Today's Wei family has become a Senluo ghost in the eyes of many ghost world giants. Don't even mention the name, you will shiver all over.

As for ye Hanchang, it has become an existence that countless people dare not mention in their deepest nightmare.

Because since this period of time, ye Hanchang has proved his strength through his ruthless and decisive means.

With the blood of countless powerful families condensed into the throne is not for fun.

In the face of such a existence, even the fierce and stubborn strong ghost people have to bow down obediently.

But if they had a chance to see ye Hanchang's present appearance, they would have startled their chin directly.

Ye Hanchang was lying on the ground with a smile on her face. She was carrying two little girls, thinking and reciting, around the yard.

This scene is different from ye Hanchang's ruthlessness.

Not to mention the smile that is about to overflow on his face, but to say that he kneels down on the ground to be a horse is enough to frighten me. I can't believe my eyes.

But that's just the beginning.

Ye hanshang raised his head and said with a smile to the two little girls: "think about it, you two hold on, and then I will fly!"

"Good!" Think of read with one voice should way, and then full of excitement on the face of Ye Han Chang's clothes.

Ye hanshang drank softly, "up!"

With this sound, he took two little girls off the ground, flew directly into the sky, and then, like a flying horse, turned around the sky at a very fast speed.

The two little girls screamed with excitement.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Niannian exclaimed.

"You're great, big man." Think about it and say it.

Ye Hanchang, who was also having a good time, smelled the words, but his face collapsed. Then he said helplessly, "think about it, I told you, and call me Uncle Ye later! Don't call me big all the time. It's awful! "

"Hee hee, but dad said that if we want to call you Uncle Ye, you have to give a red envelope! Or we won't change our words! " Think about it and say it with a smile.

Ye hanshang said, "it's just

Immediately a sad face said: "good! Give it! I doubt your father is a vampire

"Hello, little leaf, what are you talking about in front of you! I've been listening all the time Xue an tou, who is sitting opposite to an Yan in the courtyard and drinks tea, does not lift his head.

"Little leaf? Lao Xue, do you believe it or not? If you dare to call me again, I will... " Ye hanshang stopped and said excitedly.

"How about you?" Xue an raised her eyes and looked at ye hanshang. A lotus flower imprint loomed between her eyebrows.

"I will be very happy to call you big brother!" Ye Hanchang is very happy (strange).

"That's about it!" Xue an smiles.

Ye hanshang couldn't help but say a word in his heart.

Are you a fairy king or am I a fairy king?

How does it feel like I've been suppressed by death!

Where is the reason for the suppression of the fairyland?

Finally, two little girls play a little tired, ye hanshang carries them back to the hospital.

Two little girls are very excited to run to an Yan side, chattering constantly.

"Mom, we just flew so high, so high!" Niannian said.

"Yes! The big man said he would give us a red envelope Think about it and say it.

Anyan some crying and laughing, had to quickly pour a glass of water, let the two girls have been about to play crazy drink.

And here, Xue an looked at ye hanshang, a faint smile, "little leaf, what red envelopes are you going to give my two daughters?"

Ye Hanchang laughed and sat on the stool. He poured a few mouthfuls of tea, and then wiped his mouth.

"In fact, I have already prepared the red envelopes for my two nieces. I will give them if you don't say so!"

"Ha ha!" Xue an smiles.

"Hello, Lao Xue, what do you mean, hehe?"

"It doesn't mean much! I'm just a simple smile. I don't mean to laugh at you Xue an said lightly.

Ye hanshang simply can't help but clap the table and stand up, frightening an Yan.

Xue an didn't even lift his eyelids, but said faintly, "eh? What are you doing standing up for? Want to fight? "

"Niece, I don't have a red face," she said

With that, he quickly raised his hand and turned his wrist. There were two crystal red beads in his palm.

At the sight of these two beads, Xue an could not help but be stunned.

Just now he was just joking with ye hanshang, but he didn't expect that he actually prepared a gift, and it was so valuable.

Sure enough, regardless of age, as long as women are fond of jewelry.This point, two little girls can not be immune from vulgarity.

Their eyes were full of amazing light.

"Wow! What beautiful beads

Ye hanshang smile, and then very doting will be two beads were given to think and read.

"Come, think it's yours, read it's yours!"

"Thank you, big man!" Think about it and say it very seriously.

"Well? Big man? "

"Ah, thank you, Uncle Ye!" Think and read with one voice said.

Ye Hanshan just nodded with a smile, "really good! Come on, uncle, teach you how to use these two beads

Say, ye Han Chang lightly touched bead of two little girl's hands.

These two beads, like living things, instantly melt into the palm of the hand of thinking.

"Why! Where are the beads? " The two girls were surprised.

Ye hanshang laughed, "don't worry! Touch your brows now

Sure enough!

At the moment when the beads disappeared and thought about the palm of my hand, a drop of red crystal beads like blood appeared in the eyebrows of the two little girls!

This makes the two girls, who are very delicate and lovely, have a few more ethereal spirits in an instant.

Think of Miss, very curious to touch the crystal beads between their eyebrows.

"Wow! How amazing

"Yes! How could it come to my brow? "

"Because they like you most! What's more, Uncle Ye tells you, if you don't think it's good to see it, close your eyes and think about it, and then it will disappear! "

The two girls tried according to Ye Hanchang's method.

Sure enough!

The two crystal beads disappeared in an instant.

The two girls had a good time.

An Yan can't help but smile and say: "thank you, Uncle Ye!"

"Thank you, Uncle Ye!" Think about it and say it very seriously.

"You're welcome! Are we friends? " Ye hanshang dotes on saying.

From beginning to end, Anyan and two little girls didn't take this crystal bead seriously.

Until their mother and daughter returned to Fubao building.

Xue an then nodded at ye hanshang and solemnly said, "thank you very much." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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