Shu Ying'er is trembling all over. She can't imagine that this man is so strong.

The joint attack of more than 100 followers of the hermit immortal sect failed to win him!

Especially the death of yuan zongfeng, she was scared to death.

"Xue Mr. Xue... " Shu Yinger's voice trembled and she wanted to say something.

Xue an has impatiently reached out and pressed directly on her heavenly cover.

The powerful and incomparable deity directly began to search Shu Ying'er's memory.

After a moment, Xue an's killing intention became more and more fierce, and it was almost to form a substance.

"Good, good! You let her sweep the floor? And bullied her for two years? Ha ha Xue an's tone was as cold as ten thousand years.

Shu Ying'er only felt the sharp pain in her head. Seeing Xue an's expression, she was more and more frightened.

What he's looking for Is that trash?

At this time, Xue an fell to the ground, and with a wave of his hand, all the corpses and bloodstains on the whole platform were burning with a white flame.

In a moment, all the bodies were gone.

Then Xue an will cover his daughter's secret.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Both daughters found Xue an's abnormality at the same time.

Xue an smiles, but the smile is full of sadness and missing.

He said in a soft voice, "Dad's OK. Let's go. Dad will take you to your mother."

"Now?" Xue Xiang and Xue Nian asked happily.

Xue an nodded. "Yes, now!"

With that, Xue an held his two daughters in his arms.

Shu Ying'er didn't kill him because he wanted to take this woman to see an Yan.

He wants to kill all those who have bullied her in front of an Yan!

Xue an, holding two daughters in one hand and Shu Ying'er in the other, suddenly stamped his foot, and the foot of Fulong mountain gave out a sad cry.

Xue an, like a ray of light, flew into the sky and disappeared!

Shi Xueqing and Yu Mingmu stare at.

They don't understand what happened to xue'an!

At this time, the foot of the Fulong mountain issued a sound of click, the huge crack spread, and then crashed.

"Let's go!" Yu Ming drags Shi Xueqing, and they leave Fulong mountain in a hurry.


A white figure also appeared in the mountains ns area.

This is the place where the big and small swords from the state of H were born.

He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and congratulated himself on running fast enough.

Fortunately, he saw something wrong and ran away early.

Or I'll die there too!

That man is so horrible!

Jin Cheng took a breath and stabilized his mind. Then he looked up to the rain temple in the distance, and a smile of pride appeared in his mouth.

"It's really an unexpected harvest. There is such a small God. Ha ha, if you kill it, it will do you too much good for your future practice."

Thinking in my heart, Jin chengsuo slowly disappeared in place.

Moon Pavilion.

Music matchless always feel uneasy today, as if something is going to happen.

She put a stick of incense on her ancestral tablet. Just as she was about to kowtow, the incense actually broke.

She couldn't help being surprised.

What's going on?

Then she found that the ancestral tablet gradually shed blood, as if someone was crying.

These signs make Le matchless feel very heavy, and so on out of the hall.


Many disciples saluted her as soon as they saw her.

Happy matchless nodded, "how many days have your elder martial sister gone?"

"Back to master, the elder martial sister has been away for three days, and today should be the day of the Xianmen meeting!"

"Music matchless expression is dignified, wave a hand way:" know, you go busy

Many disciples scattered, Yue matchless turned to go back to the hall, and then noticed the figure of the hand-held broom was sweeping the floor.

He shook his head.

This woman was picked up when she was out three years ago.

Because of her unique talent, so that the music at that time is incomparable to its very important.

But later she found that the woman seemed to be sealed by something, and no skill could be cultivated.

Not only that, this woman is like a mute, never speak.

Later, the music matchless gradually bored, simply no longer ask.

She also occasionally heard that a disciple bullied the woman, but she didn't take it seriously.

The music matchless turned back just to enter the hall.

There was a faint sound of wind and thunder in the sky.

Music matchless a Leng, can't help but look up.

There was a flash of light coming.After arriving at the top of the moon Pavilion, the light stopped suddenly.

Music matchless, this just saw, this light is actually a person!

She could not help but be surprised.

Who is this person? Why come to Wangyue pavilion?

It's Xue an, of course.

In accordance with the direction Shu Ying'er remembers, he directly flew over thousands of miles to the moon Pavilion.

Standing in mid air, his face was cold and there seemed to be two flames burning in his eyes.

Xue an is about to leave.


A blue curtain of light flashed past, blocking Xue an.

Mountain protection array.

Music matchless at this time secretly relieved, there is a mountain guard array in, non moon Pavilion people can not enter.

But her happiness lasted only a second.

"Break it for me!"

After that, Xue an stepped down.

Under Xue an's foot, the mountain protection array was as fragile as an egg shell, and it was directly broken.

Xue an flies to the ground directly and throws Shu Ying'er down.

Yue Wushuang found that his eldest disciple was caught back by this man.

"Who are you? Why break into my mountain gate Yue has no double-sided color, because she can see Xue an's immeasurable momentum like the sea.

Xue an didn't pay attention to her, because his eyes fell on the woman who was lowering her head and sweeping the floor not far away.

Xue an's eyes gradually softened and her expression on her face seemed sad or happy.

And in the sky, there are red snowflakes.

This is the feeling of Xue an's state of mind.

Xue an slowly walked forward, looked at her, slightly choked and cried: "Yan'er, I I'm back

The voice is not big, but the woman is all over a shock, and then slowly raised her head, beautiful cheek, full of confusion.

Xue an looks at her, tears can not stop falling down, and then reach out, gently stroking her face.

"Anyan, it's me! I'm back

An Yan that empty eyes suddenly showed a light, look also gradually excited.

"Snow The snow is dark. "

The voice is dumb and obscure. It seems that I haven't spoken for a long time.

But it was such a weak cry that made Xue an cry like rain. At the same time, everything within ten Zhang of the square was frozen.

Then it gradually disintegrates, breaks, and finally turns into powder and disappears.

Xue an took an Yan in his arms and said with a choking voice, "I'm here. Don't be afraid! I'm coming. No one dares to bully you! "

But Xue Xiang and Xue Nian have already cried into tears, and their mother and son are connected. Although they have not seen an Yan since they were born, they still feel that this woman is their mother.

An Yan's stiff body in Xue an's arms gradually softened down, tears wet Xue an's chest, and then fell asleep.

Xue an knows that she has been too tired for the past four years!


Wake up and I'll take you home!

Xue an kisses on an Yan's forehead.

Then he turned his head and looked at the gaping music.

"You Damn it

With that, Xue an's eyes were red with blood.

"Gods and Demons listen to me, I use my blood to refine Red Lotus!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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