Hui's voice has changed!

All people are even more color change.

But Xue an chuckled, "just a foreign demon, how dare you talk nonsense?"

This makes Huinian, who has already been possessed by the devil, look stunned, and then says with some surprise: "you who are you? How do you know about extraterritorial demons? "

Xue an showed two good-looking tiger teeth, a forest smile, "very strange? Because I knew it

After that, Xue an raised his fist and said lightly: "the second fist is divided into yin and Yang!"

This fist was like a vast ocean, which directly surrounded Huinian.

Huinian is like a fool at the moment, mumbling to himself, "divide Yin and Yang..."

All of a sudden, he trembled all over, and then looked at Xue an in horror, "this is the six ways to kill God, you are..."

There's no chance to say anything later. Because Xue an's fist will blow Huinian into powder.

The extraterritorial demons attached to Huinian's body were also blasted away. Before his death, this always arrogant extraterritorial demon did not dare to resist for a moment, but was full of fear and regret!

Because he knows that this man, is he, even the existence of foreign demons can not be provoked.

Huinianshen fell.

Xue an takes back his fist and looks around everyone.

"Now, who else is not satisfied? Let's go! I'm in a hurry

There was a dead silence.

Many people were shocked by Xue an's momentum.

After all, once Xue an came to power, he killed three people in a row!

The momentum is amazing!

At this time, someone clapped and laughed: "OK! What a trick

With the voice, yuan zongfeng slowly stepped onto the platform.

Jibei yuan family, finally also want to fight?

Not only he, but also many disciples followed him silently to the high platform, and all stood behind yuan zongfeng.

When snow green face a white, in the heart is very anxious.

She thinks Xue an is too big, even if how powerful, but also can not be so many people's opponents!

Yu Ming is holding the sword in hand, ready for the final.

If Xue an is not the enemy, then he must rush up!

At this time, yuan zongfeng looked at xue'an and said slowly, "I didn't expect that it was such a young man who killed the sword immortal in Lingnan! And the cultivation of being able to communicate with God really breaks people's hearts! "

Xue an stood with his hands down, looking sad or not, "finished?"

Yuan zongfeng looked sluggish. He didn't want to go to the stage.

Xue an was killed just now.

Why should I touch him?

It's better to take the people to the stage, and then say some scene words, if you can pull this person over.

That's perfect.

But Xue an didn't give him face at all.

Yuan zongfeng secretly gritted his teeth, "Mr. Xue, you killed three people in a row. You should have exhausted your physical strength. Why don't we come back another day?"

Xue an shook his head. "The blood on the hand is not dry. It's a good time. Don't say more. I'm..."

Before Xue an finished, Shu Yinger had already walked to yuan zongfeng, and a trace of admiration for the strong appeared on her face.

"Mr. Xue, we don't have any grudges. Why do we have such a big fight?"

Xue an's expression is cold, originally did not want to speak, but suddenly.

He noticed the bracelet on Shu Yinger's hand.

Then he was stunned.

There was a long silence.

Long enough to let Shu Ying'er and Yuan zongfeng and others look at each other, do not know what happened.

At this time, Xue an just a little trembling said: "you Where does this string come from? "

But Mr. Xue raised his arm? This is a waste of our moon Pavilion... "

She didn't say the rest.

Because Xue an's body sends out a kind of startling and murderous spirit.

This murderous spirit is so strong that it even breaks the plants within ten miles and makes the Fulong mountain creak.

This kind of murderous spirit also makes yuan zongfeng and others Qi Qi pale.

Xue an then slowly rose, stood in the air, voice like the devil from hell, said: "waste Hehe, you call her a waste? "

With that, Xue an cried.

His tears came down and moved the whole world.

A lot of people were scared and didn't know what Xue an was going to do.

Yuan zongfeng and Kong yuandai looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

Yuan zongfeng at this time a gnash teeth, "he has been crazy, take advantage of now, everybody works together!"

After that, he was the first to rush up.

Many disciples of the following sects also followed closely.So a spectacle was presented to the public.

Xue an stood in the middle of the air, and below were hundreds of clansmen.

In this bloody setting sun, it seems so tragic and cruel.

Shi Xueqing felt her heart stopped and her lips were bitten and bleeding.

She stomped her foot and was ready to rush.

She wanted to understand that even if she was dead, she couldn't just stand by and watch Xue an was besieged!

But at this time, Yu Ming suddenly took her arm, shook his head, and said with fear: "don't move!"

Shi Xueqing didn't know what was going on. She just wanted to ask questions. Then she felt that it was raining.

And when she touched it with her hand, it was blood.

She looked up.

See those who rush into the air, trying to kill Xue an people, at the moment, like a bird swarm that is being shot by a machine gun, falling down.

Blood, like fireworks, is exploding from body to body.

This strange and full of cruel aesthetic feeling of the picture, let the snow green all look stunned.

At this time, yuan zongfeng finally made a move.

He had just been hiding behind the crowd, ready to use the lives of these people to consume Xue an's strength. Now he felt that the time was right for him to go around Xue an's back, summon up all his strength and raise his hand.

Suddenly, yuan zongfeng hit out with one hand.

This powerful palm, with the evil spirit, went straight to Xue an's back.

Yuan zongfeng's eyes flashed a light of satisfaction.

As long as you kill Xue an, you will be the undisputed number one in this Xianmen meeting!

But the next second, his smile and pride are frozen.

Because Xue an has turned to look at him quietly.

The moment of this pair of eyes, yuan zongfeng suddenly felt extremely flustered.

A strong sense of crisis made him turn to run.

But Xue an waved his hand as if he were a fly.


Yuan zongfeng's head rose to the sky.

The soul came out of his neck, and did not dare to go back to the north.

Xue an didn't even blink her eyelids.


Yuan zongfeng's life and soul were shattered, and then disappeared!

Ten fingers time.

All of the disciples who had just rushed into the air fell into the air.

Blood and bodies covered the whole platform.

In the middle of the air, there was only xue'an, who looked like a God and demon, and Shu Ying'er, who had been completely frightened and stupefied, in his hands.

At this time, Xue an lowered his head and looked at Shu Ying'er and asked faintly, "now, tell me! Where is your ancestral gate , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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