Liang Ming looked at the scene and murmured to himself, "how could this happen? How could he have so many symbols that never appeared before?"

As for Wen Jinkui, he was shocked and almost numb.

To know a brand-new, never appeared in front of the world, as long as there is one is enough precious.

But I didn't expect that the white boy in front of him was like a clearance sale, and he even threw out so many kinds of talismans.

This kind of scene, let alone Wen Jinkui, has never been seen by even the big auctioneers who have been stationed in big cities and have seen countless rare treasures.

"Well? Is that enough? " Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows and said to Wen Jinkui.

"Enough! Sure enough! In terms of price, only three are enough! " Wen Jinkui replied honestly.

Xue an smiles at the speech, then turns to look at Liang Ming, "what's up? Do you want to continue bidding with me? "

Liang Ming's face gradually darkened. He stared at Xue an and said in a cold voice, "I didn't expect that I should have looked away! But don't be complacent, let's see

After that, Liang Ming turned around and left in anger.

Xue an just gave a faint smile, then turned to Wen Jinkui and said, "well, the only one who bid with me has quit now. It's time to deal with the matter between us."

"Of course, my Lord, please follow me!" Wen Jinkui bowed and said.

Xue an nodded, then walked to the backstage of the auction.

Wen Jinkui winked at his subordinates, and the several strong men came forward again, repackaged the alchemy armor, and then carried it away with difficulty.

After Xue an and Wen Jinkui left, there was a thunderclap.

Countless people whispered and couldn't wait to discuss the whole thing.

"I didn't expect that the auction would be so wonderful today! The alchemy armor, the unique talisman pattern, any of these can be rare treasures Someone's face full of aftertaste of TUT exclaimed.

"Who said no, it's no pity to see such a scene here!" There's a voice nearby.

"Well, do you recognize the young man in white who made the offer?" Someone asked.

"No, but he seems to have come in with Liu Jingyi, the daughter of the Liu family!"

"Tut Tut, is it that the Liu family is in charge of this matter?"

"Absolutely not. How could the Liu family have such financial resources?"

"And who is this young man?"

In the heated discussion, someone suddenly sneered, "no matter who he is, it is estimated that there will be no good end. After all, he offended Liang Ming today, but the famous Liang Ming ah!"

Hearing this, many people were silent.


Even among alchemists, Liang Ming is an outstanding one, especially the other masters!

Today, he was sure of this alchemy armor, but he was taken in love by the young man in white who didn't know where. You can imagine how angry he should be.

This matter, certainly is impossible good!

This idea also lingers in Zhuang Linyan's mind.

In fact, from the moment Xue an began to bid, Zhuang Linyan's heart was ready.

She was a very pragmatic person, so although she was shocked, she soon calmed down and said something in the ear of one of her subordinates.

The hand nodded and turned away.

While Zhuang Linyan sits on her seat, watching Xue an follow Wen Jinkui to the backstage, her face gradually shows the color of perseverance.

Anyway, since it happened, we should face it bravely! This is also my own reward for adults!

When Zhuang Linyan made up his mind, there was still a man in the crowd who was full of confusion.

Liu Jingyi doesn't know how to describe her mood at the moment.

Originally out of the girl's Jiao man psychology of a willful, did not expect to encounter this kind of thing.

Thinking about her unrealistic ideas, Liu Jingyi was almost full of shame.

But it also made her more curious about xue'an.

This guy is by no means an ordinary violent villain. Who is he?

At this moment.

A housekeeper came in a hurry, and then whispered in Liu Jingyi's ear: "Miss, the housekeeper asked you to come over. He wants to ask you something!"

Naturally, Liu Jingyi knew that her father had asked her to go there. She must have asked about the origin of Xue an.

So she took a deep breath and said slowly, "good!"

Just as the whole auction house was in a hurry.

In a delicate but not too luxurious room in the backstage, Xue an sits on the front seat, quietly watching Wen Jinkui communicate with the seller through the alchemy contact device, and then chooses among the thousands of Fu Zhuan.Finally, Wen Jinkui, who was about to pick out two of the numerous talismans, combined with the gear given by Xue an before, just made up three runes needed for the exchange.

Xue an smiles and raises his hand. The three talismans fly to Wen Jinkui, while the others disappear after a flash.

Wen Jinkui's eyes showed a gloomy color.

No matter who he is, as long as he has some research on alchemy, he will feel very sad when he sees so many unprecedented talismans disappear in front of him.

But fortunately, the harvest is also quite rich.

The price of the three never appeared runes has far exceeded the seller's expectation. Even after deducting the Commission of the auction alliance, Wen Jinkui himself will get a good reward.

What's more, he will make a big mark in his career because of the deal, and he may even be promoted to a big auctioneer.

This makes Wen Jinkui respect Xue an more and more.

After all, if you can take out so many Fu Zhuan, this teenager may have an unfathomable background.

However, Wen Jinkui still wanted to say something.

"Is there anything else Mr. Wen wants to say?" Xue an said lightly.

Wen Jinkui bowed his hand and said, "Mr. Xue, you can call me Jin Kui directly! There are two things I really want to tell you! "

"First of all, naturally, it's this transaction. The seller is very satisfied with the Fu Zhuan you provide. They also know that you have a lot of Fu Zhuan, so they want to cooperate with you for a long time."

"Cooperation?" Xue an said lightly.

"Yes! Cooperation! Adults may not know who the seller is this time! "

"Oh, who is it?"

"Originally in the auction alliance, the identity of the seller is absolutely confidential, but this time the seller personally authorized, so it is not illegal! The seller this time is from the guild of trace diggers

"The guild of trail diggers?" Xue an was stunned.

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