But today, Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi invited her to discuss things together.

Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi want to understand that Luo Jingting was entrusted to them by Xue an himself.

This shows that luojingting's position is very important.

Therefore, although Luo Jingting repeatedly said that he was not interested in these matters, they would still invite them to come when they met with the distribution of interests or other important matters.

Today is no exception.

But just as they were chatting, a black letterhead appeared in front of them.

Luo Jian is stunned!

Because this letter is obviously the most urgent letter with the highest level. What's the matter? It's worth sending this kind of letter to inform the news?

But when Luo Jian took it over, her face changed instantly.

"What's the matter?" One side of Ren Tianqi quickly asked.

Luo Jian's face is iron green and hands the letter to Ren Tianqi. When Ren Tianqi takes a look at it, she immediately stands up and sends out a cry of surprise.

"What? If there is a big war in the central ghost world, it is very likely that your adult will die? "

Luo Jingting was also surprised by this sentence, hurriedly gathered to have a look, and then also froze.

"What about this? Your life and death are uncertain now, and it is said that all of your family members have been surrounded by the Wei family and other powerful families! " Ren Tianqi asked solemnly.

Luo Jian did not speak until a moment later.

In the roar, the table was directly patted into powder.

Then Luo Jian said with a very firm tone: "no matter what, we can't stay out of this matter. Even if the other party's strength is stronger, we will fight with them to the end."

A flash of light in my eyes, I also know the danger! Now I'm going to send people, and then I'll catch up with them! "

"Good! I'm going to call up people, too

Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi split action, the room will be left only Luo Jingting one person.

She stood still for a moment. Suddenly she thought of something. She bit her teeth suddenly. Then she took out an ancient mirror from her arms. Trembling, she passed on what happened today.

When the news came to Liaozhai, Zang Xueling was the first to learn the news, and he was shocked.

"What! It's the ancestor of Wei family! This is terrible! This old undead's strength was extremely strong at the beginning, and now it is 100% more powerful than the Immortal King level! It's too bad that the adults should fight with him and fall into his trap

Zang Xueling is really anxious, and these words are also undisguised.

Que Wen Yuan, who was on one side, went up to look at the ancient mirror. His face turned pale and his eyes turned red. He almost fell into tears.

"Sister Xueling, this What can I do? " Que asked the edge has been completely disordered.

At this time, she has naturally cut off all previous delusions.

But this did not prevent her from being grateful to xue'an.

But now the news clearly shows that Xue an is facing great danger.

How can this not make que ask yuan to be frightened and worried.

Zang Xueling gradually calmed down, and then suddenly stood up and said in a deep voice: "no matter, this matter has to come to an end. What's more, when I was imprisoned, the culprit was the Wei family. So this matter has something to do with me. I have to go there."

Que asked Yuan Li Ma Yan: "sister Xueling, take me with you!"

Zang Xueling deeply looked at Que and asked yuan, "are you not afraid? You should know that the opponent is likely to be the first expert in the ghost world. Even if it is me, I dare not say that I can come back safely! "

Que asked yuan to shake his head without hesitation, "I'm not afraid! No matter what kind of strong person, I am not afraid! "

Zang Xueling laughed, "OK! In this case, let's go now! "

Said, she flew up, with the que asked edge to break open space, fly to the central ghost world.

At the same time.

The whole ghost world is boiling.

Everyone was stunned by the series of news.

"What? The ancestor of the Wei family suddenly appeared, and was still a real king of fairies, the existence of the level of Ming Jun? " Someone took a cold breath and said.

"Yes! Not only that, but also the god fire ghost Zun, which has disappeared for a long time, has reappeared. However, this adult does not know what he has experienced, and his strength is extremely declining. Therefore, he was sealed by the ancestor of Wei family in one move! "

"Hehe, it's a seal. It's estimated that the god fire ghost has already died and can't die any more! After all, if you fight against a strong Immortal King, how can you have good fruit to eat! " Someone sneered.

"However, the ancestor of Wei family didn't pay the price. After hearing that, he didn't do it again. Instead, he commanded the powerful families to surround the secret collection."

"What do you know! Although shenhuogui Zun is dead, he still has family members. And I heard a friend of mine who was on the scene said that all the shenhuogui Zun's family members were extremely beautiful! The reason why this ancestor of the Wei family didn't do it might be because he had his ideaAt one time, there are all kinds of things to say, but without exception, almost all people think that Xue an has completely lost, and even many people think that he has died and can't die any more.

However, the Wei family suddenly appeared a strong man of Ming Jun level, which will surely soar into the sky in the future, but it is possible to unify the ghost world. Therefore, all the eyes of the Wei family all focused on the central ghost world.

Even the intelligent person actually opened the water mirror method before the secret hiding, and transmitted all kinds of news in this way in real time.


It was another dull sound, and an Yan was so powerful that he directly blew out a sneak attack on the ghost clan.

Because of the power of Lei Zun hidden in the pan, this sneaking ghost clan burst into nothingness in the air.

And this is the 27th ghost clan who died under an Yan in more than one day.

At this time, many ghost people look at an Yan's eyes and have a deep fear of color.

Because for more than one day, they used all kinds of means.

However, no matter what means can't help Yan a hair.

There were even those who didn't believe in evil people who wanted to curse an Yan secretly with secret arts, but they didn't expect that at that time they inspired an Yan's guard power, and countless swords directly cut the cursed ghost family into meat paste.

This in the eyes of many people, an Yan seems to have drawn an equal sign with difficult to entangle.

Many people are shocked to find that although an Yan is only a half step real immortal's cultivation, she keeps in front of the secret collection with the momentum of one husband and ten thousand people, so that everyone can't save.

This kind of scene also makes many people secretly admire.

But Wei Li did not have the slightest anxious color, still the old God is sitting on the ghost chariot, even as time goes on, the smile of his mouth is also more and more strong.

Because only he can see, with the passage of time, an Yan's face has become more and more pale, the momentum of the whole body also began to inevitably fall down.

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