This is actually a very normal thing, after all, an Yan now is only half step real immortal cultivation, such strength can hold up to now is a miracle.

But with the passage of time, her spiritual power has inevitably begun to show signs of exhaustion.

When she's completely exhausted, it's the best time to do it.

Then these two little girls will be his best booty!

Thinking of this, the smile on Willie's face could not help but grow stronger, and then waved.

"She can't hold on. Send the master of the house where the crime is punished!"

At a command, the eight hall owners in the place of punishment could not help but look at each other.

Although they are all ghosts, they also have the dignity of the strong.

It's easy to say when I fought Xue an before.

But if you let them such strength to deal with a woman, they still feel that some can not do.

But they didn't dare to disobey Willie's words.

Because there are only eight of them left now, because the extremely cold emperor, whose temper is the most violent, was directly sealed by Wei Li because his words collided with him.

In the face of enough to crush their own strength, the several hall masters looked at each other, and finally Rongyang was sent out reluctantly.

He is now extremely regretful, should not have coveted this so-called Ming Jun secret, the result fell to now this land.

But the situation is better than people, he can only heart unwilling to rush out of the crowd, and then straight to an Yan.

After more than one day's fighting, Rongyang naturally saw through Anyan's details, and knew that her strength was limited. What she relied on was her unexplained immunity to all kinds of secret skills of the GUI people, and her protection when she was in danger.

So this time Rongyang simply did not use any ghost world secret arts, purely to deal with an Yan with strong strength.

Sure enough.

Under this strategy, an Yan immediately fell into a dangerous situation, can only rely on the pan in his hand to barely parry, and there is no force to fight back.

Rongyang is not proud of this. He just sighs and grabs Anyan.

But at this time, behind him, Hu Ying suddenly emerged from the void, and then was shot with one hand.

Zhang Xiaoyu is crazy waving tentacles, trying to confuse Rongyang's attention.

This is also the most effective method that they have worked out over the past day.

But all these are so weak in front of absolute strength.

Rongyang didn't even look back. He was just in a flash, and his powerful power immediately sent Hu Ying out.

As for those tentacles of Zhang Xiaoyu, Rongyang didn't even look at them, because they were directly shattered before they rushed to the front.

At the same time.

Rongyang stretched out his hand to catch Anyan.

But it was just then.

The distant sky suddenly appeared a light that ran through the whole skyline, and then rushed here at a very fast speed.

In an instant, he saw a long, light tailed figure appeared in the public's sight.

At the sight of the scene, there was a commotion, and Willie could not help frowning.

As for Rongyang, he stood on the spot as if he had been struck by lightning.

At this time, the figure has rushed to the field, and after standing still, it is Meng Yao.

As soon as she was seen, those Temple masters in the place of punishment were all stupid.

"Master of the temple of Mencius?"

Meng Yao ignored everything else, but put all his attention on the outline of the shadow.

Although the outline is already thin, only the subtle lines are left, but Meng Yao can recognize it at a glance.

It's the one she'll never forget!

But I didn't expect that after waiting for such a long time, when I saw you again, it would be like this.

This can not help Meng Yao's eyes gradually filled with tears.

An Yan naturally also noticed this scene, the heart is a move.

This woman Who is it?

Why can you use that kind of eyes to look at the shadow outline left by her husband?

Think about and read naturally also noticed this scene, in fact, for more than a day, the two girls have not been idle, but have been accompanied by the contour of the shadow, looking forward to their father can wake up as soon as possible.

So when I saw Meng Yao, I couldn't help but ask, "Auntie, what are you crying about?"

This sentence wakes Meng Yao out of her grief. When she sees what seems to be coming out of the painting, she is stunned and immediately understands that this should be the child of adults in the rumor!

Sure enough, even this eyebrow has the shadow of an adult!

Meng Yao's heart quietly raised this idea, and then to think about read a smile.

"Auntie didn't cry!"

Nianniannian also poked out her head and asked, "Auntie, are you here to help you beat the bad guys?""Yes! I'm here to help you beat the bad guys! " Meng Yao said with a smile, and then turned to look at an Yan.

Although an Yan looks a little pale, when she notices Meng Yao's eyes, she still glances at her temples and smiles at her.

Meng Yao's heart a warm, gently nodded, low voice: "see sister!"

After that, she just turned around and looked coldly at Rongyang, who was in a sluggish state, and said in a cold voice, "Lord Rong, I really didn't expect that with your status and character, I would be willing to be a lackey for others!"

Rongyang shivered all over, and he woke up from confusion.

Of course, he knows what Meng Yao is doing here!

Just as he knows who Meng Yao has been waiting for.

So he was very clear that if Meng Yao knew that Shenhuo GUI Zun was back, he would be eager to come.

But he didn't expect to come so fast!

Therefore, he could not help but take a deep breath and said with a bitter smile: "master of the temple of Mencius, I..."

Meng Yao waved her hand and said in a cold voice, "OK, don't say it! If you want to deal with them, beat me first

Said, Meng Yao step forward, block in front of Anyan and others, the momentum of the body gradually climbing.

"Is that really the case?" Rongyang's face became more and more ugly, and his eyes showed a touch of pain.

"Master Meng, don't you see that the sacred fire ghost has fallen? You... "

"Shut up!" Meng Yao was furious. "I don't allow you to say that, my Lord, and I believe that your adult will be OK! Stop talking nonsense

At the moment, Meng Yao's killing intention is as solid as the essence.

Rongyang is a gloomy face, an indescribable frustration arises spontaneously.

Of course, he knew Meng Yao's mind, but he didn't expect that the idea would be so firm.

But at this time, Wei Li, sitting on the ghost chariot, suddenly gave a sneer.

"Looking for death!"

With a sharp flick of his finger, a Guanghua rushed to Meng Yao with lightning speed.

In all places, the space seems to have been ploughed out a deep gap.

Under such a terrible momentum, Meng Yao's face coagulated, and then he stirred up all the accomplishments to try to resist the blow.

But at this time, Rongyang suddenly raised his hand, directly from the side of this Guanghua smashed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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