Xue an's look became slightly odd.

Having been in this world for some time, Xue an naturally knows what the trail digger association is.

There are countless relics buried in the underground of this world. These relics are originated from the heyday of ancient civilization, among which there are countless rare treasures.

But because of its long history, most of them are buried in extremely dangerous underground.

But risks often go hand in hand with benefits.

In order to get the treasures of ancient ruins, there are countless fugitives who go deep into the underground ruins.

Most of these people are dead, but there are also a few lucky people who really find the treasure and gradually become stronger.

Over time, these people gradually formed a guild, that is, the association of trace diggers.

And made a reappearance of that year's brilliant alchemy banner.

But in xue'an's opinion, this association of trace diggers is similar to grave robbers on earth.

But that doesn't stop the trail diggers from being strong.

It's no surprise that the alchemy armor came from their hands.

Xue an is thinking about this matter in his heart. Wen Jinkui sees that Xue an doesn't speak any more. He thinks he has any worries and says quickly.

"My Lord, don't worry, the digger's Association has a very good cooperative relationship with our auction alliance. They are also the most faithful to their promises, but they are not understood by the common people! You don't have to worry at all! "

Xue an Wen Yan smile slightly, "worry? Why should I worry? "

"Er You... " What did venkin Kui just want to say.

Xue an said lightly: "you can tell the people of the association of trace diggers that I want as much as this alchemy armor auctioned today! If it's good, I can offer a higher price! "

Then, Xue an's hands appeared a golden seal, quietly spinning.

Wen Jinkui's eyes almost didn't stare out, because this seal script was obviously stronger than the previous one.

How many cards are hidden in the hands of this teenager? Wen Jinkui's heart cried silently.

But he didn't know that these Fu Zhuan characters were useless for Xue an, but they were just chicken ribs to lose.

Because these seals were plundered by Xue an from the gang called Wanfu Pavilion when Xue an was in the city of punishment.

At that time, Xue an wiped out all the talismans that had been accumulated for thousands of years in Wanfu Pavilion, and didn't even give them any left.

However, although these talismans are exquisite and extraordinary, they are at most a collection for Xue an.

After all, even if Xue an's hand-painted seal characters are much more powerful than these,

but I didn't expect that this time, these Fu Zhuan characters would come into use.

In fact, these patterns of Fu Zhuan are not so powerful, but the most important thing is to provide a new way of thinking and direction for the decaying alchemy.

This is also the value of these talismans.

Wen Jinkui went to another room and spent a quarter of an hour communicating with the trace digger's Association. Then he came back to see Xue an.

"My Lord, the trail digger's Guild said that there was no problem. They would try their best to find the lost ancient armor!"

"Good! Then I'll wait for their good news! " Xue an said with a smile.

Wen Jinkui took out another token and handed it to Xue an respectfully.

"Sir, this is the senior VIP card of our auction. With it, you can not only get the highest level of courtesy in the auction hall of any city, but also have the function of informing information. If something you need appears in the auction alliance, it will inform you at the first time!"

Xue an took the token and saw a small box on it, in which there were words composed of faint light.

"Nanhai City auction will be held tomorrow, when there will be ancient diving alchemy vessels, please look forward to it!"

"There are fragments of ancient alchemy notes in the auction of Yushan city. Those who want to bid can come to bid!"

And so on, and so on, it's going through the box.

Xue an was stunned and then said with a smile: "it's interesting, but isn't this the alchemy version of the mobile phone?"

"Cell phone?" Wen Jinkui was slightly stunned.

Xue an laughed, "nothing. It's just a specialty of my hometown. With that thing, you can talk to people thousands of miles away. Video! And can receive all kinds of information, and even can be used to play games

Wen Jinkui's eyes gradually widened, and then repeatedly exclaimed, "can you still spread images? Is that amazing? Isn't that expensive? "

"Expensive? Not really! Those are very cheap, any ordinary person can afford to buy them! "

Hearing Xue an's words, Wen Jinkui was more and more shocked. "Can the artifact that can transmit images and sounds be possessed by an ordinary person?"

"Yes, some people have many more! What's more, it will be replaced in one year"My God Wen Jinkui was shocked. "I thought this communication token developed by our auction alliance with countless efforts could be regarded as a magic weapon. Compared with the mobile phone described by adults, it is still as poor as mud and mud."

Xue an just laughed and didn't speak.

But what Xue an didn't know was that his background was once again elevated in Wen Jinkui's mind.

It has even been equated with those who come from very secret places.

As a result, Wen Jinkui's attitude became more and more respectful.

"My Lord, this alchemy armor is very heavy. I'll send some people to send it back to you." Wen Jinkui said.

"Heavy? Oh, no need! " With that, Xue an stepped forward to the box, opened the lid, bent down, took out the pale gold token, and even threw it in the air.

"Is that heavy?"

This scene let Wen Jinkui's mouth open, and then shut his mouth wisely.

"All right, it's done. I'm going." Then Xue an turned and left.

Wen Jinkui was a little anxious to step forward, "please wait, my Lord!"

"Is there anything else?" Xue an stopped and asked.

Wen Jinkui came forward and lowered his voice. He said mysteriously, "my Lord, although I should not say something, I still want to remind you that you must be careful of that Liang Ming!"

"Well?" Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "why be careful of him?"

"My Lord, I know that you are powerful, but that Liang Ming is not an ordinary person. Although he is just an alchemist, his master is not an ordinary person. He is a real alchemist!"

"Liang Ming's talent is very good. He is highly respected by the master of alchemy. He has even regarded him as the successor of his family! This time he came to Qingshi city from afar, and what he wanted was this alchemy armor

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