"Yes! That Wally has linked himself to this alchemy creation, and now that he is dead, the alchemy will naturally suffer great damage

"What are you going to do?" Ye hanshang then asked.

Xue an laughed. "What am I going to do? Don't you already have an answer to this question? "

Ye hanshang froze for a moment, and finally sighed, "Lao Xue, I'm so fucked up! No wonder you asked me about the relationship between alchemy civilization and me. You had already guessed that this would happen, right? "

Xue an's eyes narrowed with a smile! I'm just getting ready in advance

Ye hanshang wryly smiles and shakes his head. Then he takes a deep look at the behemoth in front of him and says in a deep voice.

"Lao Xue, I'm naturally responsible for this matter, but I haven't contacted the alchemy civilization for a long time. Now, I don't know the specific situation there! And... "

"Such a large and precise alchemist can not repair such a large and precise alchemist at all. It is likely that a real great creator can be found to repair it! But it's not easy? "

When he said this, ye hanshang's face was a little gloomy.

Xue an light way: "do not try how to know can you become?"

Ye hanshang took a deep look at Xue an and finally nodded, "yes! How do you know if you don't try! "

"Let's go! There's nothing to see here! After coming out for a few days, my family should be in a hurry. Go back first! " Xue an said lightly, and then turned around and left the nine secluded place.

Ye hanshang turned his head and looked at the huge alchemy creation and whispered: "strange, how do you feel that Lao Xue knows more about alchemy civilization than I do?"

After that, ye hanshang shook his head and sighed: "I guess I've been calculated again! But I'm used to it! Alas

Then he left.

And when Wei Li was destroyed by xue'an, he was outside the ghost world, in the demon cave next to the ghost world.

The originally peaceful world suddenly vibrated violently.

In the old town of demons.

At present, the seven cave Tianye, such as Mingxin palace and Jinding Pavilion, have all been united together, and the new general altar is set up in this magic town.

At the moment, the sword holding elder of Mingxin palace is understanding the sword formula left by Xue an when he is leaving.

When the earth and the earth vibrated, his face changed greatly. He got up suddenly, smashed the wall directly and flew outside.

At the same time.

In FengMo Town, Guanghua is everywhere. All the strong men in the seven caves are all out of action. They stand on the sky with horror on their faces and look at each other. They don't know what happened.

"It's a vibration from the ghost world!" The elder of shejian suddenly opened his mouth and spoke.

"Ghost world? What's the matter with the Lord? "

At this point, everyone's heart sank.

Xue an has been away for more than a year, but no one knows what happened in the ghost world.

Therefore, there are some worries in everyone's heart.

In particular, Sheng MiaoTong is extremely pale.

But at this time, the aura of each other suddenly began to quiet down in the whole demon cave.

Just like the reconciliation of enemies for many years, the disorder of Qi and earth began to recover.

The vision was slight at first, but soon all the strong people in the scene felt it.

What followed was that everyone's strength was rising with the readjustment of the gas engine.

This did not prevent everyone from looking at each other. It was not until a long time later that the elder with the sword gently breathed a breath and said in a deep voice.

"You and I should have been worried about it. You don't have to ask. This vision must be done by adults!"

This sentence surprised all the people present, and then showed a look of horror.

If what the sword says is true, isn't it that Xue an has solved the ghost world!

But Is this really possible?

Just when people were in doubt, a monk came in a hurry and said in a loud voice: "gentlemen, you have just captured two Terran friars who came back from the ghost world. They seem to know the situation inside!"

"Oh? Bring it up

After a while, I saw a friar leading the pale face of wenlingcui and songjingyue.

When Wen lingcui saw so many monks present, and their strength was all very good, she could not help but show a look of panic in her eyes.

Seeing this, he stepped forward and said in a slow voice: "woman, don't be afraid. We are not bad people. I only ask you, do you know where my Lord is when you come back from the ghost world?"

"Your Lord? What's his name? " Hearing lingcui trembling voice said.

Holding the sword, he said in a slow voice: "my Lord's name is Xue an!"

"Wow! It's the childe One side of the song Jingyue couldn't help shouting.The swordsman and others were all stunned, and then their faces were full of joy.

Sheng MiaoTong can't wait to step forward and shout, "do you know adults?"

Songjingyue nodded, "of course I know! I... "

"Silent moon!" Wen lingcui called out.

Loose static month shriveled mouth, dare not say a word.

Wen lingcui looked up at the crowd, "so you are all under the Guizun Lord. In this case, I don't have to hide it. We naturally know Xue an!"

"Ah! How is the Lord now? " The sword can't wait to ask.

Wen lingcui breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing that he had no life to worry about, he could not help but smile.

"Of course, your adults are OK, but those powerful families in the ghost world will be in trouble."

Next, Wen lingcui told her all she knew.

When he heard that Mingjun was waking up and Xue an was the same level of shenhuogui Zun with Mingjun, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Everyone looked at each other, and then they all laughed bitterly.

"It seems that the Lord has settled the ghost world without our help." Holding a sword and saying a word.

Sheng MiaoTong listened with a dull face.

Ming Jun, GUI Zun.

Each of these nouns is the existence that she can't expect.

Her heart sank to the bottom.

These things happen in the world of ghosts.

In fact, the ghost world at the moment is in a short period of calm after the bloody rain.

Even the nine secluded places of these things, the ghost world has no sense.

It will take a long time for the origin to emerge.

To put it bluntly, the ghost world is equivalent to a giant, and now the lack of origin is like the giant has lost its breath.

But relying on the residual temperature of Qi and blood, the whole ghost world can continue to maintain for a period of time.

But after this period of time, the ghost world will collapse completely and become barren.

Of course, outsiders don't know these things.

In this case, Xue an and ye hanshang returned to Wei's home.

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