who has disappeared for a long time

When hearing the appearance of Wei's ancestors, Meng Yao was still indifferent. It was only after hearing the words that Meng Yao felt like a cat stepping on its tail that she had been directly bombed.

"What? Do you say that again? " Meng Yao stood up and exclaimed in great excitement.

winter cold heart silently make complaints about it, you just did not say that no matter what happens to be calm?

How can I be more excited than I am when I hear this news?

But of course, Dong Han didn't dare to say these words. He just bowed his head and said, "Lord, I have confirmed the news. It's really the god fire ghost Lord has come back again! But... "

Before the words fell, the master of the temple of Meng Yao and Meng was already full of tears. He turned around and wanted to fly up. He was stunned when he heard that sentence.

"But what?"

Dong Han hesitated for a moment, and finally whispered: "but the god fire ghost Lord didn't know what had happened. His strength was extremely declining. When he was fighting with the ancestor of Wei's family, who was already the Immortal King, he was hit by a terrible secret skill. Now Life and death are unknown! "

Hearing this, Meng Yao's face was as white as a sheet of paper, and her figure was even more shaken, and she nearly fell to the ground.

Donghan exclaimed, and hurriedly came forward to help Meng Yao, "master of the temple!"

"I'm fine!"

Meng Yao waved her hand, and then stood back and took a deep breath. Her pretty face showed layers of murder.

"Winter is cold!"


"You are in charge of the desert city now!"

Winter cold one Zheng, immediately understood what, exclaimed: "Hall Lord!"

Meng Yao waved her hand, "needless to say, I have already decided!"

With a wave of Meng Yao, a token flew into Donghan's hands.

Meng Yao stamped his feet, and the small courtyard of the small bridge and flowing water broke like an illusion.

After that, Meng Yao jumped up and stood in the void for a pause. Facing the winter cold, she said, "if I can't come back, please give me a cup of drunk dust when I'm free."

After that, Meng Yao turned black and went straight to the distant sky.

Winter cold stupefied stand in place, tears suddenly fall down.

"Lord, I I'm here to wait for your return

At the moment, Meng Yao's body has already flown thousands of miles away, but this endless desert covers a vast area. At this speed, it will take at least half a day to fly out.

At the moment, Meng Yao was so anxious that she suddenly waved her hands. Her eyes were shining brightly, and a long tail was drawn behind her.

This is a sign that she is burning her accomplishments.

And where the tail of the Huaguang Trail passed, a plant of strange flowers and plants grew abruptly on the desert.

In an instant, just a barren desert, it turned into a green sea.

Under this nearly crazy speed, Meng Yao's speed increased by more than ten times, almost leaping over tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

So a spectacle appeared in front of the crowd.

See a drag the whole piece of the sky and Earth spread and pass, and behind it, is the crazy growth of the boundless green sea.

Meng Yao, who is on her way crazy, doesn't know when her face is full of tears, and her whole heart is trapped in endless suffering.

My Lord, you must, must Peace!

In a plane adjacent to the central ghost world, Jin Jue Zheng led his new disciples on the ascent of the earth.After such a long time of tempering, the momentum of Jin Jue's body is more and more condensed. His eyes are like newborn children, pure and flawless, just like crystal diamond.

When he was in a hurry, he walked three inches above the ground and walked in the air without causing any fluctuation. It was as if he had completely integrated into the world.

But at this time, Jin Jue suddenly stopped.

After him, several disciples who were walking against the wind couldn't stop. They almost ran into each other and couldn't help asking.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Jin Jue raised his eyes and looked into the void. His eyes were shining. Finally, his palms closed. "There is no Buddha in the south. If you are in trouble, how can Jinjue leave it alone?"

After that, he turned to his disciples and said, "wait here. I'm going to help a friend now."

The disciples nodded in succession, but only the one who stood at the front and followed him for the longest time said, "master, are you going to help the former benefactor?"

Jin Jue nodded, and his face suddenly showed a bleak look. "Disciple, if the master can't come back, you will take care of your younger martial brothers!"

This sentence changed the faces of all the disciples. They all looked sad. Then they knelt down and said, "master!"

Jin Jue shook his head. "Silly disciple, life and death are common things. Why should we do this! I will go! "

After that, Jin Jue lowered his eyes and began to recite the Scriptures in a low voice. In an instant, the Golden Lotus flowed to his feet.

After that, the golden light appeared from him, and when it dispersed again, there was no one in the field.

The rest of the disciples were all confused. Only the eldest disciple who had followed Jin Jue for the longest time was silent for a moment, then sat cross legged on the ground and whispered.

"We will wait for master's return here."


Deep in the ghost world, in Luo's house.

Since the whole ghost world was swept away, Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi are busy reorganizing this piece of heaven and earth every day, bringing it into their own control.

In comparison, Luo Jingting is much more relaxed.

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