A lot of people think they heard it wrong.

Xue an, this is Are you crazy?

Hong Ming's face was green, and said with pity: "Xue an, don't kneel down and beg for mercy."

Xue an faint smile, "this suggestion, seems to be more suitable for you!"

At this time, fan Mengxue interrupted two people's words, "Hong Ming, today is my birthday, you'd better not look for trouble!"

Hong Ming snorted and retreated calmly.

Song Jing is happy in her heart.

Come on.

The louder the noise, the better!

Hehe, it's better to let Hong Shao completely annoy fan Mengxue, so that he has the possibility of being superior.

Song Jing's mind is full of wishful thinking.

Fan Mengxue has a worried look at Xue an.

Xue an smiles and shakes her head, indicating that she doesn't have to worry.

Tang Xuaner stood up and said, "today is Mengxue's birthday. It's not easy for her to come back once. Let's toast her together!"

All of them stood up one after another. Xue an also took up his glass and threw a long shot at fan Mengxue.

Fan Mengxue only then amused a smile, and then drank.


The champagne was opened.

The atmosphere reached a climax when the waiter pushed the cake with twelve layers.

Only this time, everyone focused on Hong Ming.

Words of flattery will be flooded like a tide.

Many people pay homage to Hong Ming and want to get a position under him.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Hong Ming can't help but feel a little fluttering, so he waves his hand.

"Don't worry, I will help you if you need help."

"Hong Shao is powerful!"

"Hong Shao is really extraordinary

People toasted frequently.

And Xue an seems to have been forgotten, no one even looked at him.

At this time, Hong Ming's hand pressed down, indicating everyone to be quiet, and then took out a small box from his arms.

After opening, there is a diamond ring with at least five carats inside.

"Happy birthday, Mengxue!"

This birthday gift from Hong Ming calmed the audience down.

Song's eyes are full of jealousy.

Fan Mengxue lowered his eyes and shook his head gently, "Hong Ming, I can't ask for this gift!"


"Too expensive!"

Hong Ming said with a smile, "it's only over one million yuan. It's not a matter at all."

But at this time, a sound of milk and milk came out.

"Baba, this ring is not as big as the one you bought for me on the roadside!"

Everyone's eyes are on the speaker.

Xue wanted to put down the chicken leg in his hand and said seriously: "really, the ring I bought by the roadside is so big and big!"

Many people can't help being amused by Xue Xiang's naive manner.

Song Jing said with a smile: "little girl, the ring you bought with Baba is five yuan at most. Hong Shao spent more than one million yuan on it."

"More than a million?" Xue wanted to blink his eyes and asked.

"Of course

Xue wanted to shake his head, "but I think that Baba must be the best in the world."

Xue Nian swallows the meat in the mouth and nods quickly, "what the elder sister said is right!"

Xue an was dumb, touched Xue want and Xue Nian's small head, "yes, Baba for you, must be the best!"

"Baba, I want to give aunt Mengxue a gift!" Xue wanted to say.

"Go! If you give it to you, it's yours. You can give it to anyone you want! "

Xue wants to nod, jump off the chair, and then go to fan Mengxue, solemnly take out the small ring Xue an bought for her.

"Auntie Mengxue, happy birthday!"

Fan Mengxue looked at the little girl carved with Pink Jade. She couldn't help laughing. She took the ring and said, "thank you! What's your name

"My name is Xue Xiang, and my sister's name is Xue Nian!"

"Xue thought, Xue Nian..." Fan Mengxue whispered a few words, a trace of bitterness passed in his heart.

That girl must like him very much, too!

At this time, song Jing sneered and said, "some people can really save money. They can buy a ring for five yuan on the road and give it to others as a gift?"

Fan Mengxue frowned. Song Jing is really annoying.

But suddenly.

Fan Mengxue sighed softly and looked at the ring carefully.

Then fan Mengxue was shocked.

Since he became famous, fan Mengxue often spoke for the major jewelry and luxury goods, so his vision is there.

Fan Mengxue can be sure that this ring is by no means an ordinary stall.

On the contrary, the quality and quality of this ring are unique treasures.It can't have been bought at a stall!

At this time, Hong Ming couldn't hang on his face. He was frustrated from the beginning, and he was on the verge of outbreak.

Now fan Mengxue doesn't even accept gifts from him, which makes Hong Ming lose the last trace of patience.

He snatched the ring in fan Mengxue's hand and threw it on the ground.

Fan Mengxue was furious, "Hong Ming, why do you throw the gift that Xue an sent me to the ground?"

Hong Ming sneered: "Mengxue, this broken thing is worthless. What do you want it for? Xue an, don't buy a gift if you can't afford it. Who are you fooling with plastic? "

Xue an sighed, slowly stood up, picked up the broken ring from the ground, and then pointed out a finger at Hong Ming.

"Ten million!"

"What?" Hong Ming didn't understand.

"I mean, if you break the ring I sent out, you have to lose money. For the sake of my old classmates, I want you 10 million!" Xue an said lightly.

Hong Ming looked at Xue an with the same look of a fool, "are you poor and crazy? This is a thousand dollars, enough to buy a hundred rings like you! "

Song Jing also sneered: "this is to blackmail people!"

"So you're not going to lose money?"

"Shall I pay you?" Hong Ming couldn't help being rude.

But the next second, he paid for this sentence.

Xue an grabs an ashtray on the table and grabs Hong Ming's hair. He bangs it four or five times.

The scene stunned everyone.

The blood flowed down from Hong Ming's head in an instant.

Song Jing screamed, but the scream stopped suddenly, because Xue an grabbed her neck and said faintly, "if you don't want to die, just be quiet, understand?"

Song Jing nods in horror because she sees Xue an's eyes.

It was a kind of indifferent and aloof look.

Song Jing has a premonition that if she doesn't listen, then Xue an will not hesitate to cut her neck.

At this time, Hong Ming, who was smashed and muddled, recovers. His face is ferocious because of his anger.

"Xue an, you are dead, I must kill you!"

Xue an nodded, "it seems not convinced!"

Then Xue an looks calm, raised the ashtray, bang bang, is a hit.


Until the ashtray finally couldn't bear it and broke apart.

Xue an released his hand. Hong Ming couldn't stand at the moment. He knelt down on the ground and his blood flowed down his forehead.

Xue an light said: "I think, now we can talk about compensation peacefully."

The room was full of shocked eyes.

All of us didn't expect that Xue an, who was gentle and gentle at school, would suddenly be so violent.

Only Xue an knew that he could turn Hong Ming song Jing and others into ashes without any effort, but it had no effect on the heart demons.

The only effective way is to let those who have bullied themselves pay a thousand times the price.

At the moment, Hong Ming's look at xue'an finally adds a trace of fear.

He never dreamed that Xue an would suddenly hit himself.

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