In his impression, Xue an is a very kind, even almost cowardly person.

At school, he challenged him more than once, and Xue an did not fight back.

I didn't expect it, but it suddenly broke out.

Xue an turned to fan Mengxue and Tang xuan'er and said, "you are waiting for me outside with your thoughts and thoughts!"

Fan Mengxue always obeys xue'an's words, but Tang xuan'er hesitates a little and gets up to leave.

In fact, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian didn't know what happened.

From the beginning, Xue an blocked the two girls with magic. After all, the scene just happened Some are too bloody.

After the two daughters leave, Xue an turns to Hong Ming.

Hong Ming trembled because Xue an's eyes were so terrible.

It was the look of an emperor looking down on his people.

Hong Ming suddenly had an impulse to crawl on the ground. He said in a trembling voice: "good! Ten million, right! I'll give it to you

The hero does not suffer from the immediate loss. Hong Ming decides to admit his advice first and retaliate later.

Xue an shook his head, and then calmly said: "it was 10 million, but now it has become 20 million!"

"After all You made me spend so much effort, and even broke an ashtray. Shouldn't you give me some compensation? "

Hong Ming's eyes are wide.

It's the first time I heard that people should pay compensation for being beaten.

As for others, they have been completely confused.

After a while, a few boys bravely said: "Xue an, almost forget it. They are all classmates. Why..."

"Yes, yes! Hong shaodu has been beaten like this by you. You have to forgive others and forgive others. Forget it! "

Xue an's eyes swept over the faces of these people.

This time, no one dared to look directly into his eyes and lowered their heads.

"Good! Now that everyone's pleading with you... "

People's heart just a little put down a little, think that Xue an intends to release people.

Xue an light way: "then add another 10 million!"

Everyone was shocked.

And Hong Ming's face was as ugly as it was.

30 million.

That's not a small number.

Although my family is rich, but the money is not windy, especially now I haven't taken over the family business, usually depends on the pocket money given by the family.

Although there are many, it is still far from 30 million.

But at this time, outside came a burst of noise, faintly can be heard, there are women's screams and angry voice.

Xue an's face sank in an instant, then kicked the door of the box open, and then stepped out.

Everyone in the room followed.

At the moment, in the corridor, a man with colorful hair, like a chicken coop, led several younger brothers and surrounded fan Mengxue and Tang xuan'er.

The man was laughing at the moment, "girl, I noticed you at the door just now. You look so beautiful. How could you follow such a useless man? If you don't follow my brother, I will do a good job to ensure your satisfaction. "

Tang xuan'er was so angry that she couldn't speak for a moment.

Fan Mengxue couldn't help yelling: "bah, shameless and obscene, let us go! Otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk! "

"Well, this one looks better! At your own risk? Nobody dares to talk to me like that in Beijiang The man said with a smile.

Seeing the scene, Xue an's eyes flashed a touch of murderous spirit.

As soon as Hong Ming saw this man, he seemed to have seen a great Savior, and immediately rushed over and cried out with a cry.

Kunge, help

This man, who was called Kunge, noticed Hong Ming, "eh, isn't this Hong Shao? What's the blood on your face

At this time, song Jing seemed to see the master's dog, and immediately added fuel to the story.

This Kunge turned his face to Xue an. First he was stunned, then he laughed with disdain.

"Where did I come from? It turns out that I'm just a loser!"

This Kunge is the one who laughs at xue'an buns at the gate of the Dragon Palace.

At the moment, Xue an's students also recognized who Kunge was and could not help whispering.

"Kill Kun! It's murder

"It's said that this man is extremely cruel and cruel, and he is also the leader of Du fandu in the dragon palace!"

"It seems that Hong Shao has a good relationship with Lu Kun! It's a lot of fun

Lu Kun patted Hong Ming on the shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll take care of this, but these two women Are you a classmate? "

Hong Ming trembled and nodded.

Since Lu Kun's younger sister is more happy, I'll treat two waiters more happilyAlthough it was a tone of inquiry, Hong Ming knew that Lu Kun was under the boss of Nancheng. He was always arrogant and domineering. What he said must be done.

Hong Ming hesitated for a moment, then bit his teeth. Anyway, it was impossible for him to fight with fan Mengxue. However, Lu Kun could not afford to offend him, so he nodded.

Lu Kun turned his head and said with a wicked smile: "boy, now I give you two ways. One is to kneel down and apologize to Hong Shao. If Hong Shao is satisfied, I will let you go. Another one I'll throw you in the river tonight and feed the sharks. "

But a voice of milk came, "Uncle chicken nest, there are no sharks in the river, sharks are from the sea!"

The speaker was Xue Xiang,

Lu Kun's expression suddenly became very wonderful.

Xue an smiles, "do you like your hair very much?"

Lu Kun was confused by this sentence.


"I mean, do you like your hair very much? Otherwise, why do you have to dye it in all colors? "

Lu Kun flung the bangs with pride and said: "of course! Laozi's hair is very precious! I... "

Xue an nodded, "that's good!"

With that, Xue an's left foot suddenly kicked the ground, and the whole person shot out like a shell.

Some of his younger brothers were in front of Lu Kun. Xue an rushed to the front of him and divided his fists. In an instant, he wiped out these little brothers, and then seized Lu Kun, who was still in a state of muddle.

"You What do you want? I But Van Gogh's people You... "

Xue an's hand slowly lifted up, Lu Kun's feet off the ground, pinched straight rolled his eyes.

Until Lu Kun's face was almost green, Xue an suddenly let go. Lu Kun fell to the ground with a flop, and did not wait for him to react.

Xue an whispered, "cover their eyes."

Fan Mengxue and Tang xuan'er understood, and immediately covered Xue Xiang and Xue Nian's eyes with their hands and blocked their ears.

Then Xue an plucked Lu Kun's hair with a little effort.


A large lock of hair was born and torn off.

Lu Kun screamed miserably. Xue an was afraid of disturbing his daughter. He put his right hand out and took off Lu Kun's chin.

Then Xue an plucked up Lu Kun's hair like pulling leeks. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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